Chapter 97: chapter 97 mid grade posion resistance part 2
With the base solution now stable, Raven turned his attention to the most crucial and dangerous step—extracting and refining the venom. Unlike low-grade poison resistance potions, where raw toxins could be neutralized with simple herbal mixtures, mid-grade alchemy required highly refined poison extracts to maintain both potency and stability. If the venom was improperly handled, the entire potion could fail, or worse—become toxic enough to harm the drinker instead of protecting them.
Raven reached into his inventory and retrieved the Sprent Venom Gland, a leathery sac filled with lethal liquid. The faint purple glow surrounding it was a sign of its freshness, meaning the venom was still active and at peak potency. However, raw venom contained unstable compounds that could cause severe side effects, including paralysis or internal bleeding, if used directly. To safely integrate it into the potion, he needed to extract, filter, stabilize, and test the venom with extreme precision.
He set up his alchemy workstation, ensuring that his gloves were tightly secured—Sprent venom was known to seep into the skin on contact. Using a sharp alchemy knife, he made a precise incision along the natural seam of the gland, careful not to rupture it too quickly. A thin stream of dark green liquid oozed onto the glass alchemy plate, releasing a sharp, bitter scent that would have been overwhelming if not for the room's ventilation system. As the venom pooled, Raven inspected its consistency and color. If it was too watery, it meant the gland had started breaking down, making it ineffective. If it was too thick, impurities were present, and further refinement would be necessary. Fortunately, the venom was perfectly balanced—dense yet fluid, with no signs of degradation.
Once the extraction was complete, he moved on to filtration, carefully pouring the venom through a mana-infused filter. This specialized alchemical tool separated unwanted proteins and unstable compounds, ensuring only the purest toxin extract remained. As the venom dripped through, a faint black residue collected at the bottom—these were the impurities that would have destabilized the potion if left unchecked. This process took one minute, during which Raven maintained his focus, watching for any signs of uneven filtration. Once done, the resulting liquid had lost its murky tint, now appearing as a translucent emerald green.
With the venom now filtered, the next step was stabilization. If added to the potion base in its current form, the venom's volatile nature could cause the entire mixture to explode or corrode the cauldron itself. To prevent this, Raven introduced a precise amount of Bitterroot Extract, a well-known neutralizing agent. Using a dropper, he carefully added five drops into the venom vial, then stirred slowly for exactly ten seconds. The reaction was immediate—tiny ripples formed on the surface of the liquid, indicating the neutralization process had begun. If he had miscalculated the amount, the venom would either weaken too much or retain its deadly properties, but after a few moments, the liquid settled into a smooth, shimmering consistency.
Now came the final test. To confirm that the venom was properly refined and safe for potion crafting, Raven took a silver alchemy strip and placed a single drop of the stabilized venom on its surface. The reaction was key—if the strip turned black, the venom was still unstable and required further purification. If it turned green, it was successfully stabilized and ready for potion-making. Holding his breath, Raven observed as the strip slowly shifted from silver to a deep emerald green.
> Perfect. The venom is purified and stable—now I can proceed to the next step.
With the Sprent Venom Extract now fully refined, Raven was one step closer to completing the Mid-Level Poison Resistance Potion. The hardest part was yet to come—combining all the ingredients without ruining the entire mixture.
With the base solution stabilized and the Sprent Venom Extract fully refined, Raven had reached the most delicate and critical step—combining the ingredients. This was the defining moment of the alchemical process, where all his previous efforts would determine the success or failure of the potion. Unlike low-grade potions, where ingredients could simply be mixed together, a mid-grade potion required absolute precision in timing, temperature control, and stirring technique. A single mistake could have disastrous consequences: the potion could turn toxic, explode due to ingredient instability, or lose its intended effects entirely.
Understanding the risks, Raven carefully adjusted the alchemy burner, setting the flame to maintain a steady temperature of 50°C (122°F). This was the optimal heat range for integrating venom-based ingredients. Any lower, and the base solution wouldn't absorb the venom properly, rendering the potion ineffective. Any higher, and the venom could destabilize, causing unpredictable side effects—or worse, an explosive failure. Keeping a close eye on the alchemy thermometer, Raven ensured the temperature remained steady before moving forward. He couldn't afford any miscalculations.
Raven retrieved the vial of purified Sprent Venom Extract, the most potent and dangerous ingredient in the potion. Unlike common herbs that could be added freely, this extract had to be introduced with extreme care. Seven drops—that was the precise dosage required for a properly balanced potion. Anything less and the resistance effect would be too weak. Anything more and the potion could become poisonous instead of protective. Holding his breath, Raven tilted the vial, allowing the first drop to fall into the cauldron. The moment it made contact, the shimmering blue liquid reacted, darkening slightly as the venom diffused.
He counted precisely five seconds before releasing the second drop, watching closely as faint ripples spread across the surface. The next few drops continued to deepen the potion's color, shifting it from a murky blue-green to a darker, richer hue. With each drop, he observed for any signs of instability—bubbling, excess fumes, or sudden color shifts—all of which would indicate a failed reaction. By the seventh drop, the potion had settled into a deep forest green, the expected result for a successfully absorbed venom infusion. Satisfied that the base had accepted the venom, Raven moved to the next step—neutralization.
Since the venom alone would make the potion too dangerous to consume, it had to be balanced with stabilizing agents to counteract its toxicity. Raven reached for a small wooden container, inside which lay Moonfern Powder and Crushed Emberleaf Petals—two rare alchemical ingredients known for their ability to neutralize poisonous compounds while preserving their beneficial properties.
The first stabilizer, Moonfern Powder, was a fine, silver-dusted herb that harmonized mana within the potion, preventing the venom from overwhelming the drinker's body. He measured exactly three pinches, sprinkling them evenly into the cauldron. As the powder dissolved into the mixture, the potion's murky green hue lightened slightly, an indication that the mana balance was beginning to stabilize. Next, Raven took a tiny silver spoon and carefully scooped out one gram of Crushed Emberleaf Petals. These petals played a crucial role—they reduced the venom's volatility, ensuring the potion remained stable even when consumed. Scattering them gently over the surface, he watched as the petals dissolved instantly, leaving behind faint golden streaks swirling through the green liquid. This was a positive sign; if the stabilizers had been off by even a small amount, the potion would have turned cloudy or produced an acrid smell.
He carefully analyzed the potion's overall appearance. A properly mixed Mid-Level Poison Resistance Potion should have a rich green base with a faint golden shimmer. If the hue was too dull, the potion's resistance effect would be weak, and if the golden streaks were too bright, it meant the stabilizers hadn't blended properly, risking unexpected side effects. Seeing that the potion's color was exactly as expected, Raven knew he had successfully stabilized the venom's properties. Now came the most crucial part—ensuring a perfect fusion of all ingredients.
The final and most delicate step was the fusion process, which required precise stirring to align the potion's mana flow and ensure its effects were fully activated. Simply mixing the ingredients together wasn't enough—alchemy required a specific stirring sequence to complete the potion's formation. If the stirring was done incorrectly, the effects of the potion could weaken, become unstable, or even be reversed.
Raven picked up a long-handled alchemy stirrer made of enchanted silver—a material chosen specifically because it conducted mana without interfering with potion stability. With a steady hand, he followed the strict stirring pattern required for a Mid-Level Poison Resistance Potion. First, he performed five slow clockwise rotations, ensuring that the mana-infused compounds were evenly distributed throughout the mixture. As he stirred, the golden streaks of the Emberleaf Petals slowly spread, blending deeper into the green liquid.
Next, he reversed direction, performing three counterclockwise rotations. This step was crucial—it balanced the potion's energy flow, preventing any lingering instability in its composition. If this step was skipped or done incorrectly, the potion might work unevenly, with its resistance effect fluctuating rather than providing steady protection. Raven maintained his focus, ensuring each movement was smooth and controlled.
For the final step, he executed one last clockwise swirl, sealing the fusion process. The potion thickened slightly, indicating that the ingredients had fully bonded. With the final rotation completed, the potion's color settled into a deep green with a soft golden shimmer—the exact appearance of a perfectly crafted Mid-Level Poison Resistance Potion.
As Raven slowly removed the stirrer, he observed the surface of the potion. It remained smooth and undisturbed, a final confirmation that the fusion had been executed flawlessly. A faint glow emanated from the cauldron, signaling that the potion was now fully activated. This was the moment of truth—the potion was ready. If everything had gone correctly, this potion would provide significant resistance against poison-based attacks for ten minutes, a major advantage for anyone entering high-risk areas like the Sprent Dungeon.
Raven exhaled, feeling a small sense of satisfaction. The Mid-Level Poison Resistance Potion was successfully crafted. All that remained now was the final test to ensure its effectiveness. Would it hold up under real combat conditions? There was only one way to find out.