Chapter 1: Vine's Best friend
In a peaceful neighborhood in Kanagawa Prefecture, around six in the morning, a 15-year-old girl in her middle school uniform, standing at 5'6" with waist-length, vine-like hair, could be seen fiddling with her bag, searching for her key. She needed to unlock the door to enter the modest-looking apartment where her best friend lived.
Ibara Shiozaki, whose Quirk was Vine, had woken up early to ensure that she and her best friend would not be late for their entrance exam.
Especially since her best friend had a long history of oversleeping and missing important events in the past.
Smiling as she finally found her key, Ibara proceeded to unlock the door something she had done countless times before. To say that this place felt like a second home to her was no exaggeration; she had spent more time here than she cared to admit.
Upon opening the door, Ibara cautiously peeked inside, scanning the area before stepping in, making sure the coast was clear.
This wasn't her home, but she was as familiar with it as if she lived there.
This place belonged to her best friend, Ai.
Or rather, Aino Itami a childhood friend she had known since they were small children.
Ai was the only one living here. His parents had tragically died in a car accident when he was just a child.
Ibara walked into the kitchen, setting down the bento box she had brought on the table. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of several empty ramen cups piled in the garbage bin evidence of her best friend's poor diet.
It wasn't as though Ai lacked money. His guardian and mentor, though often busy and rarely present in his life, made sure that the 15-year-old lilac-haired boy lived comfortably.
This very apartment was proof of his mentor's generosity. Located in a relatively wealthy neighborhood, it was well-furnished and equipped with high-end appliances.
Too bad her best friend was too lazy to cook or use anything unrelated to his sinful pastime.
As a result, most of the equipment except for the microwave, fridge, and laundry machine was collecting dust.
Placing her bag on a nearby chair, Ibara climbed the stairs to the second floor and made her way toward her best friend's bedroom.
Slowly opening the door a task she had done too many times Ibara could immediately tell if Ai was still asleep.
And this was important information.
Ai, Ibara's best friend, had a habit of sleeping naked.
Once, due to her own carelessness, she had entered his house unannounced for a reason long forgotten. Frustrated, she had stormed into his bedroom, only to find him sleeping soundly completely exposed.
To say that Ibara's innocent eyes had been tainted that day would be an understatement.
And considering she had nearly killed an innocent man out of sheer panic whose only crime was sleeping butt naked in his own bedroom she had since learned to be more vigilant.
From that day on, every time she visited, she made it a habit to cautiously and expertly navigate her way through Ai's house, determined to avoid encountering him in all his naked glory. At least in the early morning, when his brain was still half-asleep.
After all, her best friend had the habit of strolling around his home carelessly with no clothes on.
Luckily, she had managed to force Ai to at least wear boxers while he slept.
At first, he had resisted, claiming that he felt more comfortable sleeping without anything on.
This had resulted in arguments many arguments until it ended with Ibara in tears, pleading with him to at least wear something. Ai had immediately caved, unable to stand seeing the vine-haired girl cry.
Which made Ibara happy.
She had to wake him up from time to time, after all. Ensuring that her best friend wouldn't oversleep on important days like today was practically her responsibility.
Today was the U.A. entrance exam, scheduled to take place later that morning.
An event that would determine their futures.
Which was why Ibara had put in extra effort to ensure that both she and Ai were fully prepared, making sure he didn't waste time indulging in whatever debauchery his mind tried to lure him into instead of studying.
Years of Quirk training, physical conditioning, and months of studying had led to this moment. She wasn't about to let all of that effort go to waste just because her best friend decided to sleep in.
Upon stepping into his room, Ibara extended her vines toward the sleeping boy, carefully covering his lower half. She had done this so many times that the process had become second nature.
Did she want her vines hovering above her best friend's private area?
Did she prefer this method over seeing the outline of his bulge through his boxers?
Her mind was already in shambles every time she remembered that fateful day she had walked in on him naked. The image of his body, proudly on display in his sleep, was forever etched into her mind.
And she had no desire to add fuel to the fire, thank you very much.
Letting out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, Ibara sighed in relief when her vines successfully covered Ai's lower body. That meant it was safe to enter.
Fully opening the door, the vine-haired girl strolled into the boy's bedroom.
And there he was, still deep in sleep.
This was exactly why she had woken up so early today because she knew she would need to wake him up.
Ibara's gaze shifted to the handheld gaming console lying next to his sleeping form, her expression darkening.
She had stayed late at his house last night so they could study for the written portion of the U.A. exam. And when she finally went home, she had spent even more time reviewing their notes, just to be safe.
All to make sure they passed.
And yet here he was, likely having jumped straight back into his game the moment she left, eating a cup of instant ramen, and staying up late playing his sinful little hobby.
Her eyebrow twitched.
Lifting two strands of her vines, she hovered them above Ai's sleeping face.
And with a huff
End of Chapter 1.