Chapter 9: Fire Dogs
We encountered some Black Stingers, their way of party fighting was a little off but in this fight, it worked well enough.
I used magic enhancement on my sword to boost its durability and sharpness. Even when out of combat keep it at the best amount of charge at all times or near it.
Briggs and Tifa never even tried, jessie did stay very close to the fight area instead of going farther and sniping the enemies from the distance.
Briggs did not use his shield to block and lure all enemies to attack him.
After the fight, we kept walking the road to the west.
"You know, your teamwork can be way better." They all turned my way when I said that, "You can make yourself fight enemies with bigger numbers and more efficiently but to complete the team you would also need a healer."
"What do you mean? We've done well so far." Briggs commented "But if you got some ideas on how we can improve."
"First Briggs, do you have a skilled way for all enemies around you to come at you and ignore everyone else? While you keep them on you, Tifa can deal as much damage from behind to one of the monsters already attacking Briggs just be careful of any monster that was not attacking Brigg's."
"Yeah, I got a skill I learned from a warrior in our village. Taunt, helps pull enemies to me but it has a range limit of 10 meters, and can only use it once every 2 minutes, I'm not a masochist so I don't use it." Briggs said.
"I haven't learned any high damage dealing skills, Got only my fists." Tifa looked down at her fists.
"I will help you both learn some magic everyone can use, but Jessie" I turned to her and she snapped her head to me. "Jessie, you're an archer, right? Take shots from mid to long range, don't get too close to the combat, stay back from it, and take a good look at what is needed, what could do the most damage, and what could help your team. And can you summon a brig?"
"Yes but I'm no mage it isn't super powerful to go *BOOM BSSSSSSSH*" She motioned with; her hands and tried to mimic a big explosion. "I can summon a wind brid."
"Ok, do you know how to apply the brid to an arrow?" I asked.
"You can do that?!"
I nodded to her "There are 2 ways, form an arrow with the brid or use magic enhancement on an arrow you already have. Since you might not have much mana you'll have to use the latter. Just imagine the arrow as a cup and the brid brings as green liquid or something similar you're pouring into the cup, not hard right?"
"Now you two, there is a type of magic that most people can use, it doesn't need much training to be able to use it. It uses the same concept as what I just told Jessie but visualizes using clear water or a clear liquid. Try it with the next group of enemies we find."
"There might be other ways to do it, probably easier but this is the way I do it," I explained boost to them as best I could.
The rest of the way was peaceful and boring, They did not get the chance to put their magic and a new way to fight to the test.
"So where do you come from?" Tifa asked me, she had moved to my side.
"I was raised in Tsige so I'd say I'm from there, you?"
"Lorel Union, I wanted to come out of the village I grew up in and explore the world. From what II have seen so far it is huge and full of many interesting people."
"I also want to leave home and explore the world too, I have to forge myself to a sword first to be able to fight against whatever I encounter in the future. But I believe hardship can forge you into something new."
"That is a nice way of thinking."
Tifa and I kept on with a conversation until.
We heard a beast roar in the distance calling our attention. We carefully moved towards it, as we got closer to the sound. It led us to a battlefield, bodies of dogs with black skin were strewn across the battlefield. In various states of ripped apart, some ripped in half some in more pieces.
We followed the trail to a group of 6 demons or similar sub-humans with blue skin and small horns on their foreheads, wounded and in the middle of fighting a group of fire dogs in front of a Cerberus.
"We should get ready to take out the winners of their fight, and they will probably be weak enough for us to experiment with the thing Entei taught us," Briggs said from the closest position to an exit from the rocky area around us and into the open area creatures are fighting in.
I pulled the sword from my shoulder, Jessie readied her bow and drew an arrow, Tifa tightened the band around her forearms and Briggs hefted his sword and shield.
I filled my sword with magic and relaxed to a position that gave me a good view of the fighting area and would allow me to move
The fire dogs did most of the combat, and the blue fighters kept a formation, with shield bearers in front occasionally they parted, alloying the one behind them to deal some damage before they re-sealed the gaps.
At first, they looked like they had the upper hand but when one dog got behind the wall of shields it unleashed flame from its mouth, like a flame thrower into the backline attackers who had very little to defend from it. Things changed and it all went downhill for them, their mage had so much pressure to heal the 3 defenders and try to help back the attackers up from being almost dead. By doing that he ensured they all fell in battle.
"Let me go first and grab their attention, then you guys follow," Briggs told us before running out to the open. "Come get some you roasted chickens," he then mashed the flat of his blade to his shield.
All enemies, seeing only him bore their fangs at him and started running toward him. When they got close an arrow pierced one in the head, After they started headbutting and scratching Briggs' shield Tifa jumped behind one and side-stepped and swung a hook obliterating the dog's head before moving on to the next. I had moved around them and pierced them from behind.
The 2 headed Cerberus stood in place watching the fight. Lying down on its belly, watching its prey struggle to the end.
Little by little we took down those dogs or going by Briggs's experience, way too fast. His sword and shield were coated in blood, and so was my sword but at least none got on me. Tifa looked as if she took a shower in a pool of blood, Jessie had only sweat running down her brow. Her quiver was running low on arrows.
"You guys ready to kick this big puppy?" Briggs said pointing at the Cerberus with his sword. He put on a strong front but we could all see his body tremble either from exhaustion or fear.
"I think these guys were lvl 100 or so, but this only has 2 heads so it has to be a young one. Still don't drop your guard." Jessie said from behind us.
The beast got up and started circling us. Baring its fang at us and producing a growling noise from its throat.
"Awww look guy it's purring," Our archer said as she readied an arrow.
Me and Tifa kept going around Brigg to keep him between us and the doggy. When it finally got tired of our game of cat and mouse, it pounced on Brigg.
Its claws left their mark on his shield, an arrow pierced one of its eyes making it flinch. It pulled back, whined, and then a roar to show it wasn't scared.
Briggs took the initiative to start pushing forward and keep it distracted while Tifa went to destroy one of its hind legs and I cut the other one. This all seemed way too easy for me like we were more geared toward dealing heavy damage to 1 opponent. This beast was supposed to be around level 100 but so far it has not impressed me.
Victory was in sight but did not want to go down and started frothing and acting erratically, no longer concentrating on our tank and attacking whoever was closest which was Tifa. A paw shot out and hit her left shoulder, it sent her rolling a few meters.
Brigg was stunned for a moment after the dog went berzerk. "Oh come back to your leash" He got closer to it and bashed his shield on the beast's leg. As it lost its strength in its legs and fell he stabbed his sword upwards between its ribs.
Blood rained him and the beast howled in pain. I closed the distance between us and used the first form: Dance to cut off one of its heads. Tifa shot out from where she rolled to and landed a punch on the remaining head that the stab from Briggs sliced to its rear. Blood sprayed from its wound, it fell to the ground and lost the light in its eyes.
Word Count 1609
If there are any grammatical errors let me with a comment on the paragraph.
Thank you guys appreciate your reading so far.