Chapter 6: Metamorphosis (2nd Phase)
My feet were well placed, my hands held the sword tightly, and my lungs took in the air extremely fast and were emptied just as quickly.
'First Form: Dance'
I did a quick step forward with a downward slash, an illusionary crimson flame followed the tip of my bokken. It left the watchers entranced with the move, and the fire.
As I finished it I got ready for the second move however all that was left of my bokken was the hilt which was crushed by how tight I held it. The 'blade' was in pieces lying on the floor, parts of it were burned and quickly becoming ashes.
Truth be told I was surprised it lasted this long. It was only a month since my 15th birthday, but that bokken held up for almost a year.
Acute pain started in the side of my head, not as strong as when I was 3 but it still hurt, memories of the 10th birthday up to the 13th.
"I'm going to my room for some rest," I told my parents, The pain in my head was not getting stronger thankfully but it was taking longer. It's as if my body learned how to pace itself to handle the influx of memories.
From 5th grade elementary to the 8th grade. That life seemed normal, I had friends, a crush, and a strict teacher. I seemed to have a knack for sports, taking first and second place in most sports.
Opening my eyes to the usual wooden ceiling of my room clashed with my new memories of it being a light blue of the room of my new memory.
What hit me after a bit of thinking was how attractive everyone I had seen so far was here. Then my mind came back to my broken bokken.
I need to find a replacement for it ASAP. Probably something made of Iron or steel. At least something that can handles well under a lot of stress.
"I'll be back later, going to pay the smith Noro a visit," I called out to whoever heard just to let them know where I was going.
Being early morning people were leaving their homes to go to work or were opening stores for the public. Smithy Noro was for once not working on a sword or wield, he was leaning on the front desk, idly staring at some adventurers walking by.
He was an old man in my eyes, he had a square jaw that was occupied by a white spotty beard. Probably had those spots because they got burned by the sparks, His head was a shiny bald ball. He we squat, well-built shoulders and arms with a bit of a hunched back
Since he looked lost in thought I took the chance to look around in silence. The swords he had on display, on the wall were mostly double-edged longswords. Double-handed heavy axes were in a large barrel filled to the brim with them.
"Entei, my boy! What time did you get here? You know it's kinda creepy that you almost make no sound when you walk. Anyway what can I help you today with, Or did you come to help me?" The old man finally hoped back to our world
"Noro, good morning. I am looking for a new practice sword my bokken broke Yesterday, and since you never stop boasting about your swords I decided to try one out. Not a super expensive one, I don't have the money for but well, which one do you recommend? More focused on toughness rather than sharpness since well it is going to be a practice sword." I inspected the swords around the place while informing him.
"Oh I got one fitting what you need." He ran to the back room where his smithy was, made a lot of noise moving piles of metal, and 'AHA' came from that room and came back to the room with a thin bright-red longsword. "This!!!" He said, holding it up like a masterpiece. "Would have been my greatest work yet, forged with fire wyvern scales, a high-grade steel coating, and I used the blood of red-lizard men to douse and make it resistant to flame!!" He raised it, his hand on its handle and the palm of the other flat against the blade. "However it is too heavy and a little blunt, not fit to kill fast." He placed it on the desk.
"Well if it is sturdy to handle my swing then it's fine, how much?" It did look sturdy enough to me, if it is heavy and compact it should be sturdy right?
"I will give it to you for one gold!!" My face morphed into a horrified look, "Don't look at me like that dammit. Pay me what you can right now and the rest when you can, I doubt another idiot would be interested in it anyway.
"Very well then, I got 32 silver from my quest a year ago... wait did you call me an idiot?" He did not answer and went back to his smithy to get me a sheath for the sword.
He never answered my question but I did leave happy with a new sword. Back to training hehe.
"This sword is quite heavier than the usual indeed." I gave a few swings. "The wielder would get tired with this in combat."
"Welcome home Young Master." Lilith was waiting by the door of the house, I simply gave her a nod and continued walking to the backyard.
I steadily practiced the form for the next months, each month's worth of time since the first I'd get the headache with memories, first up to 15 then 18 next 21, and finally memories up to age 25.
The lessons of life, like learning them anew, and an urge to learn magic grew in me. Sex is another thing that I wanted, especially because everyone here was so attractive. The year could not pass any slower, and I would not go back on my word not in this life.
The day before I turned 16, I tried to run as many forms as I could in one go.
First Form: Dance
I did the fast step forward and downward slash with an arc.
Second Form: Clear Blue Sky
I spun my torso, making a circular slash with my sword around me.
Third Form: Raging Sun
I released two continuous horizontal slashes in front of me.
Fourth Form: Fake Rainbow
I rotated my body so fast that Lilith saw after images of me, after a second it disappeared and I was a few steps in front of where I was before, sword slicing as if decapitating someone.
I then fell to my knees and dropped the sword from my hands. For a few seconds, my body felt extremely weak, my breathing was in disorder, and every other breath was too shallow like going through the motion of pulling air but my blood did not take the air to my muscles.
After ten seconds my breathing calmed down and my muscles got their air and I got back up.
Four forms huh, I can do so much with just the breathing but those forms will boost my abilities even if they add so much strain to my body. I could chain 4 forms before I'm out, I will save it for really dangerous opponents.
I dragged myself to my room and fell asleep halfway on my futon.
The next day my mother burst through the door screaming "Magic!!!"
"Let me sleep a few hours more." I pulled the sheets to cover my face, Lilith probably was the one who covered me.
"No!! Get up we got magic training so up now." She got a little worked when I refused to get up, a water ball formed in front of her palm and dropped it on my head when she pulled my sheets off my head.
"Gah, okok." I got up and just walked out of the room. "Let us learn!!!" I yelled at the sky, stretching my body with the yell. "After breakfast, I'm hungry."
After breakfast we sat down on the edge of the house, my mother sat with me.
"Ok let's start, first there are 7 types, and, or, elements. Fire, water, earth, wind, thunder, darkness and healing. The brid is the most basic way to use all elements of magic. Some non-elemental magics are illusion, boost, magic enhancement, summoning, and Writing magic but the last one is extremely rare. First, we will see what elements you are attuned to, fire is a given since you are from my child. Ok, form small balls of each element in a circle over your palm." She pulled my hand in front of me and had my palm faced up. "The easiest way is imagination of what you want."
I closed my eyes and 7 spheres formed on top of my palm. the 3 top spheres were the ones I was most attuned to better. Fire is the biggest, followed by thunder and finally wind. The rest were really small as they went down the circle.
word count 1520