Mom/son insect STORIES

Chapter 192: 2

"Now just you remember Tommy that you can't call me mom tonight, call me Leah, ok?" She said looking at him in the eyes, he nodded, and Leah couldn't help but smile as she spoke again, "Oh and, we might have to flirt just a little so nobody gets suspicious ok?"

His eyes went as wide as saucers and he said, "But mom, I can't flirt with you, you''re my mom!"

"Look, I'm not asking you to do anything major, just something little, like a hug or an arm around my waist, or even a peck on the cheek. Nothing else, you think you can do that? If not then we might as well go home." She said looking at him sternly

"Yeah I can do that." He said sulkily

"What, are you ashamed to have people think you're with me? Am I not hot enough or something?" She asked pretending to be outraged. She already knew the answer to that question by that bulge in his pants.

"No it's not that, it's just weird, that's all." He replied and then lowered his head, although he jerked it back up quick enough when his eyes fell on her cleavage. She smiled again, trying to comfort him but still a little tease came through. She liked turning people on, especially when they were shy about it.

"Look, just pretend for now that I'm not your mother until you get a little more comfortable with everything ok?" She asked still wearing her smile

"Ok" He said after a small sigh

"Relax, and just enjoy yourself. You never know, tonight might turn out to be fun." She reassured him, "And don't call me mom!"

With that, she slipped an arm through his and they began walking towards the entrance. As they walked, she couldn't help but press just a little closer against his arm, gently pressing her tits against him. He fidgeted around and cleared his throat a couple of times as well. Yes he was flustered, and Leah found it very amusing indeed.

When they entered the party, they were shown into one of two main rooms. The room they first walked into was really just a well-lit room, cleared of its desks and there were corridors coming off it leading to offices. There were quite a few people standing here, couples dotted around and odd people walking around on their own, but everyone was dressed up. Elvis', chickens, Simpson's, fairies, all different kinds of costumes. Leah figured that this must be the room where the host greeted everyone, because the sounds of music were coming from the room next door.

Suddenly, a giant kangaroo with an elephant came walking up to Leah and Tommy. Her son went stiff as a post, and Leah hoped no one would notice, especially these two.

"Ah good evening Leah, Carl." The Kangaroo said with the voice of Harold Marsh, Carl's sector manager. "Glad to see you tonight."

"Harold, Lydia, so nice to see you." She replied with a bright smile, noting the older man's eye line straight at her cleavage, "Thank you for the invitation."

"Nonsense, nonsense, Carl here is our best worker, he's always welcome here. He might even become a partner some day." He said without once taking his eyes from her tits.

She felt Tommy tense and turned to smile at him. He was looking daggers at Harold Marsh, tension forgot in his protectiveness of his mother. She stroked his arm reassuringly, and felt him jump slightly. She did hope they hadn't seen that.

Suddenly, Tommy spoke.

"I'm going to get a drink." He said and walked away, leaving Leah the choice to follow or be dragged along.

She smiled at The Marsh's as she walked away on Tommy's arm, but when she was far enough away she whispered angrily, "What was that all about?"

"He was ogling you mom." He answered

"So, every man will probably ogle me in this dress, you have. And don't call me mom!" She said quickly and quietly

"Sorry." Was all he said, but whether for what he did or the fact that he too had ogled her, she didn't know.

They headed into the other room. This also was a room where all the desks had been cleared away, but this room was about ten times as large as the other one, and dark except for the flickering lights of a disco at the far end of the room, opposite the door they had just come in from, and corridors led to offices further in the building from a few directions.

The room was dark despite the lights of the disco, and there were many places against some of the walls where Leah could barely make out anyone was standing there at all until they moved out into the lighter areas.

"I'm gonna go and get a drink." Tommy said when they entered the dark room, "Do you want one mo...Leah?"

She smiled at him lovingly, "Ok, but I don't want you drinking too much, you're driving home."

"Me?" He exclaimed loudly, but not loudly enough to be heard over the music thankfully, "You're gonna let me drive?"

"Well I'm here to have a good time tonight and seeing as you only wasn't to mope about then I don't see why I shouldn't drink." She said with another loving smile, "Now be a good boy and go fetch me a drink baby." And she gave him a little peck on the cheek, to which his eyes went wider than they had downstairs. Leah could've laughed, but instead she walked over to say hello to a few people before Tommy returned.

Tommy left his mother to wander and quickly darted out of the room and into the toilets that he had seen earlier. He looked around to see if anyone else was there, but they were empty.

Quickly he walked over to the sink and turned the cold tape on. Splashing the water on his face, but being careful not to spill any on the costume he soaked his face and then looked into the mirror.

He was so turned on; his dick was ragingly hard, so hard he had even thought about going in to the cubicle and jacking himself off while thinking about his mom.

There was no escaping it now, he had never noticed before but after tonight he would always be aware that his mother was a knockout, real life sex on legs, and he knew that he was hot for her.

He looked long and hard at himself in the mirror and tried to calm himself down.

"She's only pretending." He told his reflection, "She's not really flirting. Just trying to make it all look real."

He told himself over and over again, but he just didn't want to believe it.

"Well, I can handle this, I can do this. Just stay calm and in control and remember the truth and everything will be ok. She's just pretending. This is all pretend." He told himself once again, and continued to tell himself in his mind as he left the toilets and went back to get a drink for his mo...for Leah.

Leah stood talking with a couple that both worked with Carl who she didn't know. They were nice people and the first who she had spoken to that had not only stared at her tits. Why was it the only man who could touch her tits when he wanted to, was the only man not at this party? She tried to tell herself that the aggravated feelings she felt were created by annoyance at Carl, not horniness.

For about the tenth time in fifteen minutes she looked around to see if she could see Tommy anyway. He had been gone a long time. She hoped he hadn't got lost.

Suddenly she felt an arm around her waist pulling her side against someone, and when she turned her head to look it was Tommy.

"Hey honey, where've you been?" She asked sweetly, but with questioning eyes.

"Oh I just went to powder my nose hot stuff." Her son answered back

Leah stared at him for a moment and was tempted to take the mask off to see if this really was her husband. Tommy had never spoken to her like that, and he didn't seem to be frightened of flirting with her anymore. He even sounded the same in the loud music.

He smiled at her as he handed her her drink.

"Thought you might want this seeing as I'm driving." He said with a smile and then turned that smile on them, "Hey, how you doing?" He asked as if he actually knew who they were.

Leah took a gulp of wine or whatever it was in the glass and studied her son as she did. He still had hi arm around her as if this was all natural and normal, he even squeezed her side once or twice as he spoke, each time he turned to smile lovingly at her.

So he was not flustered anymore was he? She thought to herself, we'll see about that.

She moved closer to him and pressed her large tits tightly against his arm so that his muscular arm tried to bury itself between her large, firm mounds. And she ran a hand across his lips and rested her hand on his chest. She had never noticed how solid he was before. Smiling adoringly up at him she spoke teasingly.

"Hey sugar, I'm just going to get me another drink. I won't be long." She said and gently kissed him on the cheek.

To her surprise, Tommy didn't move at all, or flinch or seem flustered in any way at all. He just simply turned to her and smiled, and she felt his big hand fall down onto her ass and squeeze hard. She looked at him thinking perhaps her eyes were like teacups now.

"Tell ya what sexy, I'll go n' get ya another." He said and with another smile he slapped her hard on her ass before walking off towards the drinks table.

What had gotten in to him to make him no longer afraid to flirt with his mother? She should have been shocked and disgusted by his actions, but she wasn't going to be out done now. She was going to make him flustered, she knew she could. So instead of being worried about how events had turned, Leah Bryton smiled as her son walked off to get her another drink.

When Tommy found Leah again she was sitting down at a table on her own. The table was round with a white tablecloth drooping almost to the floor. She smiled up at her son as he came to sit down beside her on a chair with it's back against the wall. The place was one of those darker spots, which didn't actually seem much darker to Leah when she was in it, but no one would be able to make much out beyond that two people were sitting there. No way she would be disturbed.

As Tommy sat down, Leah leaned forward a little and smiled at her son, and ran her fingernails of her left hand up and down his thigh under the table. That made him flinch, but he regained his self-possession quickly.

She leaned closer until their faces were inches apart. She could feel his warm breath and feel his body warmth. She could feel lust gently flowing through her veins; although she was unaware it was really there.

"Thank you baby." She said teasingly and leant in to gently brush his lips with hers.

Slowly she moved back slightly to look at him. Her heart was beating faster, and knew that his must be too, but he didn't show one slight fluster in him at all. She almost growled at herself in frustration, but instead she just smiled and then moved forward to press her lips against his this time, not hard, but a lot this was a proper peck on the lips, only neither one of them moved back.

Electricity began to course through Leah's body, only slightly, and a kiss she was sure lasted only a few seconds seem to last forever. 

Slowly, she moved her face farther from his and looked into his eyes this time. Her heart was pounding faster, but no thought came to her that this was wrong; after all she hadn't kissed him properly, just longer than was proper for a mother to kiss her son.

Still Tommy barely looked shaken or flustered at all; he appeared as if this was all normal and ordinary. This time Leah did growl.

"What's wrong?" Her son asked looking concerned

"What made you so bold and unconcerned about flirting with me all of a sudden?" She asked sounding irritated

"I'm trying for you, believe me that was hard after that kiss." He said and took a quick gulp of his beer.

So, she was getting to him. Well, she definitely wasn't prepared to go any further, but she had an idea to make him squirm, it would work on any man.

With a smile, she said to him teasingly, "This chair isn't very comfortable, I think I need to sit somewhere more designed for my body." And with those words she stood up and plunked herself down straight onto her sons lap.

His eyes shot open and she grinned at him. Now he was flustered. She put her arm around his neck and tried shuffling around so that her tits were right under his face and he had no way of avoiding looking at her cleavage. Suddenly she realised what the hard lump underneath her that was making her feel so uncomfortable. Her eyes shot open then and she tried to stand up but his arm held tightly around her waist pulled her roughly back down. She was about to demand why, when she noticed two guys sit down opposite them and smile at Tommy. Leah tried to sit very still and look like she was comfortable, but her son's hard dick was pressed hard against her pussy, and she was still horny from earlier.

"Hey Carl, is this the lovely Leah we've heard you talk about so much?" One of the guys said

"She's even hotter than you said man." The other one added

"Well you know me, I only go for the hottest women and there ain't no one hotter than my Leah." He smiled at her and bounced her on his knee a couple of times, bouncing her pussy against his still hardening cock. She tried to keep a straight face.

"Nice outfit Leah." The first one spoke

"Yeah." The other one added again

To her surprise, Tommy spoke again.

"Yeah, she looks so sexy I can't wait to get her home and fuck her hard." He said, and if that didn't surprise Leah enough, her sweet 18-year-old boy, reached his hand from her waist, upwards and cupped her right tit and squeezed it several times hard.

Leah thought she had squeaked but she tried hard not to show anything on her face, she just let her son grope her tits until he finally let go and spoke to the pair again.

"I don't want to be rude guys but me and my girl here just want to have a bit of privacy for a while." He said, replacing his hand back on her waist and once again bouncing her slightly on his knees. Her pussy pulsed and yearned for release of the tension within.

The two guys smiled and nodded then said goodbye to Leah and walked away. As soon as the two were out of eye shot Leah stood up and rounded on Tommy.

"What in the fuck do you think you're doing?" She demanded, "You can't touch me like that, I'm your mo....."

He gently laid a finger on her lips and said, "I had to, I saw those guys earlier and they were always trying it on with the women. I had to let them know that you're taken."

"You didn't have to...." She began but again he silenced her with that finger on her black lipstick covered lips

"I had to. We're pretending you're my wife not anything else." He said looking at her flatly, "Remember? I've seen dad behave like that with you so I knew they'd buy it."

There wasn't much she could say, she knew he was right, but he was her son. How could he be so calm about touching his own mother like that? He seemed to have been enjoying it!

"I think we should calm down, before anything gets out of hand." She said as she looked at him

"Ok, we'll just flirt lightly and no one will know." He reassured her this time. But she had enjoyed it, enjoyed the feel of a hard cock against her needing pussy, missed it now it wasn't there. She had to calm down. "Come on lets get another drink."

"You've read my mind." She said trying to smile. She had to calm down, she couldn't let lust take over her, he was her son!

For the next few hours' things between Leah and Tommy began to change. At first they were still awkward around each other. Mother not knowing what to do in case she gave the wrong signals to her son, and son not knowing just how far or little to give to help convince other people they were married.

But as the drinks began to flow and Leah began to drink a little more, she began to relax more and once again they began to lightly flirt with each other, trying to convince other people of course. Neither of them was enjoying it. Of course.

So little hugs and arms around each other became a little more frequent as the party went on. Then light pecks on the cheeks as earlier events began to seem less shocking and disgusting to Leah. Then they held hands as they walked around talking to various people, Leah's fingernails running up and down Tommy's legs even near his crotch, Tommy's hand rubbing and squeezing Leah's ass as they stood, and even as time began to continue and Leah drank more, the pecks on the lips began to reappear, and the lips of mother and son stayed pressed together harder and for longer each time.

Leah was beginning to feel quite tipsy when one of her favourite songs came on the disco.

"Oh baby come on, we've got to dance to this, come on honey you haven't danced with me all night." Leah pleaded to Tommy

It was getting easier now to call her Leah after so long of pretending they were married. It had only been a matter of hours, but the flirting had gotten stronger with each passing minute. Although Tommy still knew that this was all pretending and his mother being tipsy.

He looked up at her bending over to pull him up by the hands and saw straight at her twin globes. Her cleavage was amazing. He couldn't resist her, she was just too hot.

"Ok, ok come on then sexy." He said. Calling her by more and more intimate names had also come easier now; he barely had to think anymore. It was like this hot woman really wasn't his mother at all. But still, some part of both of them must still remember the reality, because if she had been anyone else, he would have taken his shot and knew that he would have gotten it.

They walked up into the middle of the dance floor, which was quite crowded by other couples dancing away, and most of them not caring that their moves were far more than just suggestive.

And the dance began, a slow moving song this was, but as the beat went on it would be livelier until it made you dance until you dropped. He knew this song well.

So gently Tommy placed his arms around his mother's waist and held her tightly against him. As he had had only two drinks that night, he was completely sober; his mother on the other hand, was just a little tipsy.

She rested her head against his chest as they slowly swayed to the music. Her big 42D tits pressed against his hard chest, her arms lightly resting around his neck, and his hands slowly moving down to cup her tight ass.

As his hands reached down and squeezed Leah's ass, he pulled her tightly against himself, feeling his hard cock pressing against her stomach. He couldn't help it, with such a hot woman so close his natural instinct was to fuck her, and it felt good having her pressed tightly against him.

Slowly, she lifted her head up to look into his eyes, their faces only inches apart again. A look of love, the love only a parent and child can share, passed between them as they looked at each other, their faces moving closer together until his lips met her black lipstick covered lips. They were so soft; he couldn't believe how soft they were. Harder they pressed their heads together closer, until Tommy could take it no more and he was about to open his mouth when the music suddenly went loud and Leah pushed away from his so quickly he thought that he had done something wrong, but she had a big grin on her face, and she wouldn't be smiling like that if he had pissed her off.

She began to move her hips sensuously to the beat and rhythm of the music, shaking her ass and running her hands over her tits, even squeezing them together as a look of pure lust came into her eyes.

He danced around with her, moving to match her, pulling her close to him by her waist, they both grinded their pelvises into each other as if trying to fuck each other with their clothes on.

Her fingernails yanking at his hair and running down his chest stopping just short of his bulging dick as she danced backwards running her hands over her body. He had never seen her dance like this. Then again, he was no virgin, and he had never seen anyone move so sexually as his mother was right then.

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