Chapter 10: At The Feet Of God.


Rio stumbled into the warehouse unsteadily. His quirk had already started converting food into energy. With every step he took, his figure noticeably filled out, his countenance no longer as pale.

He made his way toward a large shelf in the far corner of the storage room. There, he spotted a tile that looked considerably worn at the corners. He stepped on it and noticed the subtly hollow sound it made. This tile didn't have the same texture as the rest. Presumably, this had to be where the entrance to the underground room was.

Attempting to lift it, the tile gave way easily. Wasting no time, he climbed down a ladder that led into a dimly lit cavern. As he dropped down, he was greeted by a wide passage illuminated by ancient-looking candles. Abstract paintings and symbols lined the walls of the enclave, depicting a man receiving a tablet from a bright light shining down from the skies.

Murals like this adorned all the walls of the passage, leading down to who knew where. They all had one thing in common: the same image of a man receiving a message, though the symbols varied, each representing a higher power.

Rio's fingers traced the murals, noting how well-maintained they were compared to the rest of the place. Suddenly, he paused. Footsteps echoed from the other end of the hallway. Looking around, he couldn't spot any place to take cover.

Thinking quickly, he glanced up and spotted the stalactites hanging from the cave's ceiling. He figured he could fit into a small gap he had spotted without alerting whoever was coming.

Turning to the walls, he made a great leap, bounding toward them and using the momentum to ascend even higher. He latched onto the spot just as voices reached his ears.

"Hey, did you hear that?"

Holding his breath, Rio stayed perfectly still, waiting until the source of the footsteps came into view.

Two women dressed in white robes meandered down the hallway, unaware that someone was right above their heads.

"Ugh, I can't believe the High Priest did something so careless. Now the heroes will be heavy on our trail," one of the women muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Do not doubt the vision of the High Priest. He has been ordained by God to do His bidding. We should trust in that vision," the other said softly, moving forward as she gazed fanatically at the murals on the wall.

Rio took a deep breath, trying to ignore the pain in his arms from balancing too long.

"Did you hear something just now?" The first woman turned abruptly, scanning in every direction.

"Do not be so paranoid. The Lord watches over His lambs—we are safe." With that declaration, the two walked down the hallway.

Rio let out a quiet sigh of relief, glad he had gone unnoticed. Unbeknownst to him, the second woman smirked as she continued forward.

He dropped down from the ceiling hurriedly, eager to reach the ceremony in time.

Moving swiftly through the complex, he slipped past the guards with ease.

He continued unobstructed until he stood before a large bronze gate. There was no way he could bust in without getting noticed.

Before he had time to stew in his dilemma, someone approached the door in a hurry.

The person pressed his palm against the grooves of the wall, and a gap opened in the gate, allowing him to pass through. Rio followed immediately, slipping in just before the gate shut behind him.

Inside was a large oval room, a huge chandelier hanging overhead. Stained glass windows adorned the walls, forming images of saints with gleaming halos on their heads.

This was clearly a twisted caricature of a church. Nearly a hundred individuals knelt in reverence, their eyes fixed fanatically on a figure in a white priestly robe, a red sash draped over his shoulders.

Rio could never forget that disgusting face—the same sickening image that had been plastered on the man's face just that afternoon.

The man hung his head low, murmuring what seemed to be a prayer. Then, lifting his head, his piercing eyes scanned the room with impunity.

"Behold, brothers and sisters, we have gathered today to fulfill the Lord's mandate to this world."

At his declaration, all the white-clad individuals rose simultaneously, hollering and cheering.

"We have made our mission known to the world! Soon, new brothers and sisters will arise from the masses. THEY WILL CONTINUE FORTH IN THE EXAMPLE WE HAVE SHOWN THEM. REJOICE, FOR OUR EVANGELISM HAS JUST BEGUN! WE WILL SPREAD THIS MESSAGE TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!"

A deafening roar surged forth from the crowd, their screams echoing across the room.

"Ah, but credit must be given where it is due. Let us welcome our Archbishop to preside over the ceremony."

At that declaration, a plain-looking woman stepped forth from the crowd.

Shockingly, it was the same woman Rio had seen earlier on the first floor of the complex. She wore an expression of extreme piety as she ascended the podium, the ground shifting to form steps beneath her feet.

"Wheel the sacrifices in, please, High Priest Shinai."

The woman smiled as she spoke, and the High Priest immediately bowed in compliance. He walked toward a small room at the side, where he and another white-robed individual wheeled in two girls.

Rio's breath caught in his throat.


Bruised, unconscious, her eye swollen purple-black—a deeper shade than her normal skin. Beside her, the other girl, the cow-girl, looked around in horror, tears brimming in her eyes.

The Archbishop clapped her hands softly, smiling at the captives. At her signal, the room immediately fell silent.

"For generations, my ancestors have made it their mission to eradicate the filth that plagues our society. In the beginning, while the government didn't explicitly support our cause, we were not obstructed. In the past few decades, that is no longer the case.

She took in s deep breath as she continued.

Statistics show that these abominations are more likely to engage in violent crime. Most vicious villain incidents that lead to mass casualties are caused by this group of people."

At her words, many in the crowd shed tears, likely reminiscing about past harm, while others looked on solemnly, their faces hardened with anger.


She screamed in disgust.

"They will know pain. They will know fear. They will remember what it means to be dominated by humans."

Her voice lowered, her expression one of mad enthusiasm.

"Ah, but before we begin, I'd like to welcome a special guest. Please, child, come forth. Don't be shy. We've known you were here ever since be a darling and don't embarrass us or yourself."

Rio stiffened.

The crowd parted instantly, leaving open the space where he had been crouching behind a pillar.

"Come, child. Have no fear. We mean you no harm. After all, you are just a misguided lamb."

The woman smiled, beckoning him forward.

Panic surged through him. He had no way of taking them all down. He was outmanned, outgunned—there was nothing he could do.

The others cast pitying glances at him. The Archbishop was well known for guiding the lost.

"Rejoice, boy. You will bear witness to our glorious revolution. Surely, you will sing tales of this spectacle in the years to come."

"You're all monsters," Rio uttered, shaking with anger at their complete lack of remorse.

"You still do not understand, child. In time, you will. Those who have been trapped in smog all their lives could never comprehend a world of clean air."

"When did you find me?" Rio asked, trying to stall for time. He didn't know what he could do with it, but every second mattered now. He regretted storming in alone.

"Did you think the commotion you caused would go unnoticed? Did you think us that incompetent, brat? I tire of your nonsense. Seize him at once."

Enemies lunged at him.

Rio struggled to fight them off. Guilt surged through his heart, he had barged in recklessly and now he was going to get himself and those two killed.

In that moment he prayed someone would come to the rescue. Rio prayed for a hero to save him.

And then—

A loud thud resounded at the bronze gate.


Hope surged in Rio's chest.

With a deafening boom, the gate collapsed, dust billowing in its wake.

A towering man stepped forward, clad in a tight-fitting red suit.

High-Speed Hero: O'Clock.

"Hope I wasn't late to the party, scum."

In that moment, Rio believed he had seen the true image of God.

God wore a red bodysuit.

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