Multiverse Exchange System: Ruler of Multiverse

Chapter 6: Ether points (ep)

Hiss...Jacob in disappintment sucked cold air gritting his teeth and asked in annoyance

"Why these things are so expensive and how I will be able to earn those f*vking eps

[tsk...tsk.. That's why I told you earlier to be a good listner] system expressed disapproval on Jacob's antiques and continued

[I was going to tell you the way to earn ep and the way is that you don't have to do anything just leave it to me because this is where my energy gatherer and conerter come to use]

[Let me test it for a few seconds I will give you a full detail regarding this]

buzzz...buzzz... As system was checking and testing for him, he thought his brain is buzzing or vibrating like a cellphone put on vibration. But it was only his imagination in reality no such thing had happened to him.

[All the checking is done and I must the result I got surprised me a bit]

"What you found just tell me how I will get ep." Jacob asked with curiosity.

[I found that every living bieng on this planet is emitting some amount of spiritual energy and quite a few things are also introduced to mana energy] are saying that mana and spiritual energy are real. Now I understood why you are surprised. I thought only mechanical, chemical and heat energies were real. Jacob was also surprised after hearing this.

[ Stupid host I am not surprised that those energy exist why I am surprised is because your galaxy has yet to enter mana stream but still some thing came in contract with mana. If these menial thing can surprise me than the concept of multiverse had surprised me to death]

Hmmmm... Jacob thought about it and came to realisation that his system is right if system was surprised about these energies then it would be surprised when it showed the magical scrolls and manuals column to him and asked it to continue the explanation.

[Yes so as I was saying that all living beings as emitting spiritual energy some people in this call it as faith energy, so I can gather this faith energy or spiritual energy from your surroundings and convert it into ether energy. Ether energy is most potent energy out there and 100 potent energy make one ether points or in simple words in which you can understand

(100 ether energy = 1 ep)]

[Conversion ratio of spiritual energy and ether energy is 1:2 but you will get only 1 point because half of the remaining one ether points will go to me as I also need some energy to operate and remaining half will be absorbed in your body so you can become strong faster]

Okay so what is the range of your energy gatherer? Jacob asked the system with amusement

[Right now range is limited upto 30m radius or 60m diameter]

So what is the exact amount of ep I can get in an hour? Jacob asked again

[According to my calculation and the testing I had done earlier I came to a conclusion that you can get almost 4 ep in full day or say 1 ep in 6 hours]

What so low conversion? Jacob was again surprised that the conversion rate was not even about 1 ep in one hour

[Heh! This is low ? It is already high enough for me or any other entity who can convert the spiritual energy into ether energy some entities who developed their civilizations for thousands of years can't even get 1 ep in ten days and you are saying this is low. Infact you should be happy about it]

Huh...w-what did you say? Did I heard it wrong or was it also my imagination? Jacob was bemused after hearing such information.

[Which part surprised you this much host]

That some entities have developed the civilizations for thousands of years. It means excluding you there are some other entities can live this long ? Jacob was genuinely shocked to his bone this time that he was shivering while still sitting on his hospital bed.

[God why you sent me to this stupid, idiot host. Yes host you are right but don't you have common sense that you are asking such stupid questions] system replied with clear irritation

Okay okay i get don't need to do worked up on this. And why are you waiting please start the gathering so I can actually purchase something to try. Jacob request the system excitedly.

[Request accepted and as for you kind behaviour I decided to give you a rewarded. Though it's only for one time]

[Acquired +100 ep]

Damnnn.. Jacob was clearly surprised on the magnanimousity of the system untill now he thought his system was egoistic and quite a sadist.

Though he stopped thinking and started searching for anything he can purchase and he saw a new column which he didn't noticed earlier and clicked on it

{Miscellaneous Advanced biotech products}:- here you can buy anything releted to tech or biotech which is not included in above columns or categories.

1. Knowledge on how to produce high quality wheat plants which required much less water and matures in 1 month + 1000kgs of hybrid wheat seeds (1000 ep)

2. Knowledge on how to create gene fluid of lowest category (500 ep)

3. Knowledge on creating VR head gears (150 ep)

VR head Gears seriously so cheap? Jacob was shocked again

[This gear is cheap because it has lowes sense of reality around 10% though it's already high enough for this universe and for you can't use gene fluids in this head gear ]

What will the gene fluids do except modifying genes ? Jacob questioned

[Gene fluids will not only help in modifying genes but also helps your body to create clear mana or spiritual core to channel mana or spiritual energy in body ]

But you said milkyway is not in mana stream right now so what's the use of gene fluids right now ? I can purchase it later too. Jacob was really curious in knowing this.

[I can't disclose you further information till you are strong enough but know this if you humans dont have mana or spiritual core when milkyway enters mana stream. Entire human civilization of this galaxy is going to mutate and become a mindless creature which will do nothing except eradicating itself so now you understood the role of gene fluids]

So you are trying to say that Gene fluids are key to evolve ? Then if I can't use in head gears then can't I even directly consume it.

[Affirmative host. You can consume it directly but know this if you consume the lowest category of gene fluids directly then you will feel excruciating pain and you might die and chances of creating mana or spiritual cores are also less than 1 % on first consumption. And even you are lucky enough to create a mana or spiritual core you can't create any other core after that only peak grade gene fluids allow you to create all three types of core (mana, spiritual and ether)]

So tell me one last thing how much powerfull i have to be to know when the galaxy will enters mana stream ? Jacob asked for last time.

[You have to be atleast AWAKENER stage ]

AWAKENER stage, how much strong is this stage?

[Here are the classification of the stages you can achieve in this universe

1. Commoner:- this what you are right now.

2. AWAKENER:- 10 times stronger than commoners.

3. Master:- 25 time stronger than awakners.

4. Grandmaster:- 50 times stronger than masters.

5. Transcendent:- 100 times stronger than grandmasters.

6. Sage:- 200 times stronger than trancendents.

7. Great sage:- 500 times stronger than sages.

8. Monarch:- 1000 times stronger than great sage.

9. Demi-god:- 5000 times stronger than monarchs

(Note:- each stage is divided into 9 levels and every three levels are minor stages for example

Level 1 to 3:- Low

Level 4 to 6:- intermediate

Level 7 to 9:- high or peak)

On reaching demigod stage a person can travel through dimensions means he can also go to different universe ]

[And on thing I forgot to tell you that each item or product which is created with the help of knowledge bought from sytem is consumed or used by common masses will give you 1 ep]

[With this good luck host and if you want to know anything else you know whom to call. So that's all for today.UNTILL WE MEET AGAIN]

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