Mom/son insect STORIES


As soon as I'd sent the text, I regretted doing it.

As a wife I knew this was so wrong. I loved my husband. Yet he didn't understand my sexual needs... never had... and I had spent two decades stifling my true sexual self, never truly satisfied.

I began to wonder if love was enough. Was I really willing to spend the rest of my life faking orgasms and being completely dissatisfied with my sex life?

Yesterday my son Cory had awakened a sleeping giant inside me and there was no way she was returning to slumber. These thoughts, as my body calmed down from my recent sex, had me seriously reflecting on the remainder of my life. A life that had been long planned and laid out in front of me... one that prior to yesterday I'd been completely content with... excited even.

But now... now such an insipid existence wasn't good enough. It really had become that black and white.

I knew that this passionate, raw sex I'd been enjoying for the last couple of days, and I had to admit Cory had been satisfying a deep need inside me, even when he'd been driving me crazy by endlessly denying me an orgasm, that all of it... the excitement, the exhilaration, even the frustration... I knew this kind of sex was not only what I wanted, but what I needed. And it wasn't only about the sex. The way my son was forcing me to surrender to him mind, body and soul, was fulfilling a deep-seated need in me I'd always known about, but had never comprehended how powerful it was.

I needed to fulfill the many fantasies... sexual and otherwise... I'd always had but only now saw the possibility of achieving. Yet I needed to be honest with my husband. He deserved better than having his wife sneak out to submit herself as a cheap slut for strangers... of course he also deserved better than a wife who was furtively committing incest right behind him in the car.

Yet you only live once... and I seemed to be packing all my wild, fulfilling sexually submissive explorations into a chance-of-a-lifetime three-day road trip. I refused to deny myself this powerful experience. Therefore, any revelations and subsequent discussions with my husband would have to wait until we were alone. Until after we'd dropped Cory off at his college.

Afterwards I would have years to regret what I had done.

Or years to regret what I had refused to allow myself to do.

I knew it was regret for the things you hadn't done, the experiences you'd denied yourself, that always came back to haunt you... such as in that powerful movie The Notebook.

So, even though I knew what I was doing was wrong, knew it could even end my marriage, I decided in the end not to rescind my slutty decision, not to text my son and tell him to call off this booty call with some black stranger sporting a ten-incher. I decided to ponder my immediate future a bit longer. Would I go through with an orgy? I didn't know. Today's long-denied orgasm finally achieved and it having delivered all the release I'd been desperate for, suddenly I wasn't so excited about achieving the next one in an orgy, even if said orgy was to be orchestrated by my imaginative and masterful son Cory. On the other hand, I also wasn't appalled at the idea. To put it succinctly, I didn't know a damn thing about what I did or didn't want. My mind was as big a mess as my well-used body.

Confused and indecisive, I went and grabbed a nice cold coke, suddenly realizing how parched I had become.

I unexpectedly felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around me from behind, so I whispered all flirtatiously, assuming it was Cory, "You just can't get enough of me, can you?"

Thankfully, I hadn't said Cory's name or anything else to give me away as my husband replied, "No, I never can."

"Such a horny man," I purred, hiding my surprise as I turned around, wishing he would have shown me this much interest in the past.

"It's your radiant beauty that does it," he answered, sweet as always. He had always been a romantic man, a thoughtful man, even a considerate man most of the time... he just had never been an I'm-gonna-fuck-you-like-a-complete-slut type of man.

His loving words made me feel bad for him again, yet not bad enough to stop doing what I was doing. Deciding to test him, to give him an opportunity I hadn't given him in years, I asked, "Are you horny enough to take me into the bathroom here, bend me over the sink and just fuck me with no foreplay or sweet words? Just ram it in with no thought for my comfort?"

His face went beet red as he stammered, "Um, I, well..."

I interrupted him as I added, "In the ass?"

"Sarah!" he gasped, completely turned off at the idea.

"With Cory gone now and turning us into empty-nesters without a live-in chaperone, I'm expecting you to fulfill some of the manly duties you haven't been fulfilling," I continued, figuring maybe this unplanned episode of taboo sex with my son could perhaps rekindle my sex life with my husband, maybe save a marriage I wasn't sure could be saved.

"Sarah, I, um, what's gotten into you?" he asked, whispering so others nearby wouldn't hear.

"Not enough of your cock," I smiled back, squeezing his cock firmly and finally giving him a meaningful answer to this recurring question. His cock was hard. Promising. "Especially in my tight, neglected butt," I completed my thought.

Sensing his confusion, his helpless floundering for what to say, his clear lack of any ability to give me the answer I was looking for, I just walked away from him before he had the chance to say something we'd both regret, and went to pay for my pop and a bag of chips.

I turned around and saw Alex was still staring at me in shock. My assessment was correct: he was incapable of ever giving me what I needed. He didn't even need to say it.

I purchased my items and changed the subject with, "Shall we go?"

He nodded, still attempting to regain his composure, I could tell I'd really shaken him, "Yeah, yeah, I guess we'd better, sweetheart."

See what I mean? He could be conciliatory, but he couldn't ever take charge of me like his son could.

Back in the car, we drove the next couple of hours without any sex. Cory and I both fell asleep with his arms wrapped around my waist, exhausted from our marathon ass-fucking. When I woke up I noticed Cory was on his phone and wondered if there had been any more responses. I hadn't ever told him I might consider his plans for tonight to be a bad idea, so as far as he knew I was 100% onboard with no hesitations whatsoever.

I texted him:

M: Any more responses?

C: Over a hundred.

Trying to be playful, I made a joke.

M: Wow, that would be quite the gangbang!!

C: Is that what you want???

Oh shit! I was just kidding. But what did I really want? Upon reflection I knew for certain I wanted to be double penetrated at some point. I was also curious what airtight meant, I would have to ask him. I also was intrigued by the picture of the black cock he'd sent me. Yet a gangbang was an entirely different thing... or was it? Funny, now that I'd had a little time to recover from my latest super-charged orgasm, I was again leaning toward getting dp'd or more by some total strangers, and why not tonight? I really was becoming a slut. I was even revelling in it. Years of domesticated housewifery had mellowed me, but now I was rediscovering my true sexuality.

M: I probably wouldn't refuse such a thing. What do you want me to do, Master?

C: It's your night, Mom. I'm not deciding this time. What do you want?

There it was. Completely in my hands. I contemplated this for a few minutes. If I was going to continue cheating, I may as well go all in.

I hadn't yet answered when Cory added:

C: Want to read the responses?

He handed me his phone and I couldn't believe how many were there.

I clicked on the newest one:

19-year-old college student. Eight-inch cock. Would love to fuck that ass of yours.

Although I liked his age... I wanted studs who were energizer bunnies and could quickly reload. But I also preferred someone who put a little more thought into his response.

I clicked past a few that were generic 'What's Up?' or 'Found anyone yet?' or 'Here's my dick.'

I wanted to be impressed and oddly, to be wooed by my Craigslist suitors. I know, ironic considering I was contemplating being treated like an objectified slut and getting double penetrated or more with absolutely no consideration for my admittedly brilliant mind.

I then typed on his notepad, recalling a term from earlier I still didn't know:

M: What is airtight?

I showed it to him and he took the phone and typed. When he was done he handed it back to me.

C: Airtight is when all three of your holes are filled completely, thus AIRTIGHT! But you're not truly airtight since you can breathe through your nose. No danger of asphyxiation.

I nodded. That made complete sense and as usual of late, it turned me on completely.

Eventually I handed Cory his phone back with one final text for him, deciding fuck it, I was going all in:

M: Get a few big cocks for me, baby. But only a few, not a hundred.

We drove in relative silence as I pondered what I was becoming.

I had willingly cheated on my husband... with our son... in the backseat of our car. For two days straight.

I was now willingly agreeing to cheat on my husband... with strangers... in a hotel room.

I sighed. The longer I thought about it, the more I began to doubt my decision. Not so much about fucking Cory; no, I wouldn't take that back for the world, and I knew I'd do it again the moment he was ready. I was undoubtedly a slut for my son now and forever, no question. But fucking total strangers?

Alex broke into my thoughts by asking, "You guys want to go for a nice supper when we stop for the night?"

"Sure," I agreed, needing to spend some time with my husband face to face, needing to maintain the appearance of a good wife.

"Yeah, I could use a nice meal," Cory added, as he moved his hands from around my waist and down to my pussy.

"You're always hungry," I joked, my assertion having two very separate meanings.

"I'm a growing young man," he asserted right back as his cock flexed under my ass, his response also having two very separate meanings.

Alex agreed, "Yeah, our grocery bill will be a lot cheaper with you out of the house."

Cory agreed, his finger leisurely tracing my pussy lips, "Yeah, I'll definitely miss Mom's home cooking. Yours, not so much."

I almost erupted with laughter at his nasty innuendos. Both of them, but especially at the image of Cory sucking off his father... distastefully.

"Which is why I don't often cook," Alex agreed equably. "But we'll always have Mom's home cooking for you whenever you come home to visit," Alex offered.

I bit my lip to avoid laughing at what Alex was unknowingly offering his son!

"Yeah, I plan on eating a lot of home cooking when I come home to visit," Cory agreed.

I added, "Well, you don't always have to come home; I'll have to come out and visit you sometimes and bring along some tasty meals for you to enjoy."

"I would love that," Cory said, his finger now parting my pussy lips, causing them to greet him with some welcoming moisture.

Alex said, "I imagine cafeteria food won't be anywhere near as good."

"Nothing tastes as good as Mom's," Cory responded, my face burning red because of his tantalizing finger and the surreal conversation we were having.

An 80's song came on that I didn't recognize, but Alex did, so he started singing along and the conversation came to an end.

Cory used the song's distraction to lift up my ass and slowly ease my pussy down onto his cock.

I moaned softly, "Sick of my ass already?"

He laughed, "Just want to make sure all three of your holes get the equal attention they deserve."

I laughed, "That's very thoughtful of you. What a considerate son."

And for the next while, I just sat there with his cock buried deep inside my pussy. I didn't need to ride it. I didn't need him to fuck me. I was content just to have him inside me. Maintaining our connection but doing what he wanted.

"Half an hour," Alex announced.

"Good, because I'm famished," I said, my stomach growling to inform me it needed more than just cum to keep it satisfied.

"Me too," Cory added, "all this sitting around back here is improving my digestion so much I'm getting hungry a lot faster."

Alex laughed, "Yeah, you're not used to just sitting around, are you?"

Cory concurred, "No, I'm missing my workouts."

"Well, maybe once we check into the hotel you can go for one," Alex suggested.

"I definitely should," Cory agreed, as he tapped my clit significantly.

I took that as a signal to start riding him. Instead of bouncing though, I ground my pussy on his cock, moving my hips forward and back... wanting to milk his cock slowly.

"I could use a workout too," I added. "Sitting here these past two days has gotten me kind of stiff." I smirked at my incidental usage of the word 'stiff'.

"I'm stiff right now," Cory bantered.

"Maybe a nice soak in a hot tub would do us all some good," Alex suggested.

"For sure," I agreed, adding, "it would definitely loosen me up a bit."

"I imagine you are pretty tight being stuck back there," Alex added.

I could barely hold back from roaring with laughter as I continued grinding on Cory's cock, slowly building the pleasure inside me.

Cory began rubbing my clit, shifting my focus to pleasure instead of idle chit chat.

I began grinding faster and yet another orgasm was quickly on the rise.

But suddenly as my orgasm grew close, Cory stopped rubbing my clit and held my hips in place. He whispered infuriatingly, "To be continued."

I looked back at him and mouthed, "Are you serious?"

He shrugged and went onto his phone.

I began riding him again, wanting to get off, but he grabbed my hips and pulled me back solidly onto his lap. I texted:

M: What the fuck???

He texted back:

C: All good things CUM to those who wait.

I sighed dramatically just as Alex said, "We're here."

"Good," I complained sourly. "My ass is killing me."

"I bet it is," Alex agreed, sounding sympathetic... more oblivious responses to the true meaning behind my words. Keeping him in the dark was a major turn-on, but a small part of me felt really bad for him.

Yet that part of me was overruled by my son's dominance.

I slyly lifted myself off his cock, and then out of the car, as soon as Alex pulled into a parking spot.

Alex laughed at my prompt exit, "You must really need to stretch."

I agreed, even as wetness leaked down my leg, "I have trouble sitting in the same position for too long."

Cory walked past me and whispered, "Good to know."

As Alex checked us in, we learned there was only one room left, apparently a rodeo was in town. We booked it anyway, making me wonder how I was going to get Cory inside me tonight and how the promised gangbang was even going to work. I then shook my head at my skewed priorities. What was becoming of me?

We carried our luggage up to our room and then headed straight across the street for dinner, all of us famished.

At dinner we mostly speculated about Cory's new life at college and the new adventures his higher education would bring. The entire conversation saddened me. I would have been sad regardless of the past two days... but the sadness of empty nest syndrome had been replaced with the sadness of empty ass and cunt syndrome. Absurd, but truly sad.

As dinner ended, Cory requested, "Dad, can I take the car to do some shopping?"

"Sure," Alex nodded. "Your mother and I can go use the hot tub."

"TMI!" Cory joked.

I added jocularly, "Yes, honey, I'm afraid it's true. Your pure and innocent Mommy and Daddy are going to have sex in the hot tub while you're gone."

"Sarah!" Alex gasped, not used to this frank and bawdy side of me.

Cory laughed, "It's okay Dad, I know you two have sex. My very existence is living proof!"

Alex shook his head in embarrassment, handed Cory the keys and said merely, "Please get the car filled too."

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.