Chapter 4: Bitter Taste of Defeat
The blade of my sword got stuck mid-way through a kobold's chest, I didn't manage to cleave it fully but it still died.
Reigner was good at parrying attack and Lime performed a beautiful backstab on the last kobold.
Reigners' adversary did not die in the first hit but was close to it. "I.. don't want to die" the few words it could say, made Reigner hesitate when his hand holding the sword was ready to strike. A shriek came out of its throat and the sword came down.
The sound of clawed feet hitting the ground came to us and the next thing we knew, we were surrounded.
"Reigner get behind Leyla, she is our best hope for victory right now." My voice grew a little tense at seeing the amount of enemies around us.
"Shit, sorry about that,"Reigner said, changing positions and griping his shield tighter.
Layla held her staff closer to her as she looked around and bit her lower lip.
"No problemo I can kill them with one strike easy!" Lime the ever confidant pushed us on.
"That only if we distract them and take them by surprise," Reigner shot back.
"Yeah true, but that's why you two have a warrior class. To be our meat shields hahaha." Lime looked like he was having the time of his life.
It would have been nice if they came at us one by one but it was not in their plans. They jumped at us all at once. Reigner and I decided not to go forward, instead keeping our position to defend our healer and make a solid defensive wall.
Lime moved behind me while I gained their attention, and distracted them enough for him to move undetected.
We lost ourselves in a monotony of parrying, blocking, and countering that also did not notice Lime move behind the kobolds at back stabbing one by one.
Reigner's shield deteriorated little by little as he blocked maces and claws. his armor getting ripped left and right, some spots with his blood but where there should have been a wound pure unblemished skin rested.
Layla's breath was a bit harsh, her eyes half closed. As the fight continued to require her magic, she deemed it necessary not to stop. Even as the nausea kept building up.
Lime flickered in and out of view, his single attacks always took one out. The short sword he wielded always found the fleshy part of their necks.
And I had taken one of their clubs to parry the attacks and strike with my sword, just a stab in an area I thought would be fatal. Their bodies told me where they would move next, what spots were weak, wear to strike to break their balance even allowing me to see their 1 or 2 movements ahead. None of their moves landed on me.
Much like all my party, my muscles started to get tired, and all of our movements started to get sloppy. I decided to expedite the fight to end it fast, or we all wouldn't be able to hold out. I threw the club at the kobold currently facing in, well the face.
"I summon thee, flame that is the core of fire... BRID!!" A ball of flame formed in my hand. The size of a baby fist, my mother taught me the most basic fire magic and said that all I really needed to master flame.
With a thought for it to fly forward and strike a kobold, it did just that. I had managed to divide my focus into two, one chanting, aiming, and shooting my brids to targets out of my melee range and the other to stabbing, cutting, and parrying the ugly dog in front of me.
Kobolds soon were running out of manpower, like meat going to a grinder. With the last one falling we all took a breather and worked on cutting the ears off.
"Wasn't so bad, right guys?" Lime asked, sounding exhausted.
"Says the one who was hitting and running HA! Try taking all the damage I accrued and then we will talk." Reigner said from where he is cutting ears off the beasts.
"I think I'm going to barf" Leyla turned around and evacuated everything currently in her stomach.
"HAHAHA!!!" Lime rolled around on the ground, laughing his ass off and pointing at her.
"Run we're almost there, hurry!!!!" We heard a yell coming from further away from the road we had taken. We also heard the sound of metal hitting metal.
"We better hurry, get these ears cut, and run to the base." Lime said, "I really feel like we don't want to be here much longer than we need to."
"You guys got a sharp knife? My sword is dull and won't cut off without tearing it." Reigner lifted his sword and brought it down to the ear, cutting a centimeter and tearing some more off.
"I'm done with these 5, here is my short sword," Lime said, and dropped his sword went we went to help Leyla up.
Meanwhile, I went to the opposite side to climb a rock spike and see if those people were close by.
However, a rock was on the opposite side, by Leyla, obstructing my view. Reigner finished and ran to Lime's side, Leyla still on the ground dry coughing. 3 people passed the earth spike blocking my view, a tied-up orc girl under one armpit.
My stomach filled with dread at the sight, and the next instant a highland orc appeared. A club in its hand, one side sharp and the other blunt. It blurred and Reigner was already falling in two pieces, another blur, and Lime flew by me.
With no time to see if Lime was alive, I rushed to Leyla's side, my arm stretched out, urging myself to run faster. My mind ran at full cylinders to think of a way to reach her faster.
Her form in the process of standing up, unshed tears had built up in her eyes, trails of saliva and gruel down her lips. She said something, I know she did but had blocked all sound. Next instant the mace came down from above her, hitting her head caving it in, and bringing it down to the hard stone below. Smashing all recognition of her and making a small spider web crack where head hit before it blew up.
The image of the events ran in my head over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
A burning pain build up in the pit of my stomach, a fire, a pool of magma. In my rage, the magma leaked and burned my magic nerves all over my body. The burning gave way to speed and power.
Checking on Lime and getting out of there but my rage took over. My foot cracked the floor when it hit it and sent me rocketing straight to the orc. My sword arm swung from left to right aiming to cut his head off, but it reacted to my increase in speed, blocking my strike with his club. My sword even if built from low-quality metal was still metal, yet it snapped like a twig bent between two fingers. However, my free hand formed a fist and flew straight to the side of its face, sending him rolling sideways. My foot landed on the spike that was previously behind him, my free hand ran its palm down the broken blade, fire engulfing it in flame and forming a blade of fire where it was missing.
The spike cracked as I launched myself again toward the orc. It also sprinted towards me, its club ready to attack or counterattack. I ducked ready to slash upwards but it moved to the side and raised its knee hard enough to send shockwaves out when it hit. A thunderclap reverberated through my ears when I felt the knee hit my jaw. It brought its club down to my head, with very little time and mind feeling like a drink being blended. My instincts took over and a fire brid shot from my right hand, blowing up on the ground and pushing my hand, spinning me for an upward slash.
As I landed prone on the ground, my vision swam as the orc covered half of its face. Blood dripped from it to the floor.
"It's over there!!" A yell managed to register in my messed-up head.
The orc snorted and looked at me in the eyes. Said something in Orchish and finished in common "We will finish this next time." It came out in a rough accent, then he turned and left like he came, in blurring speeds.
"Check if there are any survivors. bring them to town for healing." a woman in leather armor said.
Meanwhile, the magma fueling me cooled down and left my magic muscles. Leaving them torn and in extreme pain, compounded with the knee to the jaw robbed me of my consciousness.
Word count 1549
If there are any grammatical errors let me with a comment on the paragraph.
Thank you guys appreciate your reading so far.