Monster of The School

Chapter 2: Vesmon Vanitas

Ryuma and Vesmon are walking to the cafeteria. As they were walking, Ryuma recognized the other people who saw him and Vesmon, who were filled with either disgust or fear.

"Hey hey it's those two."

"Class 1-E scum! How are they in second place from our grade?"

"Cheating! They must be cheating!"

Countless people were mocking those two out of jealousy and pettiness. Vesmon also overheard everyone who seems to curse around them. And then he spoke...

"Huh... it must be hard for you Ryuma." Hearing Vesmon's words, Ryuma spoke back.

"Nah~ just leave them be. We're better than them anyway. If they've got time to play words with us, then why haven't they stepped in to prove their words, am I right? Moreover, our class is the top of our grade thanks to the great me, of course I alone couldn't have done it. So the credit lies to you, and everyone in the class." Ryuma said that with a smug face.

A minute passes, as Ryuma and Vesmon were walking towards the cafeteria, they saw the figure who walked on the opposite path of them coming to the cafeteria.

"Oh is that the Beauty Cold Princess?!"

"She's so pretty!"

"God, I wish I was the one who's marrying her!"

"I heard she's on the top of our grade this year!".

The same said beauty was Naname Nochiri. Ryuma had known her from their childhood since they both lived in the same hometown.

"Beauty Cold Princess? That name doesn't suit her, I almost died of laughing knowing it the first time." Ryuma seems to know Naname as he went to greet her.

"Oi~ Nana, want to eat with us?" Ryuma know that Naname heard him since she looks to the corner of her eyes as their eyes met. But Naname ignores Ryuma and goes straight towards the cafeteria.

"Ceh, got ignored today too huh? I wonder if I did offend her recently." (The guy who laughed at her nickname) Not wasting any more time, the two went to the cafeteria, the same path Naname used.

Ryuma and Vesmon bought their own lunch and sat at the table. Vesmon sighed...

"It's truly an Orc meat today huh?". Ryuma spoke back.

"Doesn't matter, I like meat anyway." Ryuma takes a large bite of orc steak.

"But I don't! My weight just increased lately! I heard some people actually turned into an orc after eating too much of orc steak-"

"Mostly they become fat because they've eaten too much." The time passes, and the two were about halfway into finishing their food. But then knowing the atmosphere has become too silent, Ryuma decides to break it.

"By the way, I can feel your mana become stronger Vesmon". Vesmon answered back... "Hm? Yeah I just tamed a "New Beast" recently".

Vesmon Valanitas, 16 years old. Comes from a low noble family. His reason for coming to this school is to increase his family's reputation and become stronger. People call him "Beast Tamer" since he has the ability to communicate with animals and monsters. He's also Vice President of 1-E.

"Hmm... speaking about mana, I've always wondered. How did you get into this school? Since this is a top school for magicians to become stronger and your magic power is below average".

Ryuma looked up, thinking as he finished his steak...

"Hmm… Well, to be honest I just barely made it. If you've noticed I'm literally at the bottom of the rank in the entrance exam. Well I was in third place in academics in my old school, so I have no problem with the entrance exam. But again, academics alone don't meet the requirement." Vesmon questions Ryuma again...

"How about the second one?"

"Ehh~ it's only shooting the target to get marks. I've had no problem with my accuracy so I get full marks. Almost."

"How about the third one?"

"It's only fighting the examiner, although I almost broke his bone through."

"But he's a B rank adventurer!" Hearing Vesmon's response, Ryuma answered back...

"Ehh... he's tough, but I'm tougher!" Vesmon sighed when he heard Ryuma.

"Huuh, well there's nothing you cannot do."

"You're wrong, I'm… Really bad at everything." Vesmon was confused when Ryuma said that.

"Bad at everything? What do you mean?" 

"Because everything can't be done in the first try, to pass the recruitment I had to do practice. If I've taken the exam before I practice it a hundred times, I would've never made it here."

"Huh? First time I've seen you being lowkey and all. Are you about to die soon? Although I'll visit your grave when it comes to that."

"No you idiot, I'm just tryna to be dramatic. Oh well, that said everyone has a clumsy side I'm just saying. And I guess you haven't seen mine yet." 

Vesmon drank his cup of drink and continued their conversation.

"You might be right, well... our class has only been this far despite being the lowest class thanks to you. Although I have said this before, but I'll say it again."

"Thank you for leading this class, Leader." Ryuma smiles a bit the moment he heard Vesmon's words.

"What are you gay? I'm sorry but I'm not interested in a man." Vesmon's face became red as he looked around them. It appears that everyone has been listening to their conversation from the start. With a red face, Vesmon then shouted…

"Sh-Shut up! You're giving people the wrong idea!" As Vesmon held Ryuma's uniform collar with both of his hands. Ryuma speaks back...

"Kidding~ just kidding~ Well I can also get this far thanks to you guys. So just cheer up~" Vesmon smiled back.

"Hmm... by the way, I feel like I can't finish this steak on my own so I'll give half to you" Said Vesmon as he cut the steak and handed it over to Ryuma's plate.

"Oi, this is more than half! Are you gonna grow up to become living stick Vesmon?!"

"Haaah~? At least accept this kindness of mine, you ungrateful bastard!"

They both went arguing about the steak, and then, three figures went to interrupt their dinner.

"Oi, are you Ryuma Ochirou? as he glared at Ryuma. Ryuma looked at the said figure and glared back.

"Huh, who the hell are you?!"

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