Mom/son insect STORIES

Chapter 184: 5

After we left the Tetons, we passed through Salt Lake City and stayed long enough for my mom to get a tattoo of a little red heart, on her neck where I always left a hickey. It was a symbol of our relationship, much like a ring, but also of ownership, as she found herself more and more submissive to me. And it was a tribute to the love she still held for the tattooed girl who had such an impact on our new life together.

Around this time, as the summer was nearing end, I signed up for classes online to continue my degree, and was able to transfer most of my credits, so my mother wouldn't worry about me quitting school to stay with her. We would never have that argument again. There was nothing else in the way of our future.

We left Utah and headed south, neither of us wanting to deal with cooler weather as the fall came upon us. I did a bit of research and decided on a destination that should serve us well for a while. I didn't tell Mom where we were headed, and she was excited by not knowing.

It was also about this time that Mom started getting carsick. Especially in the mornings. We stopped by a clinic outside Vegas and confirmed that she was pregnant! Early tests showed that everything was fine, and we worried of course about the genetics, but that did nothing to limit our joy.

My mother could not be more thrilled! While all our talk about me breeding her these last months was as much as a turn-on because of the taboo, the reality of it was even more outrageous. My mother was having my baby! And I admit I wanted to see my mother pregnant. I wanted to see her belly swell and her tits grow huge and eventually start aching to be milked. I could not wait for that moment when the contractions came, when she lost all control of her body, and her animal instincts pushed her into that pleasure/pain that I can only imagine.

The sex was even more intense. Mom's hormones were going crazy, but it seemed to make her even hornier. I was fucking her all the time. I had to pull over at every rest stop just to get her off. And she got to the point where she didn't want to wear any clothing at all, which made me hard every time I looked at her amazing body. She spent a lot of her time in the back of the RV while I drove but was not afraid to come sit in the front, completely naked, giving the truckers and fellow RV'ers an eyeful. I hadn't realized how much she enjoyed showing herself, and how much I enjoyed displaying her to strangers. But that fit well with where we were headed.

Our destination was about an hour out of Palm Springs, in the middle of nowhere. It was more of a trailer park than an RV park, but it accommodated both. Most of the residents were retired, and many had lived there for years. It was once a higher end resort, and was well kept, with a big swimming pool, two hot tubs, country club, restaurant, and nine-hole golf course. But what drew me there was that it had become a clothing optional destination, a community of ex hippies and free-love types and I hoped it would be a place Mom and I could be ourselves, not only safe and unashamed, but unabashedly sexual.

I checked in online, and we arrived after dark, so Mom still had no idea what kind of place this was, as we drove to our campsite. She was naked when we parked. I told her to come outside to help me hook up and set up, and she started to go put on some clothes, but I told her, "No, don't do that."

I could watch the wheels turning in her head at the idea of going outside naked. I think she thought it was just a dare, with the excitement of being exposed to the public. And to be honest, I wasn't sure yet what the ground-rules were, if any, about nudity, but I intended to find out.

She slipped on some sandals and followed me outside. I let her do most of the work so I could watch her in the light from the streetlight across the road. She knew she was putting on a private show for me, and made the best of it, bending over, turning just so, finding those poses that every woman knows will make a man want to fuck her.

I couldn't stand it anymore, and I walked up behind her and slid my gym shorts down. She bent over and put both her palms against the side of the RV and when she turned her head back and looked over her shoulder towards me, I could see the smile. She had won this round. I slipped inside her as she pushed her ass out into me. She grunted as I pumped her, and it didn't take long before I came. She didn't clean herself up, so I could imagine that my cum was running out and down her leg, though I couldn't tell in the light and shadows.

Although the evening was starting to cool, it was still quite warm, and I suggested we walk down to the pool, which stayed open until midnight. She looked at me uncertainly but followed along as I walked out to the road and towards the central complex. She followed behind me, reluctant but obedient.

It was only when we got to the parking lot that served the pool and clubhouse that she stopped and questioned, "What are we doing?" She could not imagine that showing up at the pool completely naked was going to be okay.

I turned to her, stepped in front of her, and said, "Open your mouth."

She opened for me.

I stuck my tongue deep in her mouth and she began to suck it like a pacifier. I then grabbed her by the back of the head and pulled her hair with my left hand and slipped my right hand in between her legs to feel the sticky cum there as I fucked her mouth with my tongue and her pussy with my finger. As I did so, she melted into me out of complete submission. A minute or so of that, and I took her hand and walked her to the gate of the pool.

When we opened the gate, time stopped. There were two couples playing cards at a table to our left, and two heads bobbing in the hot tub beyond the deep end, and all six of them looked up at us and stared. The two couples were much older, fully clothed in polo shirts and shorts and the like. The two people in the water were gray headed but I couldn't tell if they were wearing swimwear.

As long as it didn't get us kicked out of the place, this was the first impression I had been hoping for. I walked my beautiful mother down to the concrete steps at the shallow end, and I let go of her hand, slipped off my flops, and dropped my shorts and shirt before I entered the water with her.

The water was warm and perfect. The area was well lit, but not too bright. We walked out to medium depth, but not so deep that we all couldn't see her breasts, and I began stroking them. Then I stooped and kissed each nipple, sucking it hard into my mouth and stretching each breast out until I heard her gasp, and then I simply took her neck into my mouth and sucked her recently healed tattoo.

At first the whole thing was theater. I was deepening that first impression, knowing that the story of us would spread like California wildfire amidst all these retired old-timers. I was imagining the looks on their faces without turning to confirm it. But once I started sucking on her neck and hearing the sounds she was making deep in her throat, I didn't care about anyone else. My passion took over. I just wanted to fuck her again, long and slow and wet.

I took her by the hand again and led her out of the pool and into the other hot tub. I sat on the concrete bench, and she straddled me, facing me. Since I had cum so recently, we both knew I could last as long as she needed. I wasn't really hard, but I was hard enough, and she guided me inside her. I leaned back and she began that primal belly dancing, grinding thing that women do, when they want to experience every inch of a cock on every nerve in their pussy and on their clit. She had her hands in her hair, and then on my shoulders, and then on the side of the tub. She leaned forward, and back. She was so beautiful. I had not yet touched her tits, because I wanted this to last as long as possible.

From where I was sitting, I could look over her shoulder at the two couples. They had turned their chairs towards us, their card game forgotten. Without looking, Mom knew. She rolled her hips, and my dick got harder inside her. She went deep, wanting that pressure on her womb.

She grabbed my hands and put them on her tits. I clamped onto her nipples, pulled them straight out and twisted, and held them there. She pulled away to stretch them even further as she came, crying out, "Oh, Mommy's cumming! Mommy's cumming!"

I waited for the very last wave of her orgasm, the last twitch of her hips, before I rolled her over and lifted her legs out of the water, without sliding out of her. She was slick, and her pussy lips were puffy and full. She screamed out, "Come inside Mommy, baby! Give Mommy all your cum! Cum in Mommy, baby! Cum now! Please, baby!"

Even though she had me ready to blow, I held on for another ten minutes of hard strokes before I came inside her. All the time she was begging, and rubbing her clit, getting herself off at least once more, and several more quivering convulsions. When I finally came, I stayed deep inside her, and sucked on her neck while she wrapped her legs around me to keep me inside her, cooing, "Oh, oh, oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah, yeah."

We were spent. And hot now, from our exertions in the tub. We had not thought to bring a towel with us, so we just got out of the tub, dripping. I grabbed my clothes from beside the pool, and we both walked wet and naked back to the RV. The six people we left behind had not said a word.

Oh, but they would.

We slept late the next day, right through breakfast and into mid-morning. The restaurant had opened for lunch, so we decided to give it a try. We put some clothes on this time, my usual shorts and shirt, and Mom in shorts and a mostly unbuttoned blouse. When we got inside, it was pretty busy. The sign said sit anywhere, so we did. As we walked to a table by the window, not everyone stopped and looked, but a few people did. After I scanned the menu and picked out a sandwich and placed our order with the waiter, I looked out the window at the pool.

Mom was looking out the window too. You would think people wouldn't lay out in the sun these days, but there they were, several in the flat chairs and in the pool, so many with dark leather skin from a lifetime of the practice. A few in chairs under umbrellas but getting rays just the same. Mom and I were pasty in comparison. And there was a range of attire. Most men had on trunks, a few with Speedos. Several of the women were topless, but most had bikini bottoms. One woman was getting in the nearest hot tub nude. So at least it appeared that our nudity last night was not out of order.

Everybody at the pool, and in the restaurant for that matter, was older than Mom.

yet the women had their own brand of mature beauty. And even the scrawny old men and the ones with beer guts had a dignity from the freedom of being at peace with their bodies, which I greatly respected.

I didn't see anybody getting frisky out there, but the day was young.

I turned back to look around the restaurant, and caught a few more people casting glances our way, probably at my mother's lovely legs and her cleavage. But then I heard Mom say, "Oh my!" and I turned and looked out the window to see.

The woman walked through the pool gate, an older gentleman behind her, carrying all their things. She was perhaps my mother's age and height, but that was where the similarity ended. Where Mom is a fresh, mom next door beauty, this was a woman who was carefully crafted into starlet fashion, with nothing out of place. She was wearing golden sandals and a blue sarong over her hips. She was topless, and her tits were modeled from a Greek statue. Long wavy blonde hair, sunglasses, the latest pouty lip design, tucked tummy, long, slender limbs. As a finishing touch, she wore a medium weight gold chain around her waist, clasped together in a ring piercing her belly button.

Perhaps everyone out at the pool had gotten used to her, but her presence owned us both.

"Holy shit." Mom said.

We watched as they took seats at a table under an umbrella. We could see her clearly, magnificently, through the window. As she sat down, her phone must have rung because we saw her dig it out of the bag the old man had carried. She listened, showed surprise, then smiled at whoever was calling, and her teeth were as perfectly sculpted as the rest of her. She crossed and uncrossed her arms, and every glimpse of her nipples sent a shock down to my crotch. I hadn't fucked Mom yet today, so I was fully responsive.

I looked at my mom. I watched her watch the woman.

"Do you want her?" I asked.

She just kept watching, and a couple of seconds later, through parted lips, "...yeah."

"Me too." I admitted. Mom looked back at me, and I thought I might have just broken our spell, like breaking a vow, but she nodded at me and looked back at the woman.

"Yeah." she sighed again.

The waiter brought our food and saw where we were looking.

"That's Ms. Stewart," he said. She and her father own the resort.

She and her father.

Ms. Stewart took off her sunglasses to chew an earpiece, and I could not see the color of her eyes, but I could see the long lashes. Her eyes were darting around, then fell on us, gawking at her through the window. The sun was on our faces. She saw us. And it was like she recognized us. She smiled much bigger then and made a dismissive remark to the phone and hung it up.

Then she shocked us both by pointing her finger at me, and gesturing, and mouthing, "Come here."

Mom and I looked at each other in surprise. "Wait here?" I suggested to Mom, and I walked to the side door that exited into the pool area.

I walked up to her table, and I just stood there in front of the Stewarts, staring at her. Her eyes were light blue. And she looked even more perfect at close range, if that were possible. She had watched me all the way from the door.

"Howard," she said without breaking gaze with me, "I forgot my Vanity Fair. Could you be a dear and go get it for me?"

He didn't even look at me. He headed for the gate, and she gestured to his seat.

"You made quite an impression last night," she said. "I was just chatting with an old friend about your debut."

"My mother and I..."

"Your mother!" she interrupted. "So, it's true! I heard that she was screaming 'Mommy' while you fucked her, but I didn't dream it was literal! Here I thought I had met every motherfucker in California, and now I find the real deal! How delicious!"

I let her enjoy the moment, then, "My mother and I," I continued, "We want you."

She just sat there savoring all this. Like a pot of gold had been delivered to the table.

Finally, "I do love to be wanted."

She thought another moment, then said, "So you share each other? You swing?"

I told the truth, "I've shared her once with a young woman. She's never shared me. My cum belongs to her." Which was true. The tattooed girl never touched me, and the only time she tasted my cum was from my mother's pussy, my mother's ass or mouth, or from licking my mother's breasts or belly.

"Your cummies BELONG to Mommy! Well, it sounds like I need to talk to Mommy!" she teased and glanced back up at the window. Mom's eyes were glued to us. "Does Mommy tell you who you can fuck? Is she the boss?"

I smiled and shook my head, but fumed a little at her tone, which I'm sure she intended. She had a way of making me feel like a silly little boy. "My mother submits to me. But my cum belongs to her. And yes, we would need her permission."

I fired back, "What about Howard?" It was clear that she held the reigns, but I wondered what part he would expect to play. I wanted nothing of him.

She laughed. "Oh, Howard! Well now I have to confess that you and I are a bit alike."

"He's your father..."

"God, no! Eww! Howard is my STEP-father! My mother left us a very long time ago when I graduated high school, and we've helped each other get by."

"Helped each other?" I was fishing for something a bit more explicit.

She laughed again, "Fine! Let's say that I found out early that if I give him blowjobs, he gives me everything I want."

"So, he doesn't fuck you,"

She seemed to like my directness, but she stopped laughing. She was done toying with me. Then she did some magic thing with her lips and her eyes, and I was captivated all over again. She leaned in towards me, mouth open, her breasts dragging across the table and her nipples near enough to touch, and she quipped, "Well there's an odd birthday or Christmas now, isn't there. A girl does need to keep an old man's hope alive. But I haven't had a decent pounding in years. Why else the fuck would we be having this conversation. I'm sick and tired of fucking corpses, and word has it you are a nice fresh slab of meat."

I couldn't help but imagine Mr. Stewart then, after his wife left him, a young and unaltered version of this beauty putting her arms around his neck to comfort him, kissing his cheek, his chest, sliding down to her knees, him saying, "Oh dear, no, no, it's not right" as his dick disagreed. Cumming in her mouth, this mouth, and maybe she swallowed and maybe she spit it out and smeared it on his belly. All those years, her on her knees but him at her mercy.

And these days, the old man slumped in a chair with her perfect mouth on his tired old dick, him squirting onto her tongue, her swallowing because it just wasn't that big a deal anymore. I imagined his face on his birthday, hoping for his pity fuck. Not today, grandpa, maybe next year. It wasn't fair, this picture I made of him, but it played to her attitude towards him.

She leaned back while I was musing. While I was staring at her mouth. And she knew she had me. She licked her lips for me.

Then she looked back towards the windows. "It sounds like I need to meet Mommy Dearest," she said, standing up suddenly. I stood as well, but she motioned for me to sit back down.

"Oh, just let us girls talk. You need to wait here for Howard, so you can tell him where I've gone."

Then she reached behind her back and unsnapped her sarong, unwrapped it and placed it on the table. Her shaved pussy was just at my eye level, and I could see that her labia were pierced with a ring matching the one in her belly. She lingered a moment on my behalf, ensuring the enchantment, parting her legs slightly and running her hand down the inside of her thigh.

"Be careful what you wish for," she said as she walked towards the restaurant door, completely nude, and completely perfect. And unlike when she first arrived, every pair of eyes at the pool followed her in.

I might have stayed there as she instructed, and I would have missed the culmination of my mother's seduction. But as she walked away from me, I could not let her get out of my sight. I would like to say that I followed her to make sure that she didn't take advantage of Mom, but if that was my goal, I would have failed completely. And the truth is, I was already undone.

All eyes on her as we entered. She pulled out my chair and moved it out to face mother directly and sat near enough that their knees touched. I sat down at an empty table just across from them, not invited to this conversation.

Ms. Stewart spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear. This was another show, like our show last night. But it was a show of power. My mother, still fully smitten, and plunging head first into sub space, was a puppet.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mommy. Sonny tells me that you want me, is that true?"

Mom blushed and nodded, and Ms. Stewart smiled.

"Well, it doesn't look like you want me. I need you to show me."

Mom hesitated, then reached out to her, but she pulled away. "I need you to show me without touching me." and she spread her legs a little on my chair, to let Mom get a better look at the ring, and the prize.

Mom reached inside her blouse and began rubbing her breast while staring at Ms. Stewart's pussy.

"I can't see what you're doing there."

Mom slid one shoulder of her blouse away and exposed the one breast, nipple hard and red.

"Let's just skip to the part where you take off all your clothes and start rubbing your clit."

And that's what Mom did. The blouse and then scooting out of the shorts. She placed both on the table. Her hand went between her legs as I had my own hand on my crotch and felt the throbbing there, but this was not my show.

Before she could be scolded for it, Mom opened her legs and her pussy, and she rubbed herself.

"That's much better. I think we can all agree that we like you better completely naked. From now on, you aren't allowed to wear clothes here. Do you understand?"

Mom nodded, and I saw all the signs that this command flipped her mental switch and dropped her completely into her submissive state. Ms. Stewart could get her to do anything now.

She picked up Mom's clothes and held them up for the waiter. "Take these and burn them. And from now on, their money is no good here. Howard is paying their expenses."

I was not ready for any of this. She was taking control faster than I could keep up. But that flourish was just a magician's distraction from what she was really doing, as she looked back at Mom.

"Now tell me how much you want me. What you want to do to me."

"I want to be underneath you, eating you, sucking and kissing your body, kissing your mouth. Licking every part of you. I want you to fuck me however you want, to please you with my body." Mom said as she rubbed more violently on her clit, her hips starting to raise off the chair.

"Cum for me."

"Oh yeah, yeah. I will."

"You mean, 'Yes, Ms. Stewart. Please Ms. Stewart."

"YES, Ms. Stewart. Oh my god, please Ms. Stewart."

Ms. Stewart reached out and slipped two fingers in Mom's dripping cunt, and Mom came all over them. It was one of the biggest explosions I've seen Mom have.

When Mom was completely done, Ms. Stewart kept her fingers inside her as she spoke to her.

"I've been told that you own all your sonny's cummies, and if I want any, I have to ask you for them."

Mom started to turn and look at me, but Ms. Stewart said, "Don't look at him, look at me and answer my question. Do you own all of Sonny's little cummies?"

Mom nodded.

"Answer me!"

"Yes, Ms. Stewart. I own all my son's cum. He's only allowed to give it to me."

"You mean all your little boy's cummies?"

"Yes, Ms. Stewart. All my little boy's cummies."

"And do you want to share them with me?" and I could tell she curled her fingers inside my mother as she asked.

"Oh, ugggh, Yes, Ms. Stewart."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Ms. Stewart, I want to share all my son's cummies with you."

She pulled her fingers out of my mother, wiped them on my mother's cheek, and stood up. "What a good mother you are. Keep him from cumming today and bring him back to the club lounge tonight at ten. And maybe I will let you lick his cum from my pussy when we're done."

She turned to walk back towards the pool, but said over her shoulder, "But keep him hard today. I want him fully loaded."

She went back to her table by the pool, but we couldn't bring ourselves to look out the window. And our food just sat there, uneaten. Whatever had just happened to us was like a tornado blew through and rearranged everything. And as terrifying as that should have been, all either of us could think about was fucking Ms. Stewart in nine hours and thirteen minutes.

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