multi leveling in game of thrones

Chapter 2: cold of the north

In the north of the country large walls are surrounding a massive keep and town this place is called winterfell. It is controlled by the stark family as well as the rest of the northern province is.

Edard stark is the lord of the noble family he has 5 natural born children and 1 bastard they are rob the oldest then sansa then bran then aria and lastly rikkon the bastard is Jon snow, snow is the surname as he was born in the north he is just a bit younger the rob. There is also another boy about there age ther his name is then he is a greyjoy.

After a war he became a hostage of the starks but they treated him very well like family should they were good people.

Jon has a hard life as he has to watch his siblings get treated way better then himself as he is only a bastard of the lord. This causes Jon to want to take the black and join the forces on the far northern wall to fight off the wildling invaders. And protect the north and the 7 kingdoms from what lay beyond.

This day was like any other as Jon did his morning chores. His brothers were already practicing the sword and bow he finish in time to watch bran who was shooting a bow and missing the targets terribly. Rob and then laughed at the boy. Jon was giving advice to bran when they heard a voice."ah so you were great archers at that age I guess hahah" the laughing stopped and everyone looked at eddard as he said " continue practicing and you will become better."

At this moment a headache hit Jon harder then a truck as an arrow flew between him and bran and hit the target in the bullseye and as Jon was falling over they heard a girl laughing and running away it was non other then aria the tomboy of the stark clan.

Jon lay there holding his head as then made his jokes."eh what a little arrow scared the bastard to death hahaha, look at him on the ground whimpering like a baby hahah" bran dropped the bow to check on Jon he was not breathing as the pain was so severe. They called for the maester who could help him.

Jon woke up a day later with memories he did not understand he knew everything about this world and the future. He was a boy named Devon in an old life. This changed everything for Jon. He now knew what was next and he had to prepare. As he was getting his thoughts together because devons memories and his joined he became something new not Jon or Devon but something better.

Ding* welcome new player. A screen was floating in front of Jon's face he smile a bright smile. He looked at the system and thought status the screen changed he could not believe it he got all the bonus police kandarus blessing which makes him immune to poisons and stat debunks.

Jon started laughing like an idiot when his brothers and aria rushed in. They explained what happend as a joke and Jon only nodded along. Maester luwin entered and checked him over he was shocked at the state of the boy. He was perfectly fine. He just added it to one of the mysteries of this world and left shortly after .

When everyone left Jon was finally able to check his system.


Jon snow

Job- shadow monarch

Titles-reincarnator +5 all stats

Health (150/150)

Mana (150/150)

Strength 10+5

Vitality 10+5

Dex 10+5

Sense 10+5

Intelligence 10+5

Skills -passive

Intermediate swordsmanship, intermediate archery, riding, noble etiquette and other nobility based skills intermediate tactician


Shadow rise lvl1-brings dead back as shadow soldiers upto 20 max

Shadow save lvl1- can save up to 5 soldiers for future use any not saved will go back to the abyss.

Shadow exchange locked

Level up others locked


Quests daily

100 push ups 100 sit ups 100 squats 5 mile run

End of status

Jon realized he has a higher starting point becuase he was a reincarnator and he was excited to start his journey.

Jon got out bed as it was still morning his father saw him and stated" since your up get ret ready we ride the the outskirts the men found a deserter from the wall " Jon nodded his head and prepared.

In the courtyard where eddard to Jon to meet there were rob theon and bran waiting for Jon and there father. They rode out with the guards as soon as they aarrived. They get to open patch of land not far from the castle and Jon sees the patrol units holding a scraggly kid who escaped the wall.

Eddard as the lord said his peace and beheaded the man with ice the valerian steel greatsword made for stark family. At block as everyone rode out saying he needed a minute which confused eddard as this was not the first time Jon had seen this in his life but he shrugged it off and continued to ride back.

Jon waiting at the block till everyone was out of sight. He wanted to see if the magic in the Valarian steel could stop his shadow soldiers. At this time a prompt came from the system. Target selected target able to be risen as a shadow. Jon smile and said the words. ARISE black mist rose from the body still on the ground hands climbing out of the dirt. The cold of the north blowing wildly. And befor long a shadow knelt before Jon.

Shadow thief lvl1 peasant class floated in Jon's eyesight. He laughed and thought hmm that must be why he was sent to the wall he was a petty thief. Jon realizing he was taking to long saved the thief in is shadow and rode to meet everyone.

Theon made his jokes again and Jon only shook his head. Which annoyed then but with eddard there he was not going to fight with Jon. They rode a while longer. The stopped at a bridge for a quick break when Jon's enhanced senses picked up on something.

He heard the whimpers of puppies over the running water. He followed it and found the scene of a wolf with and antler in it's heart and a dead stag next to it. Feeding from the tits of the wolf were the pumps there were 5 of them. They were dire wolves.

Jon know this would be there made the same argument he knew saying it was a sign that the stark children should have dire wolf partners as it's there house sigil. Eddard agreed reluctantly and told them they would have to raise and take care of them.

Everyone rode away except Jon as e he heard the runt crying. He went over and grabbed it he was keeping that one. Then he walked back over to the mother and tried to target it. Target acquired target able to have shadow risen to be a soldier. Jon thought maybe it was going to be dead for to long but he was excited.

ARISE Jon said and the shadow came up from the ground there were no issues with him struggling to resurrect anything as the magic was low in this world at the moment.

Jon looked at the massive wolf in front of him he said" i and my family will take care of your children and you will fight for me." The wolf bowed it's head in loyalty and understanding and Jon saved it in the shadows. Jon was surprised by it's level as it was a level 5 shadow beast dire wolf. It was twice as large as it was when it died making it the size of the horse he rode in on. He was ready to get started with this new life. And left the scene.

When the group returned they gave the pups to all the children and everything was great. The girls loved there's and the boys did the same. Jon name his ghost due to it's pure white coat. Aria name hers after a heroine of legend nameria and sansa just called hers lady, rikkons was shaggy dog and brans was summer and robs was gray wind.

That day went on as normal and the next few days Jon wanted to try leveling up so he arranged a few hunts with his father. This turned out to be worth it as Jon had killed 5 boars and a stag and leveled up twice due to him sending the dire wolf shadow to hunt as well In two weeks. His stats raised to 17 each and his level on skills went up one because he used shadow extract on al the dead animals but did not save them. He has 42 stat points to spare as well due to the daily quests he completed. He tried doubling it everyday but no special quest came. He got a bunch of random rewards like bandages and paper and common clothing. The best thing he got was gold . He got 100 gold coins one of the days.

After the two weeks the family was eating inthe great hall and maester luwin came in with a message stating that the royal family was coming north. Jon knew why and so did eddard but everyone was was dumbstruck.

Eddard explained that it was probably due to the fact that king Robert wants him to be his hand. Eddard was not happy about this. They finished the meal and everyone when there own ways. Time flew a this point.

Jon continued doing his daily Quests and now had 84 points to distribute the day the royal family arrives. but he did not level up as he could not hunt and the experience was to low for leveling with boars and stags. He also did not want to deplete the ecosystem of winterfell as the people might starve if he kills to much.

Jon decides he needs to use his points as with his plan he will be able to extract and save more shadows and also have the strength to be considered the strongest human easily even if he evenly distributes his points.

So Jon makes everything go from 17 to 20 leaving him with 69 points in this 2 weeks Jon decided to raise his stats in increments so it seamed like he was growing naturally due to age. So he raised strength Vitality and intellect by 20 each quadrupling the max for mortal humans.

The royal family and there entourage showed up that next day, they must have sent the letter two weeks into the trip as it takes a month to get there. Jon finishes his morning work out and today of all days he received the first dungeon key he was so pumped he almost yelled in happiness. So as the royals were arriving Jon stood behind the family as was his place as a bastard. Jon did not feel uncomfortable with the situation now that he has old memories and the system.

The kings carriage plls in through the giand gates and stops. The first one to exit is a pretty little girl who is about sansas age it was the kings daughter Marcella then the queen herself Cercie lannister Jon knew about her and her hideous ways but he did think she was beautiful.

Then the fat king came out Robert baratheon. he was a giant man with a fat round belly. Aria laughed when she saw him. Jon snickered with her as well. The kings guard noticed this. The prince with blond hair got off his horse this was geoffrey. Along with the kingsgaurd Jamie lannister. Jamie walked up and asked if he had a problem. Eddard stood between the two as well as the king and defused the situation.

Jon after leveling up was built like a beast he stood at 6 foot 3 inches where ge stopped growing he was lean with dense heavy muscle not to big but not small either. Everyone was shocked with his groth spurt but expected it as eddard looked similar in his youth. Jon used 10 points on dex and had 2 remaining. At this point the young and dumb prince opened his mouth.

"Father the bastard has blatantly laughed at you the king . Let's have I'm fight to night die today he looks tough and a little match will be good entertainment after the long ride."

Cercie obviously agreed with the little shit. And so did Jamie. Robert did not care what happened as they were just children in his eyes. But he asked eddard if he could fight in a whisper. Eddard replied with one as well " better then we were ever able to so he won't die today even if your son asked Jamie to fight him." Robert was shocked by this statement.

In the last few weeks of increasing his stats Jon gradually got better the everyone in the castle including his father and all the guards. That's where eddards confidence came from.

Robert looked at goeffrey and said we will have a match but not becuase of the issues but only for entertainment. Geoffrey grinned evily at that statement. With that a chill from the cold north pressed on the people present as Geoffrey called his dog to battle sandor clagane "THE HOUND".

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