Chapter 4: CHAPTER 4
Morning, dad! I smile grabbing a sandwich for a bite
Morning, Son! You are looking rather too good for work
Well dad it is a great day so why look bad, huh? I reply relishing the taste of mum's special sandwich
I have a very handsome son! Dad grins
Really now Dad! What am I? I suppose I am also your son and very handsome too; Daniel cuts in before grabbing a sandwich
So will you tell your mum why my most handsome son is looking extreme today; mum asks climbing down the stairs
The purpose of Jace's look is no other than impressing the very hot MD dad employed! Danny smiles running out the door while I simply walk over to give a mum a kiss before walking out
Daniel get down! I stand crossed arms at the front of my car
What is my fault if I want to go to work with you, huh? He raises a brow in a teasing manner
Well, maybe because I love my car space?
Cut it out bro! Fine promise I won't say a word through out the ride, yeah? He proposes
Only if you be my driver for I asked John to take a break;
I smirk thinking he will refuse but to my astonishment he swiftly agree with a huge smile.
Gosh! Danny being responsible is a pain in the ass
Good day sir! Workers greets while we made our way to the elevator
The super cool and quiet hallway where only Kim, Danny and my office resides soon comes to view
Good morning Sir! Danny! Stacy greets in smiles
I walk past her not sparing her a glance when I hear Danny ask "is the manager in?"
Just the thought of my angel a office away makes me unable to breathe
Not yet Sir! She whisper hoping I won't hear as all my workers know better than to come to work after I do
With that said Danny takes long strides catching up to me while we walk into my office space
I stop in my tracks to see a completely renovated office
All of Dad's stuff were gone and replaced with mine.The secret bedroom's closet is filled up with my clothes and other necessities; the office is totally repainted and refurnished to my liking and even the restroom wasn't left out.
The look on Danny's face gave him out
"Daniel" I grin
Love your new office right? He winks grabbing a sit
What is in it for you? I smirk
A thank you doesn't hurt J!! He grins.
I will send the finances you spent for the job! I sigh sitting in my new comfy chair
That won't be needed J; it's a thank you gift for granting me a job
Right? I smirk
Hmm well I kind of ordered a car with your phone; you know ....
You brat...I smile cutting him off
About your job, you will take the office between mine and Kim's
As my Financial manager, I need no error D! I put simple looking him straight in the eye
When the going gets tough I will come to you bro. I won't quit; I give you my word
The doorbell rings interupting our discussion so I simply press the come in switch ....
I get to work by 8:00am, noticing that the workers are all focused on their work before taking the elevator
Stacy is already busy typing through the keys of her keyboard
They sure do come to work early in JADS; I sigh
Morning Stacy! I greet gaining her attention
Good morning Kim! She smiles brightly
I walk pass her towards my office when the sentence that flew out of her lips put a halt to my steps
"Boss got to work since 7:00am"
Excuse me? Facing her quickly in hopes she is kidding;
but the knowing look I got says otherwise
Well you should take the presentation review as there is still time to go through it
Hopefully you don't get reprimanded for late coming.
Late coming? It's 8:00am Stacy; I check the wall clock just in case my wristwatch is faulty
Well 7:00am is the time for work commencement in JADS
That's why the company is far too great for others to compete with; I mutter
Though he had no facial remark when he heard you weren't on sit; she tries cheering me up with a full blown smile
With that said, I quickly make my way to my office, keep my handbag, pick up the review I made last night and head to his office with crossed finger
I press the doorbell not a second added the come in glow a red light
I walk in to his office to see he had a guest over but on getting a closer look, the unknown face looking so much like him made me realize he must be his younger brother.
Coming through the door is the angel that makes me loose focus of my surroundings
Wearing a black knee length gown with wavy hair having no restrictions suddenly making my pants tighter....
Good day Sir! She greets before smiling a very faint hi to Daniel
Good day Kim! Please call me Jace; I speak trying to keep a straight face
Okk!! Hmm here is the review for the presentation..... Jace.
My name on her lips sounds so much better. I could not help but smile a little
Please sit! Going through the amazing work she did with no fault makes me look at her with admiration
Making an eye contact but did not look away until I notice the way her face heats up going all red before she quickly masks it
Well this is good Kim! Good luck with the investors
Thank you sir.. sorry hmm Jace. She blushes
Less I forget, meet my younger brother and the financial manager of the company, Daniel.
Danny, Kim my MD; I introduce watching Danny with envy as he takes her hand for a shake while she smiles
I will be in my office Jace; she smiles exiting my space making the once warm atmosphere turn cold
Wow! She is gorgeous Jace; I mean that smile gosh the dimples....
You won't notice all that in my girl Danny! Cutting him off for I want nothing better than to plug out his eyes.
I am sorry bro but she doesn't look taken! He winks
You know better than to get on my bad side Daniel Ferrati; I smirk menacingly
Hmm I think I will go see what I can do with my office space. Like the space must be amazing and I am supposed to commence work immediately, right boss? He rambles already making his way to the door.
Oh! You just realized that now, is it?
Yeah! Meet you in the board room In an hour. We have to watch your girl present; he winks stressing on the your before shutting my door.