Monster of The School

Chapter 9: The Reason Which Led To Curiosity

"Ah! you know Ryuma? There's this guy..."

"Hahaha, is that so?" Ryuma is chatting with his classmates to kill time. And then, a guy came into the room. Everyone was confused about the guy's reason to visit Ryuma.

"You're Ryuma Ochirou I assume?".

"Yes that's me".

"My name is Meres Lucifer. I'm the judge who'll decide about the condition for the winner and loser on the duel." Meres bring out a piece of paper...

"Ryuma Ochirou, as you lost the duel I hereby you'll to be expelled from Herreson's Magic Highschool. Ryuma was silent meanwhile everyone was shocked.

"What, it can't be true!? We've never even heard of this!?"

"Ryuma! tell me this ain't true!"

"I'm sorry but that's the reality. Ryuma accepted the duel condition from Prince Harris. 'If Ryuma Ochirou were to lose in a duel against his opponent, He must swear to never set a foot on Herreson's Kingdom ever again'."

"This can't be happening! Ryuma is the anchor of our class! If he's gone from this class..."

"That's not my problem. Ryuma Ochirou, you have until tomorrow to bring everything from your room and get out from this place. Then, excuse me." Meres left the room.

"Ryuma..." Ryuma was looking down and silent.

"I'm sorry guys but can you leave me for now?"

"But Ryuma..."

Vesmon stands in front of his classmate trying to persuade them to leave Ryuma alone."Guys, I think right now is not a good time. Let's leave him alone for a bit."

"Fine then..." everyone silently walked out from the infirmary. Vesmon is the last one to leave the room, but Ryuma calls out to him.

"Vesmon, I wanna talk to you about something." Vesmon was confused by Ryuma's question.

"What do you wanna talk about?"

Ryuma sighed while looking out the window. 

"I wanna confess something."Vesmon feels like this is so important, he feels nervous about it.

"What is it?"

"Actually, I've never wanted to become the strongest magician. More like, I already gave up about magic a while ago." Vesmon looked at Ryuma with a surprised face.

"But why? Why do you have to lie about that?"

"The truth is I've only been interested in magic because of my curiosity. From childhood, I've had many curiosities around me. What's that candy taste like? What's it feel like to feel pain? Will I be able to get through a day without sleeping?"

"I've done a lot of weird things just to satisfy my curiosity. My hunger. And it's never been full. The more I take interest in something, the more I want to know about it. But I guess it's just me huh? I'm pathetic aren't I? Losing to a guy I've known I would win if I try to."

Vesmon was silent. After a few seconds he opened his mouth."No, you're wrong. I always thought you were the best leader everyone wants to. Ryuma, do you remember the first time you helped me?"

Ryuma recalled the memory when Andy was grabbed by one hand by bullies, Vesmon on the other hand, was grabbed by his friend."Shuuu~ You've never told me you've brought an airship to the school Vesmon."

"Shutup! That's my friends! Let him go!"

"Then, here comes the airship! Wide open your mouth~" And then someone grabbed the bully's hand. Which led Andy to immediately escape thanks to his grasp.

"Oi, I've got an airship here too." Before Vesmon knew it, the bullies were on the floor.


"And for you too..." He was referring to bullies' friends. After a minute, they all were lying on the floor."Oi, I remember you're from the class. What's your name again?"

"Name's Vesmon. Umm... I want to thank you for saving my friends."

"Don't mind about it~ It's just... just looking at them makes me feel sick. That's all. Let's go. The name's Ryuma by the way." Ryuma lend Vesmon a hand to get Vesmon up.

To present, "

I've become strong today thanks to you! You're the light of our beacon of hope. Class 1-E, a class full of commoners, has gone this far thanks to you. You might forget this but I'll say it again. Thank you for leading us. Leader." Vesmon said that while bowing.

"Hah, this is the fifth time you've said the exact same thing. Of course I'm not gonna forget it."

After a few minutes, Vesmon left the room. Ryuma lies on the bed and looks at the ceiling. Ryuma looked at his hand. He realized that despite almost not being able to use the magic properly, but he instead has been given a physical prowess.

"Hmm, maybe I'll try to become an adventure next..." Even if one of Ryuma's dreams was scattered, he'll try to find others. To pique his curiosity, he always chases it to the very end. That's who Ryuma Ochirou is…

At night, Ryuma just got back from the infirmary. As he flicked the switch...

"SURPRISE!!!" Ryuma was surprised and confused.

"Wait, I thought my birthday was about six months later?"

"Of course not dummy! This is a farewell party for our Prez! We've only planned for this so don't expect any cake though."

"Good, I didn't even eat sweets anyway."

Ryuma took the steps forward and joined his classmates. They had a fun night.

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