Mom/son insect STORIES


"Go take one of the booths over there," she pointed to a few tables near to, but not exactly adjacent to the dance floor, with booth-like padded benches behind them, but straight and short, more like love seats. "It will give you the best view of everything happening in the club."

"Thanks for the tip," I smiled, before impulsively adding, "You may come join us for a drink a bit later if you'd like." I immediately liked her and hoped she would, but I was also subtly establishing that I intended to protect my sub, so it was my call who was permitted to join us.

"I may just do that," Mallory smiled, shaking my hand and giving it a firm squeeze.

As we walked to a table, my hand still entwined with Crystal's, she asked, "What just happened?"

"I'll explain once we're seated," I replied, giving her hand a soft squeeze.

"Okay," she said, again obeying my lead with little hesitation.

We seated ourselves and a few seconds later a waitress showed up and took our drink orders. Once we were alone, I explained, "I did that to protect you."

"Protect me?"

"Yes. Look around, we're fresh meat, especially a delicious young thing like you," I said, my hand going to her knee and giving it a squeeze. I continued, "I need to appear like a powerful Mistress, and you must portray my obedient submissive."

"I don't think that's really necessary, Mom," Crystal protested uncertainly.

"You sure? Look around," I replied, seeing a few women taking subtle and sometimes not so subtle looks in our direction.

Crystal looked around and gasped. Following her gaze, I saw a pair of red heels peeking out from beneath a tablecloth.

"Now that is hot," I said, turned on by what I was seeing, and also trying to manipulate Crystal.

"Really?" she asked, although her eyes were still riveted on what was occurring just a few yards away from us.

The waitress brought us our drinks and I immediately requested two more, hoping some liquid courage would bolster my nerve, and at the same time dissolve Crystal's inhibitions.

"To our new relationship," I toasted, the words meaning far more than she'd catch on to yet.

She reluctantly broke her gaze, grabbed her glass, and agreed, "To our new relationship." After clinking our glasses, she downed over half of her glass of wine, as did I.

I quipped, "Be careful, my dear, if you get drunk, you may get taken advantage of by one of these predators."

"Maybe I want to get taken advantage of," she retorted, this being her turn to surprise me.

Not only that, but this time it was her hand on my leg, giving me a squeeze. I stammered, for the first time not feeling in control, "Y-y-you want to be seduced by some cougar?"

"Could be. You're a cougar," she quipped, her hand working its way up my leg and under my dress, her intense expression making me horny and even scaring me a bit.

I was speechless but Crystal continued, her hand going further under my dress, "Mommy, you didn't think I was catching on?"

"T-t-to what?" I asked, her fingers almost touching my very wet cunt.

"You've been trying to seduce me ever since I got off the plane," Crystal replied.

"N-n-no, I haven't," I lied, trying to regain control. I was supposed to be turning her, not the other way around!

"Nice try, Mommy," she said, her fingers grazing ever so gently over my pussy lips. "But like I told you earlier, I've taken lots of psychology and I can read people."

"I d-d-don't know what you're talking about," I stammered.

"I think you do," she smiled, leaning closer into me, which I couldn't help but find frighteningly intimidating. Her finger parting my pussy lips ever so slightly, she asked, "Why are you so wet, my innocent well-intentioned commando Mommy?"

"Please, don't," I whimpered, although my legs opened up, more from reflex than decision.

"Don't what?" she smiled, enjoying my confusion, as her finger went deeper between my pussy lips, but not quite past the inner ones.

"Aaaaah," I moaned, longing for her to slide her finger inside me.

"'Aaaaah'? Is Mommy all horny because of her hot daughter?" Crystal whispered, her finger lingering barely outside my portal, teasing me relentlessly.

"Nooooo! Yesssss!" I answered, overwhelmed by this upheaval in my plans and by my lifelong need to submit.

"Which is it, Mommy?" Crystal purred, "tell me what you want." Her demand for information wasn't obsequious in the least, but rather overpowering, her hot moist breath on my ear making my head spin... as her finger... my God, that irresistible finger... continued lingering, ever so close to entering me, but still remaining tantalizingly just outside.

I was speechless. Without any warning I'd been reduced from hunter to hunted, and I was irresistibly regressing into my natural submissive state. I was no longer remotely in control; I no longer even wanted to be in control.

"Your plan as far as I can tell was first to smother me with flattery, then next to dress me up as a sexy slut, and finally to get me drunk and seduce me at a lesbian club. Am I wrong?" she asked, her finger at long last entering me, but not nearly far enough.

"Oh God!" I gasped.

"Oh, trust me, you'll be doing a lot of worshipping tonight, Mommy," Crystal smiled with evil intent, as she slid her finger deeper inside me.

"Ooooooooh nooooo, not here," I protested desperately, even though I already knew I was lost... completely at her mercy.

"You're no longer in charge, Mother," Crystal said, my defiant daughter Crystal suddenly back, but this time on steroids.

"Crystal, please," I pleaded irrationally with no idea what I was asking for.

"Please what? Please may you eat your daughter's cunt in a lesbian club, Mommy?" she said, smiling deviously.

Before I could respond, but the idea making me delirious with desire, a voluptuous woman about my age, dressed in a gold gown, approached our table. My eyes went wide at the thought of getting caught being fingered by my daughter.

Reaching us, the very pretty woman asked me, "Would you like to dance?"

I stammered, nervous and uncomfortable about the offer, "I-I-I don't know." I looked at Crystal for help.

"Do you want to dance with her, Slut?" Crystal asked me, taking even more control of a situation I'd thought until a few moments ago I was in charge of.

"I-I-um," I stammered, surprised by her name-calling and unable to form a complete sentence.

The woman was perplexed at first, but she rallied apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were owned, in fact I thought you two were related."

Crystal smiled, "We are."

"Oh my, really?" the woman smiled deviously. "How delicious, how absolutely delicious!"

My face burned red as I remained speechless. Crystal continued, "I'm pleased to meet you ma'am, I'm Mistress Crystal and this is my mother Pet Betty; she's a submissive in training."

"Reeeeeeeally?" The woman asked, stressing the 'ee' sound dramatically, both surprised and impressed.

"Isn't that right, my pet?" Crystal asked, peering past my baffled expression and into my soul.

My head was spinning, my heart was racing, and my pussy was burning as I stammered, again just like with Michael, helpless to affect any consequences, just wanting to serve, "Y-y-yes."

"Yes, what?" she asked, enjoying my discomfort immensely as she drew me further into her dominant web.

"Yes, Mistress," I whispered, giving in totally, my red cheeks going even hotter, hellishly hot.

Crystal looked up with a 'what-you-gonna-do' expression and explained, "She's just begun her training."

"I see," the woman said, before adding, "around here, subs are usually not allowed to sit with their Mistresses."

"I'm still learning too," Crystal shrugged with a smile, snapping her fingers and pointing to the floor just as the waitress arrived with our second round of drinks.

The woman said, "Bring them another round please, and my usual."

"Yes, Ms. Addison," the waitress nodded, setting our drinks on the table.

"Oh, and a bowl for the submissive," Ms. Addison added.

"Of course," the waitress agreed before leaving us.

"Floor, Mommy-slut," Crystal ordered again, using the exact same phrase Michael had so many times.

I stared at her, shocked, unbelieving, my eyes begging her to reconsider, yet when no mercy was evident I obeyed, surprised by how relieved I felt to do so, sliding off the seat and lowering myself to the floor.

"Good, Mommy-slut," Crystal purred as if speaking to a child.

Undeniably, even as I sat on the floor on my heels like a dog, my cunt was leaking at the humiliation and the wonderful power of my daughter, as I ignored all the other patrons of the club who could see my humiliation.

Ms. Addison sat down where I'd just been seated and said, "I've never witnessed a live incestuous act."

I glanced at Crystal, who was staring down at me with a confident smile. Her eyes locked on me for a moment before she said, "Not here, or at least not yet. It will be our first time."

"Fair enough," Ms. Addison replied just as the waitress returned, bending down and placing a dog bowl full of wine on the floor in front of me. On the bottom of the bowl through the wine I could read, "Such a good girl!"

Humiliation compounded on top of humiliation as I tried to figure out how my plans had unravelled so quickly. And how would tonight's surrender impact my relations with Michael? With my Master?

Crystal ordered, "Drink your drink, Mother."

"Yes, Mistress," I replied, the honorific flowing out so naturally.

As I lapped up my wine like a puppy, feeling shame and hunger in every pore of my being, I listened to the woman, whose voice dripped sex, inquiring about Crystal. Crystal openly shared everything with this stranger, and I was envious of how open my usually very close-lipped daughter was being with this stranger. Crystal discussed her desire to seduce her roommate in California, how she'd caught on that I was trying to seduce her, then admitting that she was very new to the Domme role, having only online reading as experience, and that I had surrendered to her only moments before Ms. Addison had approached our table, making me Crystal's first and only submissive. The only good news during this lengthy share-all was it didn't appear that Crystal had any clue about Michael's role in all of this.

I had just finished my wine when the waitress returned and poured a refill into my bowl, patting my head and saying, "There you go, you gooood girl."

My face burned yet again, but I didn't reply.

Eavesdropping again, I heard Hannah, the name she'd recently introduced herself as, say to Crystal, "My dear, I think you could use a mentor."

"Is it that obvious that I need help?" Crystal asked.

"Not so much obvious, but you're young, my dear," Hannah said softly, before asking, "Have you even been with a woman before?"

"Only a few occasions in high school," Crystal admitted. I was curious to know which friends of hers, and this was yet another intimate revelation shared with a stranger but not with her mother.

"But you've never dommed anyone?" Hannah drilled down.

"No, it was just girls exploring, but my urges grew with Vanessa, and then when my mother tried to seduce me, a switch flipped into place and my desire to domme my Mom came to life," Crystal answered, glancing down at me. "Again, that was less than a minute before you approached us."

"I see," Hannah said. After a moment she said, "So would you like me to take you under my wing?"

"Would you?" Crystal asked, eager as a child.

"Of course, my dear," Hannah said in a soothing voice. "Let's start with something easy: make your mother-slut do something."

"Like what?" Crystal asked, being drawn in by this manipulative and seductive woman.

"Anything you like. For instance, how about ordering your submissive to give me a foot massage?" Hannah suggested, as she slipped out of her heels and leaned against the back of the booth and raising her knees so her feet were resting at the edge of the seat. This position of course negated her skirt's ability to conceal anything at all, so it was immediately apparent to me and to anyone else nearby that she was commando and had unusually fat labia, but in this club nobody paid much notice.

"Crawl to my new friend's feet and give her a massage," Crystal ordered as she looked down at me, before adding with her naughty smile, "using your mouth."

"Oh, nice twist," Hannah approved.

I considered disobeying, but for only a second before I crawled the couple of feet and took the experienced Domme's left foot in my hand. I hesitated briefly before leaning forward and taking a stocking-clad toe into my mouth.

"That's it, suck each toe individually," Crystal ordered, as I slowly sucked each toe into my mouth. The act was embarrassing, yet equally enthralling, my stocking fetish coming to the fore.

They continued chatting as if I weren't there, as I first pleasured each toe, and then the sole of her foot. After a few more minutes of interrogating Crystal, Hannah said, "Ready to take your pet to the next level?"

"Very much so," Crystal replied, excitedly.

"Time to stretch her obedience," Hannah said.

"How?" Crystal asked.

"Make her do something more blatantly sexual," Hannah said matter-of-factly.

A shiver chilled my insides as they continued to talk about me as if I were more an object than a person.

"Like what?" Crystal inquired.

"There are many options. You can make her go wait in line to service Big Rosie, although I suggest that Mistress or not, you shouldn't miss out on that yourself before you leave."

"Who's Big Rosie?" Crystal asked.

"A very large black woman with the sweetest pussy nectar there is," she replied.

"Oh my," Crystal said.

"But there are other options too. You could have her crawl underneath our table and pleasure you or me, or send her off to another table to offer her services to whomever might be in the mood, or... get her to go off and fuck herself on the wall cock."

"The wall cock?" Crystal asked, her intrigued tone making it obvious that was the one particularly piquing her interest.

"Yes, over there, side stage," I heard Hannah say and saw her point. She added, "I just added that last week."

I followed her finger and saw a bright pink dildo mounted solidly on the wall. Yet again, my cheeks burned and my flooded pussy burned.

"Wow, delicious," Crystal said, before looking down at me and ordering, "crawl over to the wall cock, Mommy-slut, and put on a show for everyone."

"Please, Crystal," I pleaded, terrified at the idea of fucking myself in front of a roomful of strangers.

"Do it now, Mother!" she snapped, her tone condescending like when she was in high school, but now invested with irresistible authority.

Part of me wanted just to stand up and flee to my car, another part wanted to stand up and make her my bitch, but the deciding factor was that my basic nature was too submissive for me to stand up to Crystal, and my body was already crawling across the floor before my mind had time to decide anything. Crystal might be brand new at this, but I was no stranger to a submissive role, and whether my mind was in control or not, and from long experience, my body already knew exactly what was required.

"Good Mommy," Crystal purred, entertained by my humiliating obedience.

Her praise only added to my shame as I crawled across the floor, keeping my head down. Thankfully, just as I was about to reach the stairs, another sub, one on a leash, was led up the same stairs to the wall cock.

A huge sigh of relief washed over me as I watched the Asian woman raise her skirt and back herself onto the pink phallus.

Her Mistress ordered, her tone firm, "And don't you dare come without permission, Slut."

"Yes, Mistress," the pet agreed as she began fucking herself.

I watched for a minute, consumed by the submission of another, until I heard Crystal's voice call out, "Get back over here, Slut."

I sighed, but was thankful she at least didn't call me mother and humiliate me even further.

I crawled back to the table and arrived just as the hostess who'd been at the front door earlier arrived.

She said, "Ms. Addison, the Governor will be here in a few minutes."

"Today? That's unexpected," Hannah said. "May I assume her room is ready?"

"Of course," the hostess said.

"Okay, please let me know when she arrives," Hannah said, before adding, "I'll be in my suite. Also, please retrieve one of my cards for me."

"Of course, Ms. Addison," the hostess nodded and walked back the way she'd come.

As I listened, I wondered, She can't mean Governor Daphne Green? She has a daughter in college, although she's been divorced for years. The thought that our governor frequented this lesbian club was both a major turn-on and incredibly surreal.

Hannah explained to Crystal, "I'm sorry, unfortunately I won't be able to assist you as much as I'd hoped, I need to go. But I really enjoyed meeting you, and I'd love to continue assisting you in your journey to becoming an established domme."

"I'd love that," Crystal replied warmly.

The hostess returned and handed Hannah a business card.

"Thanks, my dear," Ms. Addison said.

"Of course, Ms. Addison," the hostess nodded and left.

Hannah handed Crystal the card. "Send me an email or give me a call whenever you wish, my dear. Mistress Crystal Lodge, correct?"

"That's correct. And thank you, I will," Crystal replied, accepting the card.

"Of course, my dear," Hannah said, squeezing Crystal's hand before standing up. She looked down at me and smiled, "I expect you to be a good Mommy-pet and always to obey your daughter Mistress."

"Yes, Ma'am," I nodded, the idea no longer as shocking or even as unwelcome as it was when my submission began less than an hour ago.

"Good girl," Hannah said, before walking away.

A moment later Crystal surprised me, "Crawl under the table Mommy-slut, and please me."

"H-h-here?" I stammered.

"Don't make me repeat myself every time Mother, or there will be consequences," she snapped.

"S-s-sorry, Mistress," I barely got out as I began crawling under the table.

"That's better, Mommy, you're a goood girl," Crystal purred, back to her soothing self.

She spread her nylon-clad legs and I crawled between them.

It was very dark under the table, so I just allowed her intoxicating scent to draw me in. Reaching her wet pussy, I could tell that either my submitting to her or her frank conversation with Hannah had gotten her very excited.

This far past the mother-daughter line, my final submission of pleasing her sexually was dead easy to accomplish. I just extended my tongue and began licking, surprised to find her commando and wondering when she'd taken that step: before we'd left home, or after she'd conquered me. I was tentative at first, long, slow licks as I explored her pussy. Her taste was strangely exotic, very like my own but more citric, and I was instantly addicted, remembering from long ago just how amazing a pussy that wasn't my own could taste.

After a couple minutes of teasing, I heard Crystal say, "That's it, Mommy-slut, lick your daughter's cunt."

Like submitting to Michael, hearing myself being called naughty names only enhanced my desire to submit unconditionally.

I shifted from teasing to concentrated licking as I flicked her clit, causing her legs to twitch.

Soft moans from above enhanced my excitement as I hungrily licked and nibbled Crystal's sweet cunt. Hearing her breathing increase, her moans stifled as she tried not to scream, I went for broke and slid two fingers inside her.

"Oh God," Crystal gasped.

Taking her clit between my lips as I furiously pumped my fingers in and out of her, it wasn't long before I felt her hands gripping my head, pulling me deep inside her, as her legs tightened around me and her juices flowed out. I hungrily lapped and lapped my daughter's juices down my throat just like I normally swallowed my son's cum. I had without doubt become a Pet Mommy in every sense of the word.

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