Chapter 10: 10. Servant with their job (1)
Da Vinci POV
"Da Vinci - Sensei, when do you think you will release the volume 4 of The Chaldea? and where will Ritsuka's adventure go to next"
"That is a secret, te-he" I answered and then left my editor's office.
During these 2 months I managed to make my own name, I made a novel that tells about the journey of Ritsuka Fujimura, yes. The last master and the strongest master that humanity has.
In a short time, my novel was loved by many people. Because the theme is still around heroes and I took the approach of what would happen if past heroes could come back to life.
This makes many people like the novel, because they also want to have the same thing as Ritsuka. Command the heroes and save the world, but they don't know the true struggle of Ritsuka.
Currently, within 2 months I have managed to write 3 volumes, which have a lot of details about how Chaldea uses magic although I don't include the ritual diagrams but with the aria alone it already gives a goosebumps effect for sure, with my genius talent I can make it easily. Fufu, praise me.
I have written 3 singularities in the 3 volumes, including Fuyuki, Orleans, and Septem. Considering this world doesn't have anything similar to the Holy Grail war so I had to explain it in detail at the beginning of volume one.
It's tiring to explain something that other people don't know, especially your own editor who doesn't understand at all.
Let's put that aside, besides writing novels, I also made a special channel for Izuku. I uploaded his journey cleaning Takoba Beach, of course with a few motivational words given.
Besides, what I uploaded was just Izuku training by picking up trash. , I know there are many villains lurking around so I never uploaded what Izuku can do with all his skills like when he fought Sasaki.
So I just uploaded a video of Izuku's transformation from a crybaby to a Sigma boy ,At least that's what kids on the internet said when they saw Izuku's transformation into a more handsome man.
Just wait until he has my Golden rule skill, it's certain that he will be my best masterpiece of all time.
"Ahhh ,Finally I got home , Ah, it seems like I have to buy a house for my inko-mom, my novel income is already above 3 digits, with the development of technology, many novels that are considered interesting are immediately adapted into anime , Even to the point of being remade into a live action .
And Chaldea is on that list, so far the production house has only contracted 2 volumes of my novel to be made into anime, that's because I draw my novel characters every time a new character is introduced.
So volume one is the volume with the most Characters I've drawn, it was so tiring but it all paid off, now we just have to choose a place and boom we'll have a big house, bigger than this apartment.
"Ara...Inko-mom, what's happening in the kitchen?" I said when I saw the messy condition of the kitchen.
Inko-mom was surprised to hear my question, she just smiled shyly, with her hands on her head. "Hehe,Actually, I don't really understand what happened, but when I tried to use the Jacobs limb, suddenly...Whoosh and Boom , and the rest is like this ,Messy."
Hearing her words, I was shocked. Was Inko-mom already at the stage where she could combine her quirk with Jacob's limb? Let me ask her.
"Inko-mom, when you want to use Jacobs limb, do you use your quirk as an additional?" I asked curiously, inko-mom who heard that nodded.
"Yes, I originally wanted to multitask using my quirk, I could train and clean the kitchen at the same time but suddenly there was destruction where my punch landed. "
"Wow , inko-mom , You are a genius, even before I taught you how to use Jacobs limb with your quirk, you already did it. Indeed, the fruit does not fall far from the tree. Izuku and you are too special."
I saw inko-mom happy because of the compliment,Maybe I should speed up the process of making the magic crest, I don't want to disappoint inko-mom.
"Nee.. inko-mom, There's actually something we want to tell you, can we talk about it later at the dinner table?"
"Hmm? Is it that important? I'll listen to you, but now we have to clean up first, this kitchen is too messy for me to cook, please help me Da Vinci-chan"
I looked at Inko-mom with a smile, what else can I do, I am already attached to Inko-mom's motherly nature .
"Well, what can I do, this kitchen is too messy to clean so... I, the invincible genius Da Vinci, will help you."
We cleaned the kitchen quickly, how could we not, Da Vinci is here ready to make the job easier, so now all that's left is to cook the food.
And this time, inko-mom told me to go to the living room, I wasn't allowed to help, maybe inko-mom didn't want me to get tired? But I'm a servant, I can't get tired just because This matter.
Thirty minutes passed, and I was watching television when I heard Inko-mom's voice calling me. I immediately approached him and asked what was wrong.
"Da Vinci-chan , Could you please call the others to the dining room, the food is ready. Oh, and get Izuku to help bring this food to the table"
Nodding, I walked to Izuku's room, knocked on it and told him about what Inko-Mom said. After that I contacted the other servants and said that the food was ready.
After waiting for a while, 2 servants appeared, they were Achilles and Sasaki. Meanwhile I got news that Arash and Bedivere were still working, Leonidas was also busy at the gym, as for Lancelot, well he wasn't hungry.
We eat with gusto,The food made by Inko-mom is very delicious, it reminds me of Saint Martha's cooking, hmm I will ask Saint Martha to pass on her skills to Inko-mom later.
Time passed and we had finished eating, with a serious look I looked at inko-mom and the others.
"So, the reason I'm speaking now is that we need to have a new and bigger place. , I already have several options, so inko-mom can choose where we want to settle. "
Inko-mom who heard this could only be stunned, because I wanted to buy a house in this area, well what else could I do, this place is too narrow to make my Temple, my magus workshop.
I saw that Inko-mom was uncomfortable with the idea of buying a house using my money, and when she wanted to refuse , i giving her my ultimate mystic eyes , The Puppy eyes
"this must be done, please. Inko-mom. You know, you know my class is caster, and I haven't used 100% of my power yet, but if I had a fairly large space, I guarantee that I could make a tool that could help Izuku. I beg you please "
With no hope of changing my mind, inko-mom finally agreed, hehe. That way I can start my plan to build my body. Muehehehe with this I can be an inko-mom's child.
Hmm, did I see Izuku shudder? Maybe I just saw it wrong. Whatever, I'll finally be able to experiment freely.
Support me hehe (´-﹏-`;),