Mom/son insect STORIES

Chapter 10: "MOM-SON": A LOVE STORY4

"You cheated on someone to hook up with dad?" he asked, a look of shock on his face...his sweet mother a cheater.

"Not really," I answered, before adding, "but it wasn't a normal situation either."

"You have me confused," he said.

"Let me tell the whole story and it will make sense," I promised, as I realized I had never told anyone the complete story of how I met my husband (although it is a lot simpler than How I Met Your Mother).

"Sorry, you just have me curious," he said, "you seldom mention Dad."

"I don't?" I asked, realizing I suppose that was true.

"Not really," he nodded.

"Well, I will change that," I said, "for starters, you and your dad are a lot alike."

"We are?" he asked.

"Oh, God yes," I smiled, putting my hand on his leg subtly. "You have the same eyes, same smile, same laugh, same voice and, truth be told, the same body."

"Really?" he asked.

"Take off your glasses," I suggested, as I pulled out my phone. Once he did, I snapped a photo and stood up and grabbed a frame with a photo of Darren a few months before he passed and brought it back to the couch. I said, showing him the two photos, "Twins."

He laughed, "I think you need glasses."

"Oh honey," I said sweetly, "you're too hard on yourself, you're a very good looking young man and like your dad, you will be well sought after in college."

"Unlikely," he replied.

"Trust me, in college girls are looking for more than just the football quarterback."

"If you say so," he said, not really believing me.

"Maybe the story of your father and I will give you some confidence," I suggested, before continuing, "So it was a Halloween party and, being college, that meant it was dress like a slut and get away with it night. So to tease the crap out of Wally, who had a thing for superheroes, I dressed in a very skimpy Batgirl outfit, my identity partially hidden by the mask. Now Wally was a bit of a computer dork, back when computers were really a career opportunity. The party we went to was full of who today's youth would call nerds and geeks. I was having my own self-image crisis, sick of dating really good looking, buff, jocks who treated me like crap...thus I began dating a nice guy...Wally."

Paul joked, "That sure doesn't happen at my high school."

"College honey, everything changes in college," I smiled, again squeezing his leg tenderly. "Anyways, after a fair amount of wine and some scotch, which always lowers my inhibitions, Wally and I ended up having a quickie in the bathroom."

Paul gasped, "Mom!"

"Honey, you are eighteen and old enough to have such a conversation. Your father would have had the sex talk a couple of years ago with you if he was alive."

"I have the internet," he pointed out.

"I'm sure you do," I said, teasingly, making him blush. "Anyways, it may have been my inebriated state, it may have been the fact that Wally got off but I didn't, or it could have been how cute your father looked in his Batman suit, but I walked over to him and said."

I paused, wanting to see if Paul was listening.

"What did you say?" he asked excitedly.

"Before I continue," I said, "will you do me a favour?"

"Sure," Paul nodded.

"My feet are killing me," I said, "I wore four inch heels all day."

"That is crazy," he said.

"I know," I smiled, "the things we do to look good for men."

He asked, suddenly looking jealous, I thought, "Who were you wearing heels for?"

"No one particular," I shrugged. After a moment, I asked, "Will you massage my feet for me, honey?"

His eyes went big with a look of excitement as I repositioned myself to put my stocking-clad feet on his lap.

He tried to regain his composure as he said, "Sure, Mom," then began massaging my right foot.

"That feels so nice," I said softly, partly to tease him, but also because it was true.

"So what did you say to Dad?" Paul asked, as he stared at my feet and legs.

"You may never see your old Mother the same," I warned.

"I'll always see you as my Mother," he said.

That deflated me briefly, as I hoped he would see me as a lot more than his mother tomorrow, so I said, "I hope you can see me as more than just your Mother."

"What do you mean?" Paul asked, confused.

"Oh nothing," I sighed. "It's just that, well, sometimes I feel so old."

"Mom, you're forty, that is not even mid-life yet," he comforted me.

"I know, I know," I replied, "it just seems that I have shrivelled up inside."

"You should be dating," he suggested.

I sighed, "I just can't find anyone who is remotely as good for me as your father was." I then added the innuendo with what I had planned for tomorrow, "plus, I already have the perfect man in the house." After a lengthy silence as I allowed my words to marinate in Paul's mind, I continued, "So I walked up to your dad-to-be and asked him 'Does Batman want to fuck Batgirl?'"

"Mom!" he gasped, although he continued massaging my foot.

"I told you I would surprise you," I said, before asking, "Can you do my other foot, too?"

He switched feet as I continued, "I didn't even wait for an answer before I grabbed his hand and led him back to the room I had just been in." I paused, Paul's face of shock telling me he wasn't ready for such detailed information about his mother's sex life. I stammered, suddenly feeling guilty, "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry Paul, I have said too much."

I quickly stood up, even though I was really enjoying the foot massage.

He stood up to and said, "It's okay, Mom."

I smiled, "I'm sorry, it's just I don't have anyone to talk to about your dad."

"I understand," he said sincerely and pulled me into a hug.

As our bodies crashed together, I felt his very stiff cock poking at my leg. I briefly pondered just dropping to my knees, pulling out his cock and devouring it whole, yet I was no longer sure he wanted to have sex with me. Although he was definitely hard, and he practically drooled over my legs and massaging my feet, his verbal response of shock to my story conflicted with the physical evidence.

Breaking the hug, I looked up at him, Paul was over six feet tall like his father, and said, "I love you, son."

"I love you too, Mom," he smiled back.

Deciding to take one more risk before the evening was over, I leaned forward and briefly kissed him on the lips, then said, "I'm going to go and take a bath."

"Okay," he said, looking bewildered, I sensed, with conflicting feelings towards his mother.

In the bath, I hoped I had left enough hints, created enough intrigue and stirred enough sexual lust that tomorrow my plan would come to fruition. I had doubts, more than I had before the conversation, but the more I thought about it, the more I believed he wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted to fuck him. I just had to give him the ultimate, no doubt about it, green light, and that I would do tomorrow.

After my bath, which included a very lengthy intimate encounter with my shower head, I spent a couple hours in my room watching television and trying not to overthink what had just transpired or worry about tomorrow. At bedtime, I knocked on Paul's door and after being allowed in asked, "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I have no plans," he answered, already in bed, under the sheets, his cheeks red.

"Excellent," I said, "tomorrow, you're all mine."

"Okay," he said, looking at me strangely.

"Trust me," I smiled. Walking over to his bed, I leaned in and kissed him on the lips again, this time lingering just a millisecond longer, making sure my breasts were directly in his point of view, "I have a very full day ahead for you."

"W-w-what do you have planned?" he stammered.

"Oh, that's a surprise," I smiled, glancing towards his crotch area every so slyly, before standing up and heading towards the door.

At the door, I turned and asked, "Did you know tomorrow is National Nude Day?"

"I didn't know such a day existed," he said.

"Now you do," I shrugged and left him to finish what I likely interrupted.

I went to bed excited and nervous about tomorrow...but I decided that the seeds were planted and all I had to do now was let it grow.


I woke up next morning, surprisingly, after ten o'clock...I seldom slept past eight. I lay in bed a few minutes as I contemplated whether or not I was really going to go through with my plan. I pondered the decision by making a mental pros and cons list:


-I loved Paul

-I could finally feel the intimacy I had long searched for

-Incest was the ultimate form of love

-I wanted to share everything with Paul

-I desperately wanted him


-Lust is a sin

-I would forever change the mother-son relationship with my son

-It was morally wrong

-What if Paul rejected my advances?

-I could lose everything


The religious piece I hadn't really considered, even while at church the past few weeks. I grabbed my robe, grabbed the laptop and logged on, I searched online for religious philosophy on incest. Although I read extremes from both sides, a few things stood out that made me feel comfortable I wouldn't burn in hell for my lust:

-Although the bible definitely doesn't promote incest, Adan and Eve had the same DNA and would clearly be considered brother and sister today.

-Abraham and Sarah were brother and sister.

-All animals started one male, one female, which means all life began through incest.

-Which theoretically implied that every relationship in the world is incestuous if you followed the many, many generations.

Those thoughts made me feel comfortable with my decision to sleep with my son, then I read the following that made me feel that fate was guiding me to finish my seduction today on Nude Day:

-God wanted all people to be nudists, thus another day that celebrates God is Nude Day.

I took a deep breath, I dropped my robe and walked to Paul's room. His door was open and I realized he was already up. I paused, suddenly wondering if not being in his room was a sign I wasn't supposed to do this. I was still contemplating my next move when I jumped from Paul's words.

"Mom!" Paul gasped from behind me.

I turned around, completely naked, allowing my son to see my firm breasts and trimmed pussy, "Good morning, Paul. Happy Nude Day."

He stammered, clearly shocked by seeing me naked, "Y-y-you too."

I smiled, "I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable, but now that you're eighteen I believe you are old enough to celebrate Nude Day the way it was originally meant to be celebrated."

He stared at me. Clearly unsure what to say, what to do.

Being the aggressor, I walked the few feet to him, and asked, "Are you going to join your Mother in celebrating Nude Day?"

"S-s-sure," he stammered, unable to make eye contact with me.

"Great," I smiled cheerfully, "get undressed and come join me for breakfast."

"O-o-okay," he stuttered, as I walked past him and towards the kitchen.

I put an apron on to protect my front as I began making bacon and eggs, put kept my ass completely visible. I was half done making breakfast when Paul joined me, naked, except in a towel. I didn't question it, deciding to wait until I was done making breakfast. I asked, "How was your sleep?"

"All right," he answered, sitting down at the table.

"Did you finish reading that book?" I asked, trying to make small talk to make him more comfortable in this clearly surreal situation.

"Yes, it was amazing," he said, his voice more like himself. He did love talking about literature.

"How so?" I asked, my ass still in complete view for him.

"The author just created two realistic teenagers," he answered.

"Interesting," I nodded, "when does the movie come out?"

"Next Friday," he answered.

"Maybe I should read it and we can go together," I suggested.

"That would be great," he said.

"It's a date," I quipped, playfully.

I finished making breakfast, made two plates and joined Paul at the table.

I stood back up, took off the apron and tossed it on the counter, before sitting back down, my breasts now in full view for Paul while he ate.

I said, "I hope you are okay with this Paul. I personally feel so liberated being allowed to show this body that God created."

"It's a little strange," he admitted.

"I know, I know," I agreed, wanting to make him comfortable. "But in truth you have seen me naked many times when you were young."

He didn't say anything and we ate in silence as I pondered my next approach.

Once done eating, I stood up and asked, "If you want I will put something on to make you more comfortable."

His face beet red, he nodded, "That may be a good idea."

I smiled, and said, "Be right back."

I quickly went to my room, grabbed a pair of thigh high stockings and put them on. I was going to go back downstairs to finish the seduction, but suddenly realized my bedroom was a much more logical location.

I called out, "Paul would you come to my room please?"

I waited, trepidation no longer there, but instead an insatiable hunger to quench my reality my body had been in the desert of sexual denial for so long and Paul was the mirage of satisfaction I planned to make real.

He walked into my room, still in his towel, and froze, seeing that I was still, for all reality's sake, naked.

I smiled, sat on the edge of my bed, crossed my nylon clad legs and asked, "Is this better?"

He was literally speechless. Actually, if my seduction was a cartoon he would have been Roger Rabbit when he sees Jessica walking in all sultry as his mouth was dropped wide open.

Deciding it was now or never, I continued, "I know you're a leg man, and I am pretty sure you are a nylons man too, am I right?"

"I-I-I guess," he stammered, paralysed in shock as, I hoped, I was making his fantasy a reality.

"I see you have a towel on still." I smiled, swinging my foot, wanting to draw him hypnotically to me.

"Um," he vaguely replied, greatly distracted by my feet, legs and nudity.

"Drop your towel, Paul," I instructed, before adding, "let Mommy see how big a man you have become."

He was trembling as he stammered, looking down, his face beet red, "I-I-I can't."

"Why, baby?" I asked, my tone dripping with sexuality.

"I-I-I'm hard," he admitted.

"Are you hard because of Mommy?" I asked, standing up and walking towards him.

"Y-y-yes," he stuttered, looking ashamed.

Reaching him, I admitted, "Paul, my pussy is soaking wet...for you." I leaned forward and kissed him. The kiss, at first, was awkward as our lips touched and he stood frozen like a statue. But like the prince whose kiss wakes up Snow White, my kiss eventually brought to life my son. He began kissing back, although with nervous apprehension.

I whispered, "I love you, Paul and I want to show you just how much." I dropped to my knees, tugged his towel which fell harmlessly to the floor and I was staring at his nice, thick eight inch stiff cock.

Paul was staring down at me, still with the same this-can't-really-be-happening-to-me look. I smiled up as I grabbed his cock and said, "Have you ever dreamt of this happening, Paul?"

"Goddddd, yes," he moaned at my touch.

"How about this?" I asked, as I slid my tongue from the top of his cock down his shaft.

"Ohhhh," he whimpered.

"Or this?" I continued, as I sucked one of his balls into my mouth,

"Mom," he moaned, unable to complete a sentence, which flattered me. I was turning my academically inclined son into a blubbering fool.

I found the other ball and replicated the attention, before slithering slowly back up his shaft. "Or this?" I questioned, as I swirled my tongue around his mushroom top without actually putting his cock in my mouth.

"Mom, I'm g-g-going to coooo," he grunted a warning but it was too late as I was surprised by a full load of his cum on my tongue, lips, and nose.

Wanting to make sure he wasn't embarrassed by his quick trigger, I purred, "Mmmmmm, yummy," and took his cock into my mouth to retrieve the rest of his cum, as his cock continued to pulse.

"Aaaaaah," he moaned, as I sucked his cock slowly, milking every last drop of his cum.

A minute later, I allowed his cock to slip out of my mouth. I stood up, his cum on my face and asked, "Have you ever fantasized about coming on Mommy's face?"

He nodded.

"What else have you fantasized about?" I asked, as I grabbed both his hands and moved them to my breasts. "Ever wanted to play with Mommy's titties?"

"Mom, I, um, yes," he answered, still unable to finish a complete thought.

"Go ahead, baby, suck on Mommy's titties," I offered.

He didn't speak, his eyes still big, as he leaned forward and took my right nipple in his mouth.

"That's it baby, your mouth feels so good on Mommy's titties," I moaned, for some reason getting more turned on using words like 'Mommy' and 'titties'.

He swirled his tongue around my nipple, he sucked it between his lips, and then, slithering his tongue across my breast, between my tits and then to my left nipple, he replicated the hungry attention.

"Paul, I love what you're doing," I moaned, which was the nipples being one of my erogenous zones that really got me going.

I instructed Paul, a little while later, "Come join Mommy on the bed, baby." I took his hand and led him to my king sized bed.

Reaching the bed, I hopped on the edge of the bed and asked, "What else did you fantasize about, son?"

Paul surprised me as he dropped to his knees and took my left foot into his hands. He then took my nylon-clad toes into his mouth. I had never had my foot or toes pleasured before, other than a foot massage, and was surprised how gentle, soothing and yet erotic it was. I moaned, "That's it baby, suck on Mommy's toes."

He sucked each toe through the sheer nylon, then replicated the action on my other foot.

"Oh God, son, you are getting Mommy very horny," I moaned, his soft tenderness amazing and yet an undeniable tease. I wanted his cock in me.

Paul finally spoke, his wit finally returning, "What else has Mommy fantasized?"

"Everything, baby, kissing you, sucking you and..." I paused, "fucking you."

"Well," he said, standing back up, his cock still as hard as it was when I first dropped in front of him, "we have kissed and you have sucked me."

I answered coyly, as I moved my stocking-clad feet to his cock, trying, slightly awkwardly, to stroke his cock with both my feet, "I guess that only leaves one thing."

He surprised me again, as he grabbed my feet, and began using them to masturbate his cock. "Mom, I have wanted to do this for so long."

"Me too, baby," I moaned, "you remind me so much of your father."

"And I want to be your man," Paul said, as he allowed my feet to drop as he moved into me and kissed me. This time there was no tentativeness, but instead a sweet passion that slowly built in urgency into a hungry lust.

My cunt dying for attention, I broke the kiss, and begged, "Please son, please fuck Mommy."

He smiled, "I can't believe this is happening."

"Me either," I smiled back, opening my legs wide and offering my cunt for his pleasure.

Instead of sliding his cock inside me, he dropped back to his knees and began kissing my thigh.

"Oh baby, stop teasing Mommy," I whined, desperately wanting his cock inside me.

"All in good time," he countered, as he continued splattering my body with kisses. Each kiss got closer to my burning cunt. Reaching my pussy, his hot breath so full of promise, he lingered for a moment before moving away and repeating the butterfly kisses down my other thigh.

"Babbbbbby," I whimpered, "please stop teasing me. I have waited so long for this."

"For what?" he asked, as he slowly moved back towards my nether regions.

"To make love to you baby," I admitted, before adding, with a sly smile, "or to have you fuck me hard...either or."

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