Mine At First Sight

Chapter 1: CHAPTER 1


After fourteen years....

On stepping out of dad's private jet in the airport, I am welcomed with a cool air sweeping my hair on my face. The beautiful and nice weather condition only yell "welcome to New York",

welcome home!!!!!!!

Madam, your dad sent me to pick you up! A middle aged man in my father's workers uniform approaches me.

It is almost hard to believe that dad did not change his workers uniform since the fourteen years I left home .

Well my old fashioned daddy; I smile in thought.

Shall we? He asks after keeping my luggage in the trunk.

Yeah; I speak mildly.

The drive home sent series of thoughts my way reminding me of the snakes in the house.

Thankfully, I am no longer the girl I used to be. A child! I chuckle.

Did you say something madam? He asks staring at the at me through the mirror.

No! I smile staring out of the window.

In no time the car drives through the gate giving me the view of the mansion I call home.

A mansion having thirty six bedrooms, five sitting rooms, three kitchens and alot more.

Super big but always full of drama if I recall perfectly; I sigh realizing the door was held open for me to exit the car.

Welcome home young mistress! The maids greet smiling.

Some of them I remember faintly while others are unknown

Thank you; Iris, Gwen, Nanny, gosh it been a while; I smile

Still the most beautiful; Nanny comments with tears.

Thanks Nanny! I smile out tears too

Oh! Who do we have here? mum my lovely elder sister is back. A girl yells at the top of her voice standing on the rare balcony

Ignore her Kim; Iris place a hand on my shoulder

Kaila right? I ask recognizing that awfully loud voice

One and only, Spoilt child! Nanny mutters in a sour face

Kaila is my stepsister. Although I am older than her with nine months, she used to be the reason why stepmother Ciara always punished and hit me

I want your necklace Kim

But Dad got you yours Kaila; I speak with a frown

So? I want yours unless you want to go against my wish, she smiles sinisterly

Dad got us each a necklace so why should I give mine to you Kaila?

Well .... Suddenly tore her neclkless jumping on it before yelling and crying out mum mum mum she tore off my necklace.....

Ohh my baby stand up! Please do not cry..... What is the problem?

She tore off my necklace because I said it is more beautiful than hers; crying harder pointing at Kim.

How dare you daughter of a bitch..... A woman pulls the little girl arm roughly


I am not your mother and will never be... She hits her then took her necklace off and place it on her daughter

She then takes her away with the little girl smiling victoriously at the other while the other remained on the floor all dirty.

Well she is all grown now but I don't expect a single change for a bitch is always a bitch I guess; I scoff reminiscing about the past


Seeing how gorgeous Kim turned out after fourteen years brought back the envy I once had for her.

I wish she never returned for I always banter dad's love with her.

Dad gave her so much affection when we were kids because she was the intelligent and respectful one according to his words.

Mum had the perfect plan to take her away from our lives when dad suddenly sent her to London for studies.

Mum asked him to send me with her but he claimed that her maternal relatives wanted her around and I wasn't matured enough to avoid parental care.

I mean we were both sisters for heaven's sake; I was so jealous that I wished she never returned but who am I kidding?

She is back.....


I was having a beautiful morning in the east garden when Kaila announced Kim's presence.

What is the witch back for? Since she left, Steve refused me knowledge of her whereabouts or anything that has to do with her.

I only listen to him talk to her on phone once or twice and even when I found out he sent her to London, I couldn't do anything as she had many securities around her due to her over caring maternal relatives.....

Well! Well! Well! Look who we have here; I chuckle coming out my balcony

I almost miss my footing on seeing her face for the first time in fourteen years

Icy?? I whisper shocked....

Good day Ciara! She speaks not sparing me a glance.

Her voice seem to break through my thoughts ( how could one look so much like her mother).

How dare you call me by my name Kim? I yell remembering how she addressed me; just the way Icy used to..... In a very dismissing manner

Well fourteen years ago, someone made it clear that she wasn't my mother, right? She smiles brightly throwing me off guard.

Please send my luggage to my room Nanny; she walks head up looking all sophisticated into the house obviously heading to her room.



I notice blood drain off Kaila and Ciara faces before heading into the house.

Like she used to scold and hit me whenever I addressed her as mum so why the reaction? Hmm attention seekers!

On getting to my bedroom, I take notice that Dad kept to his word of not changing anything in my room.

The painting in the room looks so much like me right now but it's my Mum.

I look every inch my Mum! Now I understand the look from Dad when my grown up self had a video call with him for the first time. He called me Icy too......

A knock on my door brought me back to the real world. Ivy left after bringing in my luggage when my phone rings...

Daddy! I smile brightly.

My morning wealth! Mackie my driver just confirmed that he got you home safely.

Affirmative Dad! I giggle.

Hope your stepmom and sister welcomed you properly as I am not home?

Hmm.. well, they did. I mean perfect welcoming! I exaggerated

Please just ignore it baby; Dad pleads with a loving voice

You should concentrate on work! I am twenty not six okk?

Alright dear! I will be home before dinner( hangs up)....



Welcome home Hon! Ciara hugs Steve who used one hand to pull her off him while she ignores it.

Welcome home Dad! Kaila holler sitting in the second sitting room.

Daddy! Kim smiles running down the stairs just like she used to greet him fourteen years ago.

Watch your steps! Steve laughs opening his arms while the running girl lounge herself on him.

Kimberly! (Smiling in tears) her mother's replica; he stares at her in admiration.

Well seeing the painting of mum in my bedroom makes me believe that Dad; Kim giggles.


I can't seem to understand why after all this years, Steve has been unable to forget Icy's face.

As if seeing her paintings in every corner of the house isn't enough now I have to live with a living replica.

Gosh I wish I ended her story as a child.....

Enough of the drama! You should have your bath Hon; I smile forcefully rolling my eyes in the process

I will ask Nanny to make your bath. I turn to leave when Steve catches me in the spot with the sentence that flew out of his lips

" Kim will make my bath, do not bother Nanny".

What? Kaila shrieks joining us in the sitting room.

You do not like anyone making your bath not even mum and insist you manage that of Nanny as you are to tired to make one since work is tiring

I do not remember owing anyone an explanation, do I? He asks making her shudder then walk back to the sitting room she came from muttering


Well I will go get your bath ready dad, Kim smiles ignoring all the drama

Please do it in my private room, I'll stay there tonight; he replies untying his tie.

An hour later

Dinner was served and enjoyed after which the maids clear the dishes.

Now that you are back, I can finally relieve my duties in the office to you; Steve turns to Kim who was so focused on eating an apple

What? Dad I have been working for the company for two years and you are talking about reliving duties to Kim who just returned?

I will not sit and watch a bitch take possession of what I have been working hard for all these years; Kaila yells disrespectfully.

Work! What work are you talking about?

You call the lack of attention and mannerism you give to your job, work?

Well I call it a waste; Steve replies in anger.

And to remind you young lady! Kim here is my first child and your elder sister so I'll advise you to desist from calling her names; Steve roar in anger

Sorry Dad! Kaila apologizes shrinking into her chair all scared

Quell your anger Hon! She is only a child; Ciara pleads on Kaila's behalf

Well then make that child understand that she should never raise her voice at me; Dad cuts her off

Hmm! Kim clears her voice to attract attention

What is it dear? Steve lowers his voice giving all her all of his attention

I am not taking a job at the company, Dad

Why? Steve asks calmly

Well I don't want to take over the company on returning to the country neither do I want to work in my company as whatever credit I get will be credited to the fact that the company is mine.

Besides I want the workers to be satisfied with my abilities and not accept me out of fear of losing their job; Kim explains reasonably

Well it doesn't look like I can change your mind so which company do you intend to work for?

I have decided on JAD'S Enterprises knowing it is the best company here in New York

I already sent them my CV and other necessary documents and I have an interview with the CEO tomorrow morning.

That won't be needed as my best friend and God Father owns JAD'S so I can make a call for the job.......

Oh no, you will not intervene Dad! Promise?

Fine, Promise!

The duo continues to chat while kaila and Ciara unnoticeably leave the table in sour moods.

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