Moonlight Fantasy/Sunlight Fantasy

Chapter 21: -Spoiler- title at the end

The sound of chewing soon sparked our curiosity but a crunching sound soon after warned us we would not like what we would see.

The dust settled and the disturbing spectacle of a humanoid being sitting on the corpse of Brutus was revealed. Its asking had a dark grey pigment, and long dark hair flowed from its head adorned by a crown of horns. Its sharp teeth bit and ripped the flesh and bones off of the limb in his hands.

"Not bad, there's 20 of you or around that. It will be a good meal before I start hunting again." It spoke with its mouth full and gave us a bloody smile.

I heard someone in our frontline say 'oh shit' in a shaky voice. Everyone tensed up for the fight ahead of us, or it was just me. The shock of the view in front of us disturbed my breathing and made my muscles feel weak enough that I did not react in time to evade the sharp claws on its hand making its way toward my head.

It had finished eating the arm in a few bites. His claws swiped at the corpse's neck and there the head at us, smashing into Briggs shield and destroying his balance leaving him unable to perform his role as a tank. The Vampires claws nearly pierced my head the next instant, Tifa kicked me aside to save me but thanks to my laps in awareness a line of blood formed from the bridge of my nose to my right ear.

An arrow flew straight at his face from the dark but pierced his hand when it moved to cover its face. "What's this? An iron arrowhead, I hope you brought something to really give me a challenge." A wip-like tongue stretched out of its mouth and licked the small trace of blood on the tip of his claw, warping his face into an expression of ecstasy. 

It did not have time to revel in it as Donny's spear pierced one of his eyes, and went for the throat and the chest in a quick 3-stab combo but aside from the first where booked. The first stab managed to pierce his eye 6 centimeters deep, the second and third only managed to pierce the skin of his palm.

"Mmm no Nichirin metal." it looked disappointed for some reason. "Tch." His eye regenerated and he sent Donny reeling back with one kick.

Fire and water birds came flying at him followed by an arrow emitting wind magic. I managed to roll away before they stuck, evading most of the small explosion.

At the end of my roll, I placed on foot firmly under me and launched myself at it using my water forms. 

Water Breathing Water wheel

My sword made a trail of water as my body spun forward creating a wheel of water. The blade deeply bit into its left Trap muscle. I followed it with another water-breathing form: surface slash. With no time to pull out my blade and prepare the second slash, I switched the way I held the handle to be able to slash in the opposite direction and tried to do a vertical slash instead of a horizontal one. Mid-attack I pulled back, narrowly evading getting my heart and lungs shredded by a swipe of his claws.

Three thin lines of blood made by its claws made themselves known as some straps of my chest guard came undone.

From behind the creature, a huge sword came down to smash its head. Moguzo, the tank from one of the other teams came down on it hard. Its knees bent as he squatted to distribute part of the force bearing down on it.

Twisting around one claw shot forward in order to stab one of his shoulders, to block it Moguzo lifted one of his forearms to block the piercing strike with one of his thick metal bracers and used the force to spin to one side performing a vertical slash to its ribs which bent him like sideways v and sent him gliding on the ground a few meters.

Ranta moved in its way performing a pricing attack and used the blade to tear out a chunk of its flesh almost splitting it in half using its momentum in his favor.

Fire brids greeted it when it slopped followed by a rain of arrows. "Not bad not bad." Its raspy voice alerted us that it was still able to fight even with all of the damage we had done. It stood up and its side healed at a rate that seemed impossible, "Do your best to entertain me." A smile threatened to split its face apart, which I doubted would do any damage.

Haruhiro, Moguzo, and Ranta's team leader came out of the shadows behind it and sank his dagger into his neck before tearing it out of one side. "Wow you are really good in hide-n-seek.HEHEHR!!"It turned around to look at him, a head with half its neck missing has to be terrifying. He froze in horror before before jumping back into the shadows.

The whistling of arrows tearing their way through the air came from a different direction before 2 arrows sunk into its eye sockets. "My turn." His voice marked its devastating attack, a moment later it was gone from its spot. A scream made us turn towards the area where the party with no tanks should be, all of them were shredded into pieces, and the one who screamed was cut in half, his mouth rapidly flooding with his blood. "The weak go fist." 

Seeing a party of 4 get diced in a moment gave us a bit of a shock however if we hadn't sobered up from it quickly we would be next on the chopping block. Some of us took a step back when it turned our way, the ones that did not, rush weapons first towards danger.

Tifa got to it first managing to evade a lethal thrust of its hand aimed at her heart she quickly launched two quick jabs followed by a hook and a jump that landed her knee on his chin. She fell back after performing her combo, clenching and unclenching her hands. "Not only hard to cut but also very sturdy," she noted.

Next, Donny did the triple stab again in search of soft spots around his body, places where bones would not get in the spear blade's way. No matter where he struck only the rip managed to pierce the gray skin.

He used the polearm to black a swipe and rode the momentum to make space between them."ees hard to pierce everywhere except maybe the eyes!!" He gave his weapon a twirl and went back into the fight.

Our weapons coated in that oil do cut it, but I don't know if cutting the head off will kill it. I thought and looked up to the moon, It was kinda high but it could have been there before the sun went down. Not being able to check the time is just one more thing that will wear my nerves down. 

The floor under my right foot cracked under the pressure my right foot enforced before I shot forward and performed another water-breathing form. I noted my breathing forms cut deeper than all the efforts of the others combined. Form after Frm I kept the pressure on him, or at least I thought it was pressure given he healed instantly from any wound we did and it did not seem to get tired.

Lowering the output from sun breathing to water breathing lessened the strain by a lot. Enough to keep going for hours without resting, whenever I started to feel the tiredness catching up to me I fell back to receive healing from a healer. Mary from Haruhiros party had the best healing, she had a spell that worked like regeneration which didn't need her to be near me to be effective. It only had a 30-minute duration but required a limiter considering how good it was. I lost count of how many times it got cast on me but the fight called me to join it again.

"Parupiro! Are you gonna keep hiding in Moguzos' shadow? You chicken!" Ranta jumped into the fight switching places with me. before I fell back to Mary once more.

Tifa moved inside its guard unleashing a flurry of blows before changing a hook. The glint in its eye let me know she was falling into a trap. I knew I wouldn't reach them in time so my mind ran simulations of what he could do to fight back and end her life quickly. All that came to mind was a term used in boxing 'a counter'. Since it did not have to worry about any wounds it must have given up on defense and given everything into attacking. "Fall bac-!"

Her body twisted to deliver the punch, her body glowed with a transparent white aura coming out of her body. Her fist left fist made contact and the aura rushed to it in an instant, the next that happened stunned me. Black lightning came out of the contact point my worry shot up for an instant before a term came to my mind 'black flash' and the vampire shot away from Tifa like a very sturdy rag doll hit by a bullet train.


Title: Black Flash

Word Count 1579

If there are any grammatical errors let me know with a comment on the paragraph.

Thank you guys. I appreciate your reading so far.

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