Chapter 18: On the Road
Two more parties of 4 joined us by the time we had to depart. However one did not have someone I saw as the tank on the team but then again from what I've seen, there are no positions like main DPS, tank, support, or stuff like that. There were healers and mages but they did not focus on it. Mages did focus on magic however only on one element. The healers healed even the smallest wound wasting their mana.
On our way through the wasteland to the location where it was last spotted we fought in our respective groups instead of mixing it and developing different ways to fight with other teammates, they grouped up and ganged up on whatever monsters we came across.
"It feels like we are awfully under-prepared for what's is coming." My thoughts leaked out from my mouth, Tifa beside me turned her head to ask me something.
However, Jessie beat her to the punch, "Nah don't worry about anything~" She skipped with a pep to her step around Tifa her arms snaking around her waist and her hands holding her breasts up. "Nothing will happen to your beloved hehe~" She started playing around with those two big soft and firm-looking marshmallows.
Tifas face started turning red like a transparent cup being filled with tomato juice. "KYAAA!!" She jumped and struggled to get away from the offending hands, but failed. Jessie started molding them like clay while humming a happy tune, Tifa wiggling and struggling grew fiercer by the moment.
"Those two really are getting handsy huh?" Briggs slowed his steps and he slowed down to the point he was walking by my side, his eyes glued to the spectacle. "Wonder if I can join the-" A glare from Jessie made his mouth shit with the sound of his teeth snapping against each other.
"Seems like they don't appreciate us watching," I commented, placing my hand on his arm, squeezing it, and dragging him away with me.
"Nuh uh, They are doing that out in the open so they want an audience!!" I froze and slowly turned to him.
'Well, they did start doing that practically in front of me.' For a second after my mind went straight to the gutter.
Briggs's elbow to the ribs brought my mind back. "So, which one tickles your pickle?" He asked me in a whisper.
I did the Chinese master wuxia thing where I ran a finger on my invisible beard. "Tifa has my interest right now."
"Mmm I see you into boobs," He released a huge sigh. "To be young, let me tell you boobs look great and all but if you bend her over and see how that ass just mmmf looks, you'll join the dark side hehe" Crackling maniac laughter tore through his throat. "MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!" His knees bend forward a bit, spreads his arms with his palms facing the sky until Jessie comes running and smacks him on the head.
"You better not be corrupting Entei with your shenanigans."
"Not as much as you with Tifa, just trying to open his eyes to reality!"
Tifa caught up to me and we walked the rest of the day watching those two bicker back and forth, Tifa and I commented on them once in a while.
The other teams would leave some groups of monsters we encountered. On every encounter, I would use a Breathing form or two back to back before falling back to stand with Jessie.
By the time the sun fell low enough to be hidden by the gray hills of rocks in the distance, all of our breaths were visible every time they left our bodies.
Around us were small stones and spikes all around us, a small amount of taller and thicker spike around us with only one small area bereft of spikes or stones.
"Let's make camp here!" I heard the leader of the group in front of us.
"There is no space here to lay down without a stone ripping through our ribs," Someone called him out on that point. "You and your team are standing on the only clean spot."
My eyes roamed the area looking for an area clear enough to make a camp. None were nearby so I drew my sword, intending to cut some small spikes and clear an area for us.
"I would be able to punch a hole in this big spike but it wouldn't leave an even surface." Tifa let me know after she rested her hand on one.
"Let me try, maybe this sword can handle it," I said, bobbing the blade up and down.
My feet planted themselves wide apart and I took a low stance, my hands held my blade on my left side with the edge of the blade facing the spike.
With a deep breath, I let my muscles bulge, and the veins all over my body popped out.
Second Form: Clear Sky
My blade ran through the obstacle like a hot knife through butter. A ring of crimson fire formed around me, initially made by my blade akin to a paintbrush painting a semi-circle, but when my blade stopped its movement at the opposite side the fire shape continued to form until it was made into a circle. The circle expanded out and a new one took its place as it moved out, three rings of fire in total appeared giving anyone it touched an illusion of being burned however the chill of the wasteland quickly broke the illusions. The sky brightened back to its beautiful light blue color for a moment before going back to its darker purple of the night as the sun still kept a bit of light on it.
"Tifa, push the rock." I took a step back giving her space.
"OK?" Her voice had a doubtful ring to it. With one arm she gave a probing push, feeling a bit of movement from it she stepped up close to it one foot close to it and one behind. Her palms rested on it and she used her strength to push the top off.
It started moving slowly at first but gained speed as the less amount of area rested on the bottom part of it. Her boobs squished by her rib cage and the rocks after pushing it from its starting point.
I tapped her on the shoulder to let her know it was enough, jumped on the smooth surface left by the slice, and pushed the rock the rest of the.
Tifa looked a bit winded by the effort of pushing the rock as far as she could, I saw a knot on her lower back muscles and shoulders that might need little help fixing.
The slab of stone moved the rest of the way when pushed I it.
"There we go," I offered a hand to pull Tifa up. "Now let's set up your tent and a bonfire to warm you up." She took my hand and used it to pull herself up before huddling herself up on my back as I worked on setting up a bedroll close to where I planned on lighting a fire.
The party leader who decided for us all to stay here came over to our spot and started setting up here too.
"Weren't you setting camp over there?" Genuinely curious I asked him, for most people it was hard for them to see sarcasm on my face since it looked awfully calm like I accepted or knew what was going to happen. My voice also kept its stoic neutral but soothing tone,
My words, stoic face, voice, or body language must have made him think I was somehow making fun of him because veins on his neck popped out and he got those same x-shaped veins my mother got when my dad teased her.
"WHAT? I REST WHERE I WANT!?" He climbed the rock and came over to me, "You better shut up and do what I say, punny E-ranks like you who are under level 100 better do what S-ranks like me say."
"Shut up Jay, your not S-rank. If you were you would be the lowest level amongst the S-ranks." Donny came between us and pushed him back and turned to me, "Don't mind his bigass ego."
My party was set up near the center of the smooth plateau with the others around us. Close to where we set up our sleeping area we also set up a bonfire, we used carbon sold by the blacksmith specialized to burn for a long time and easy to carry -a must have out here in the wasteland night-.
"I'll take the first watch," I told my party and stood up walking to the edge of the small plateau before jumping down.
At least one person from every party volunteered to stay awake first to watch and alert the others If monsters that were too much for them to handle alone.
I planned to train the Breathing Forms while I stayed up to watch. reaching a distance I was confident enough that my swings would not affect them in any harmful way. I found Briggs and Jessie cuddling in the same bedroll trying to keep the warmth between their bodies. Tifa sat hugging her knees and her chin resting on them, he appeared to be captivated by the flames warming her up.
Word Count 1577
If there are any grammatical errors let me with a comment on the paragraph.
Thank you guys. I appreciate your reading so far.