Mom/son insect STORIES

Chapter 189: 4

We stripped, hopped in the shower and turned on every spray. We washed each other, paying extra attention to the fun bits. My cock engorged and Mom lovingly stroked it with a soapy washcloth. 

"I've only had sex in the shower twice in my life," she hinted.

I immediately backed her against the wall and lifted her petite body. She wrapped her short legs around my waist and gripped my shoulder with one hand. Her other hand reached between us to guide me home. 

My fat boner inched in. "Ah ah ah," Mom gasped.

I was half-way in when my grip on her thighs slipped and she was impaled the rest of the way all at once. "Ow! Be careful," she pleaded.


But I was feeling feisty, so I thrust my hips and bucked Mom up almost the full length of my cock, then she crashed back down again. "Ryan!" she yelped.

I bucked her into the air and against the wall over and over. Her tiny body was tossed around like a rag doll. "Uh! Oh God! Ryan! Fuck!" she exclaimed.

Mom's brain might not have like the rough treatment, but her body did. An orgasm crashed on her. Her arms and legs tried to crush me. Her eyes rolled up and her head thrashed side to side. "Aaaaaaa," she wailed. 

I eased up on the vigorous thrusting but continued to screw her through her orgasm. 

She quickly recovered and glared at me. "Ryan, what the fuck?!" 

I still had her pinned against the wall with my steel-hard cock and was holding her up by her thighs. I put a hand behind her head pulled her to me for a kiss. She resisted for a second, then kissed me as hard as I kissed her. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she sucked on it voraciously. 

I got tired of holding her in the air, so I set her down. She look relieved until I spun her around to face the wall. I spread her legs and quickly shoved my throbbing cock back into its favorite place. I gripped her hips and went to town fucking her.

"Oh oh ooooh!" Mom cried out and braced her arms on the marble wall.

God, I loved my mom. She was a voluptuous shorty built for fucking! I leaned over her and grasped her hanging breasts. They were good handles and I humped her like a horny dog.

I was having such a good time that I quickly built to a peak. "Coming!" I yelled. My thick sword shoved in to the hilt and I pumped a load into Mom's grasping pussy.

I let her stand up straight and we both leaned against the wall to catch our breath. "That was fun," I said.

It was hard to read her face. I think she was part mad at me and part in awe of the fucking she just got. After a long moment she said, "I'm not used to it as physical as that."

I grinned. "I'll try to control myself."

We shut off the shower and she toweled her hair dry. With both of her hands up in the air, her boobs lifted enticingly. She watched me warily to see what I'd do.

I nonchalantly dried myself then put on my little loincloth. Then I just stood there and enjoyed watching her as she put on her costume.

"When we find you an apartment, lets get one with a big shower," she suggested. She grinned and I knew we were on the same page regarding regarding the virtue of hard fucks in the shower.

I took her hand and paraded her out through the master bedroom. Three of the people on the bed were awake.

"Sorry if our noise woke you," I said. 

"No worries," an older woman replied with a smile. "It sounded like fun."

"It was!" I assured her. "Have a nice day."

When we got back to our private little office room, Mom exclaimed, "Those were the Wallaces! The older couple on the bed!"

"The owners of this house?" I asked.

"Yes! That was them."

I couldn't help grinning. "Do you think they recognized you?"

"Lacey did, I'm sure of it," she stated. "What if they recognized you? She definitely knows you aren't my husband!"

"They invited 500 people to a gigantic sexy party at their house, Mom," I said. "I doubt they're the kind of people who would judge anyone who might have a fling at the party."

She looked very worried. I pulled her into a hug and she clung to me. "We have to be more cautious, honey," she said.

I nodded. "Yeah. Showering together was pushing our luck. I'm sorry. Do you want to go talk to this Lacey person? You might be able to head off any suspicions she has."

Mom thought about it and decided, "That's a good idea. If I don't find out what she's thinking, I'll worry myself to death."

"Do you want me to come?"

She emphatically shook her head. "No. I'll handle this. You stay here. I won't be long."

Mom was gone for almost a half hour, but when she returned I could tell a weight was lifted from her shoulders. "We're safe," she told me. 

"What did she say?"

"First I apologized for using their master bathroom. She didn't mind that at all. Lots of people use it. Then she congratulated me about finding a young stud to play with! That's exactly the way she phrased it."

"So she didn't know who I was?"

Mom shook her head. "She didn't have a clue. Like you said, there are too many guests to remember them all."


"That's not all," she continued. "She invited me to come back in a few weeks to meet their son when he's home from medical school!"

"She wants to set you up with her son?"

Mom nodded.

"Doesn't she know you're married?"

"She does, but now she also thinks I fool around," Mom pointed out. "She says her son has a strong preference for older women."

"You didn't accept, did you?" I asked.

"Of course not."

We hugged. "We dodged a bullet," I said.

She nodded. "We have to be careful, and that means renting an apartment as soon as possible. I'll pay for it out of my own account so your father won't know about it. It will be our secret place. What do you think?"

"I love it," I stated. "How often do you think we can ... you know ... get together?"

"Whenever you like in the daytime. I need to be more circumspect at night, although I want to try our weekly 'date night' idea." Mom paused and a wicked grin formed on her lips. "If you fuck me senseless during the day, our nighttime dates can be perfectly innocent and nobody will suspect a thing."

"So your plan hinges on me fucking you senseless?"

"I think you're up to it."

"I'll do my best," I replied with a grin. 


I began loading decorations into our van. Dad showed up with Alice at his side. He wasn't holding her chain this time. "Good morning, Melody," he mumbled. Clearly he was hurting from a hangover. He didn't seem aware that the girl he slept with last night was right there.

Mom went along with it. "Good morning, Ed. Too much to drink last night?"

Dad nodded but went to work loading the van with me. What a trooper.

I lingered and heard Alice say to Mom, "Professor Reed is really cute."

"Yes, he is," Mom agreed.

"Would it be okay if I went out with him sometime?" the girl boldly inquired.

Mom's right eyebrow raised. "That would not be okay, Alice. I'd be embarrassed if my friends saw you out on dates with Ed."

"Oh. Yeah, I can understand that." April was dejected.

"Don't you have your own apartment?"

April nodded. "It's downtown. Daddy pays the rent."

"Well, invite Ed to your place for dinner. As long as you're discreet, I have no problem with it," Mom told her.

"Oh! Thanks, Mrs Reed! I'll do that. Can he spend the night too?"

"That's up to Ed, dear, but he obviously enjoys your company so I'm sure he'll want to. Just keep me apprised of your meetings with my husband, please. A simple heads up via text will be fine."

April crushed Mom in a hug. "Thank you! I'll let you know whenever we have plans," she gushed then dashed outside to talk to Dad.

"That was generous of you," I remarked to Mom.

"Not at all. When your father is with April, I'll have alone time with you."

I looked back outside and saw April give Dad a giddy hug and kiss. Then she pulled out her phone and typed quickly.

Mom's phone binged with a text from April. It read: "Prof Reed coming to my place for dinner Fri. I'll get him to spend the night. TY!!!"

Mom grinned and told me, "You'll be spending Friday night with me, darling."

"I'm already looking forward to it."

Dad came inside and said, "Alice invited me to dinner Friday night. Isn't that nice of her?"

I sincerely believe Dad didn't realize Alice planned to bed him again. He had to be the most absentminded professor of all time.

"Yes, honey. Very nice," Mom agreed. "She seems like a wonderful girl."

"Most enthusiastic student I've had in ages," Dad observed.

We finished loading the van and Dad got behind the wheel. Mom sat on my lap again. 

I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested them on her bare abs, but we didn't fool around. Mom leaned back against my naked chest and quickly dozed off. My cock swelled. 

Having Mom on my lap would never lose its thrill.

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