Mom/son insect STORIES

Chapter 25: "PET MOMMY": DP MOMMY-SLUT! 3

I turned around in just my bra and thigh highs and asked, my hand reaching for his cock, "And what would that be, sexy?"

"At the restaurant, I want you to flirt excessively with Frederick under the table," he replied.

"Hmmmmm," I said.

He smiled, putting his hands on my shoulders and guiding me down to my very regular submissive position.

Without instructions, I retrieved his cock from his trousers and stroked him gently. "You're such a very naughty boy to whore your Mother out like this," I teased, before asking, "May I have an appetizer to get me in the mood?"

"Of course," he smirked, as I opened my mouth and took his cock in my mouth.

Knowing time was of the essence before we'd have to leave, I bobbed back and forth hungrily, eager to taste his addictive seed. As I sucked his cock like a dirty slut, Michael continued explaining his plans for me. "Then I want you to give Frederick a hand job."

I stopped sucking and took my son's eight inches of meat out of my mouth and asked, "Really? At the restaurant?"

"Yes," he said, adding, "Until he comes."

"How am I supposed to make that happen?" I asked, unable to fathom how I could accomplish such a daring task with such a shy boy.

"That's for you to figure out, Mommy-slut," Michael smirked, "now get back to work."

Over the past two weeks, Michael had become more dominant and his expectations of me had steadily increased. The line between son and Dom no longer fazed him, and his treatment of me had become bolder. Acknowledging my role in this power shift and pleased by it, I didn't argue but simply replied, "Yes, Master," and took his cock back in my mouth.

As I went for the kill, Michael continued, "Lastly, I trust Frederick and I know he can keep our dirty little secret. So not only will you take Frederick's virginity, but tonight you'll also receive your first double penetration."

The thought of Frederick's knowing scared me, yet the thought of my giving Michael unconditional control over me was exhilarating. I continued my furious assault on his cock and was rewarded with a load of my son's sweet seed, plus getting double penetrated had always been a fantasy of mine, one that Michael now was obsessed with ever since our earlier conversations on the subject.

Once I'd swallowed every last drop, I allowed his cock to slip out of my mouth and asked from my submissive position, "You're absolutely certain you can trust Frederick?"

"Do you trust me?" Michael asked, as he tucked his cock away for the time being.

"Of course, with all my heart and soul; you own me, Michael," I replied, meaning every word.

"Then trust me in this," he smiled, helping me to my feet. "I love you and I won't ever do anything to hurt you."

He kissed me passionately, like two lovers would do. It was soft and tender yet contained the fierce passion of a young couple in love.

Twenty-five minutes later we all arrived at the restaurant. It was obvious that Frederick was obsessed with my very generous display of cleavage as he continually took quick glances, which he thought were sly and discreet but were anything but. We were seated, and I surprised Frederick when I told him to "Slide over, good looking," and sat beside him instead of the obvious choice, my son.

"Kkkkk," he said, his face flushing both at my compliment and my hand on his leg as I sat down, pretending to use it for balance.

"Thanks, sweetie," I smiled, sitting down and giving his leg a friendly squeeze before removing my hand.

"N-n-no problem," he stammered, adorably flustered.

I ordered a bottle of wine; yes, they were underage, but when you know the owner, such trivialities can be overlooked. I was hoping the wine would help, both by providing an excuse for what was about to happen, and also to relax me a bit, as the task at hand was still a bit nerve-wracking.

Once we'd ordered our meals, I made a toast, "To the best prom ever."

The boys concurred and after clinking glasses, they each drank their wine and each made that first time tasting red wine face, and then tried to hide it... all of which was hilarious.

As we ate our salads a few minutes later, our first glasses of wine almost done, I placed my hand on Frederick's leg again, this time keeping it there. His eyes went big as he tried to process what I was doing. Michael smiled knowingly.

I chatted with my son casually as my hand slowly crept towards his best friend's cock. I was worried Frederick would pass out, as he was holding his breath.

Amused by Frederick's bewilderment, I boldly placed my hand directly onto his fully erect, and impressively sized, cock. He let out a gasp.

Michael asked, "You ok, Frederick?"

"Y-y-yes, f-f-fine," Frederick stammered as my hand continued resting on his cock.

Entertaining myself, I added, the innuendo obvious to us all, "So Frederick, what's up?"

"W-w-what?" he stammered, as I began rubbing his cock through his pants.

The waiter arrived with our main course, not ending poor Frederick's focused attention, since my motionless hand still lingered there, a constant tease.

Once our meals were placed before us, I gave Frederick one final squeeze before returning my hand to the table. We ate mostly in silence, each of us thinking different, yet similar thoughts.

I gave Michael a nod as we finished eating our dinners and accepting my cue he said, "I need to go to the washroom."

Seconds after my son was gone, I went to work. I returned my hand to Frederick's cock and after giving it a firm squeeze, I unzipped his pants. "Frederick dear, is it ok if I get some dessert from you?"

"M-M-Ms. Lodge?" he stammered again, overwhelmed by my suggestion.

"Yes?" I smiled, fishing out his fully erect cock from his trousers, which were still fastened at the top.

"W-w-what are y-y-you doing, Ms. L-L-Lodge?" Frederick stuttered, looking around, probably for some morality squad to show up and begin condemning us in loud voices.

Sitting in the back of the restaurant like we were, no one could see my hand stroking his cock. "Just whipping up some dessert, baby," I purred.

"Oh God," he moaned, watching me with frozen delight.

"Do you find me sexy, Frederick?" I asked, demurely.

"S-s-sexy? Y-y-you? Y-y-yes," he moaned.

"Would you like me to suck your cock later on, baby?" I purred as I continued stroking his cock.

"W-w-what?" he gasped at my shocking question.

Ignoring his rhetorical question, I continued, "Or would you rather fuck me?"

"Aaaaah," he groaned a moment later and I felt his warm liquid coating my hand as I continued pumping his throbbing cock.

"Hmmmm, I'll take that nice warm rainfall as a yes, baby," I smiled, as I released his cock and brought my hand to my mouth. He watched in stunned silence as I licked all his cum up and swallowed it. "Hmmmm, delicious, I think I may need a bedtime snack later tonight. You do provide refills, don't you?"

"I-I-I," he babbled.

Becoming the slut my son wanted me to be, I went even further than he'd instructed as I said, "Ohhhh, I missed some." I bent down below the tabletop and swallowed Frederick's big cock in one quick deep throat before just as quickly sitting back up. "Fuck, baby, you must have to beat the girls off with a stick with such a sweet cock."

Before he could reply, Michael returned to the table and asked, seeing my devious smile, "Did I miss anything?"

"Oh, no," I purred, "I was just getting to know your best friend a bit better." I glanced down and saw Frederick awkwardly putting his cock away.

"Really?" Michael said, "What did you learn?"

"That's my delicious little secret," I quipped, at which Frederick gasped.

Frederick stammered, "I-I-I have to go the washroom."

I stood up in the aisle so he could slide out of the booth, giving his ass a sly squeeze as he lurched past me.

He let out another gasp and was gone, and I burst out laughing.

"Obviously you completed task one," Michael deduced.

Still laughing, I reported, "The looks on his face were well worth the price of admission."

"I bet they were," my son smiled before adding, "By the way, I think you have a little leftover dessert on your chin."

Moving my hand to my chin, I felt a bit of overlooked Frederick goo, which got me laughing again as I retrieved the final remaining evidence and sucked it into my mouth.

When Frederick returned, Michael and I immediately stood up and I said, my innuendo playful and full of promise, "Well my virile prom dates, let's go home and share some yummy dessert."

We drove home, and the boys chatted randomly as I contemplated the upcoming DP my son was planning for me. Mostly I was excited, the thought of two cocks filling me simultaneously was a fantasy of mine (although not one I'd ever anticipated becoming a reality), yet I still worried that allowing another person to learn of my intimate relationship with my son was risky.

I pulled into the driveway and my son quipped, "Let's go continue our very special prom."

Frederick joked, "You make it sound like some made for TV after school special."

"Well, it will be special," I added, my tone dripping with sexual innuendo.

"Promises, promises," Michael quipped.

As I opened my car door, I winked subtly to Frederick, "It's already been a special night, hasn't it, Frederick?"

Frederick's face again went tomato-coloured as he stammered, "Y-y-yes, Ms. Lodge."

While we waited for Michael to unlock the door, I sidled up to Frederick and whispered, "Frederick, please call me Betty now, especially after all we've shared together." I slyly squeezed his cock briefly before entering the house.

Frederick stood paralyzed as Michael opened the front door for me like a proper gentleman.

Once we were in the house, I went into the kitchen and poured three glasses of wine as Frederick, still stunned, joined Michael and me. I walked over to the bewildered horny teenager and handed him a drink. Grabbing mine, as Michael grabbed his, I proposed, "A toast... to a prom to remember."

We all clinked, and Frederick drank almost his entire glass in a single swallow.

I asked, "So what are you two sexy studs going to do now?"

"Probably play some Call of Duty like we planned," Michael shrugged.

"Well, go play while I fix you two sexy studs some snacks," I suggested.

The boys left, and I made a big plate of appetizers as the set-up continued. I joined the boys in the living room and like I had before, I made sure to bend directly in front of Frederick so he could take a good long look into my cleavage. Not braless this time, I was saving some things for later.

"Shit Frederick, what are you doing?" Michael asked, even though he knew exactly what his friend was doing, staring at his mother's tits.

"W-w-what?" Frederick stammered, turning back to the game to see that he'd just been killed.

"Sorry, sexy," I shrugged, and asked, "But since you're dead, could you be a dear and unbuckle my shoes? My feet are killing me."

"S-s-sure," the adorable boy, so out of his league, stammered, as I rested my foot on the coffee table.

"Mom, move your ass, it's in my way," Michael complained.

I turned, wiggled it in his face and quipped, "Is this better?"

Michael surprised Frederick with some audacity for the first time as he smiled, "Actually Mommy, that's much better."

Meanwhile, Frederick had moved his hands, shaking noticeably, to my shoe and was awkwardly unbuckling it. Once he was done, I switched feet and he removed my other shoe. Both shoes off, I stood up, stretched towards the ceiling like that other evening, allowing my breasts once again to become the focus of attention before saying, "Thanks darling, I owe you one."

I collapsed on the couch beside the stunned teen and watched the two resume their game. I positioned myself so my feet were on the coffee table and stretched out so my dress rode up enough to show the tops of my stockings and a bit of skin.

Frederick continued taking quick glances at my legs as he attempted to focus on the game.

Finally, I complained, "Guys, this is boring. It's time to make this more like a proper prom."

Frederick asked, still unable to pry his eyes away from my legs. "How?"

Standing up, I announced, "We should dance."

"I don't dance," both boys said in unison.

I went to the stereo, put on a sappy ballad, then returned and grabbed Frederick's hands and pulled him up. I smiled, "Every boy should get at least one prom night slow dance with a hot girl," I said, before fishing, "Unless you studs don't think I'm hot?"

Frederick looked to Michael for help, but Michael just chuckled teasingly, "Go ahead, tell my Mom what you say about her when she isn't around."

Frederick's face went red.

I asked playfully, "What do you say, Freddy?"

Michael, setting up the alone time I needed to finish the easiest seduction ever, acted all concerned all of a sudden, "Oh crap, I left my wallet at the restaurant."

"You did?" I asked, turning towards him, my ass slyly brushing against the protrusion in Frederick's pants.

"Yes, I remember setting it down on the table before we left, and I don't have it now," he lied.

"Well, you'd better go back and get it," I suggested.

"Sorry Frederick, will you be alright till I get back?" Michael asked.

I answered for him, my ass moving back to make firm contact with Frederick to signal my intentions. "Don't worry Michael, I'll take very good care of your friend."

"You do that," Michael replied, Frederick oblivious to the full breadth of our plan.

Michael left and I turned around and smiled, "Now... where were we? Oh yes, your slow dance."

I pulled the befuddled teenager into me, his face literally inches away from my big breasts as we danced, if you could call it that.

A couple minutes of slow close dancing and I leaned into his ear and asked, "Are you a virgin, Frederick?"

He stammered, "Y-y-yes m-m-ma'am."

I bit his ear playfully. "It's Betty, sexy. Remember?"

"S-s-sorry, Betty," he babbled, his face again as red as red can be.

"So what do you say about me to my son that you'd rather I didn't hear?" I asked, my free hand squeezing his ass.

"N-n-nothing," he again stammered.

"Tell Betty," I purred, "Maybe I can make your fantasy into a reality."

"Ummm... I said you were hot... and that..." he began, then blurted out in a rush, "... that I wished I could f-f-fuck you."

"You'd like to fuck me?" I asked delightedly as if this were news, my hand going directly to his front bulge, "with this?"

"Yeeeeess," he whimpered the moment I touched him.

"Well, I think proms should end with everyone having sex, shouldn't they?" I asked.

"In the movies they do," Frederick agreed.

"Well then, shall we make our own movie version of tonight's prom?" I asked, dropping to my knees and fishing his cock out of his trousers.

"Oh God," the adorable teen gasped, as my hand wrapped around his nine-inch hard cock, even longer than my son's impressive fuck stick.

"Oh God indeed, I plan to worship this delicious cock, baby," I teased, my tongue flicking his cock head.

"Ms. Lodge," he whimpered.

"No, you need to call me slut," I purred back.

"W-w-what?" he gasped, not able to process the extremities of what was happening to him.

"Tonight, I am yours Freddy, and I want you to use me as you've fantasized doing all those times you were checking out my legs, tits and ass. You've even fantasized about me while you jerked off, haven't you, big boy?" I asked, taking all of his cock in my mouth and then slowly pulling back until his lollipop top popped out of my mouth.

"Aaaaaaah, yes, erm, Betty... umm, slut?... I fantasize about you all the time," he admitted.

"What do you imagine?" I asked, swirling my tongue around his mushroom top.

"Well... feeling your legs in pantyhose," he offered.

One quick deep throat. "Actually, I wore stockings tonight so you'd have easier access to my wet cunt."

"Shiiiiit," he whimpered, not used to hearing such words from a friend's mother.

"What else do you imagine, baby?" I questioned, licking all the way down his solid shaft.

"Your tits," he groaned, "I've always wanted to see them."

Licking my tongue back up to the tip of his prick, I then stood up, turned around and asked, "Whatever you wish. Will you please unzip me, baby?"

I felt his hands trembling as he awkwardly unzipped me. Once it was free, I allowed my dress to cascade harmlessly to the floor.

Turning around I smiled, and silently reached my hands behind my back to unclasp my bra. His eyes were like the ones in those Roger Rabbit cartoons, bugged out, and his open mouth was watering like the big bad wolf's. I allowed my bra to hit the floor as well. My firm breasts were now right in the face of the virgin teenager. He was so captivated by them that I thought it could be a long time before he'd even notice my naked snatch. Smiling coyly, I asked, "So sexy, do you think seeing them is enough for you, or would you like to touch them?"

His eyes never left my breasts as he asked, like a kid at a candy store longing for a treat he's never been allowed, "May I?"

"On two conditions," I said.

"Anything," he said in a trance.

"First, you have to suck both of my nipples, they're dying for attention."

"Ooooookay," he said, his thin propriety line being all that was remaining between him and doing whatever he wanted with me right now.

"And second," I said, cupping my breasts towards his mouth, "you have to promise to fuck me like a dirty slut."

"Kkkk," he agreed, I doubt really comprehending my words as I offered him my left nipple. But he did manage to open his mouth and take it between his lips.

"Hmmmmm," I moaned, my voice over the top with sexy ups and downs, "Mommy likes."

He licked and sucked and explored like the virgin he was. What he lacked in experience, he made up for with his eagerness to please. He moved to my other breast and replicated the concentrated attention.

Finally I said, "So Frederick, I'm your prom slut tonight. What do you want to do to me?"

The shift from shy to stud seemed to have shifted sometime while he was making love to my breasts as he said, apparently having processed my earlier condition, "On your knees, slut."

I smiled and said while obeying his order, "I love a man who knows what he wants."

"Then I want you to suck my cock," he ordered, holding it out for me.

"Hmmmm, yes Master," I said, now giving him all the power possible before taking his cock in my mouth.

Unlike my teasing of before, this time I sucked him like the expert cock sucker that I am. I bobbed back and forth, taking his entire cock in my mouth while sucking it like a porn star on a deadline. I wanted him to come in my mouth, I wanted to be his first everything. I'd already given him his first hand job, and I hoped before the night was through to take his virginity and maybe even take him in my ass.

"Oh shit," he groaned, only a few bobs into my royal cock sucking treatment, and I already felt his load of cum spraying down my throat. I didn't slow down until long after every sweet speck of his seed had been deposited in me.

Finally removing his cock from my mouth, I asked, "Think you can go again, stud?"

"Um-I..." I stammered.

I took his cock back into my mouth for a quick couple of bobs, before asking, looking demure, "Will you fuck me, sexy?"

"Bend over, slut," he ordered arrogantly, surprising me. A welcome surprise, of course.

I climbed onto the couch and got on my knees, "Like this?" I asked.

He moved behind me and was about to slip his cock inside me when Michael's loud voice spoke up as if from nowhere. "What's going on here?"

Frederick jumped back and stammered, "U-u-um, I..."

"Frederick was about to fuck me, Master," I replied.

Frederick stared at me, struggling to comprehend my words.

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