Chapter 12: Chapter 12
[host names and designation are not required for me guiding you is sole purpose of my existence] His system tried to negotiate with Jacob about this naming matter because it feared its name will be funny or not upto his aesthetics.
No this matter is not up for negotiation do you know how weird it feels to call a being who can laugh, think and most importantly play pranks and act arrogant to call a system. Jacob tried to argue back.
Finally after ten minutes of discussion or say bickering system agrees to the idea but demanded final day on the will be his own and Jacob also agreed.
He how is Dominus Nexus ? Jacob asked
[Doesn't have vibe]
How about omnitrader ? Jacob asked again.
[So so but sound like a certain vehicle infamous for bad things iykyk]
Haha.. indeed sounds like one but what should I name you demon in name of a system... Wait ummm how about Lucifer. Jacob said in joking manner.
[Designation accepted. From now I will be Lucifer hahahahah bow in front of me you lowlife ]
Jacob can't help but roll his eyes and thought, "sh*t from all names I had to suggest this name damn my luck but still it is cool name for a system"
[Now tell me how did you earned so much ep in such less time. Wait don't tell me I will check on my own from your memories it will take much less time]
As the system now Lucifer was checking Jacob's memory he didn't know what to do so he lay down on bed and kept quite. Ten minutes later Lucifer spoke again.
[Hmmmm this is interesting Jacob. But I have a question]
And what it is just shoot. Jacob said.
[Host its just that when you told your family about my existence I noticed a strange thing about your father and uncle]
What are you trying to say everyone was shocked and didn't believed on what I said so according to me there was nothing strange. Jacob said to lucifer.
[Well yes no one will believe you if you just outright announce my existence after you survived an accident and everyone will think you have a screww loose up there and your siblings are another case I am surprised that this type of thing crossed their mind though as a joke but what I am trying to say is that your father and uncle were surprised yes but not expressed that in same way as other and they looked at each other and shocked their head as they were conversing in sign language]
Maybe it's your imagination or something
[No Jacob it's not my imagination i reviewed that scene 5 times and everytime I saw same thing]
I don't belive you you are again playing some prank on me I know.
[Sigh...Sometimes seeing is better than hearing let me show you the exact scene]
You can do that I thought you are just useless fellow who will allow me to trade and give me some electric shock here and there... As Jacob said this he braced himself for getting an electric shock and closed his eyes five seconds passed and the awaited punishment didn't came and suddenly his vision turned black. A few moments later as he was able to see again he saw he was himself in third person view. In his vision Jacob was telling the family about his system and at the mention of system he saw. His father and uncle really weren't surprised and looked at each other and shook their heads before acting as they were also surprised and then his vision turned black again and when his eyes were able to see again he found himself in his room laying on bed.
[Now you believe me, the person with trust issues ? ]
Hey I don't have any trust issues I just didn't believed you that's all. But by showing me that what are you trying to say ?
[Oh my idiot and brainless host i am saying that there is 50% chance that your father and uncle know something about multiverse's existence]
Impossible my father and uncle were born on this planet if they knew about multiverse then why are we living as middle class people ? Have you any explanation for this.
[I don't know about such things but if you want to know the truth do as I say ]
Say what will I have to do. Jacob asked without any interest.
[Well you don't have to do anything as per your request I know that everyone was using their dream inducer and sleeping peacefully you just have to go to your father's room]
Okay but I still believe that you are wrong this time.
[Let the time decide who is wrong and who is right]
Two minutes later Jacob was standing in front on his parents room he entered the room without making any noice and asked to his system in hushed voice, "now Lucifer what I have to do tell me fast"
[You just have to hold your father's hand for ten seconds and leave the room just as you came] Lucifer also replied copying Jacob
Why are you copying me you can scream out loud and nobody will hear you? Jacob still asked in hushed voice.
[Then why are you speaking to me in hushed voice don't you remember you can think about what you want to say and I will know about it]
Jacob clicked his tongue in annoyance that how can he forget such simple things.
Then Jacob held his father's hand for exact ten seconds and left the room as Lucifer instructed
What did you find Lucifer? Jacob asked curiously.
[I will tell you later but first check your uncle's room too]
Jacob went to his uncle's room and hold his uncle's hand for ten seconds before leaving the room and returned to his own room.
Now can you tell me what did you find ?
[Well Jacob you will be surprised too on what I found]
Don't increase my curiosity and spill the beans.
[Jacob I am hundred percent sure your father and uncle are not natives only earth in fact they aren't even native of this universe]
Heehhhhh !!!.. how are you so sure about that. Did you missed calculate something or what ? Jacob asked in pure surprise.
[Well done you know about the thingvwhen I told you that this galaxy of your is yet to enter mana stream but your father and uncle both have well developed mana, spiritual and ether cores. In their body]
[And your father is in intermediate awakener stage and on verge of breaking through it and entering peak of awakener stage]
[While your uncle is in peak stage of awakener stage and on verge of breaking through it and entering master stage]
Whaaattttt ? You are telling the truth right ? You are not playing some kind of game with me right ?
[No host i don't have any reason to lie to you about such matter infact I am also curious about this]
Hmmm I will have to confront father and uncle regarding this matter but I have a question where these mana, spiritual and ether cores are situated and how I will be able to form them.
[Mana core is a ring like structure which will form around a person's heart. Spiritual core is situated below naval button. And eter core will form in mind space]
[As you have already developed your mind space thanks to help of mine if i didn't helped you you will awaken your mind space when you reach awakener stage]
[As for how you will be able to create them...]