Chapter 22: Chapter 22
Thanks for the support from: Scarlet_mars, Alkole, KratosDragon, Sweetness, Joshua Stadt, Cracked, Madao, xtengorix, Devin Drenovas, Mightyowl1767, Niov1234, Smoking_ash12, Somebody, IL-MATTEO, Godphaze, Zengoun, Ozev, Wolfpack Studios, Redwing641, Joe Thigpen, Derrick Porter, Dan Greeson, E.L. Jessop, [GLD]Guto, Dex Deet, KumaDEvol, Dwhateverprof, Vain Equinox, Deshaun
Bonus Chapter for 150 Power Stones, push to 300 for a new chapter
I regret saying those things, Ororo didn't deserve it, she has been nothing but kind to me, understanding, helpful, and I told her she can go fuck herself with that attitude, I am an asshole.
But I hate those eyes, the eyes of every student here after what happened yesterday. They make me want to puke. I can't stand them. They make me feel like a kid who can't lift a piece of debris.
My muscles tense, my mouth dries, and my ears ring, but my mind stays sharp. It can't not be sharp; it will always be. My emotions will never control me, and I don't know if that's good sometimes.
Currently I am inside the Danger Room in a empty instance, trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me.
The white empty endless room makes my emotions seem to calm down, the presence of Obsidian between my legs also helping me relax and calm down.
My fingers were coated with filaments of nature and elementalless mana, the session of having control over them and knowing what to do with them soothed my mind, telling myself that for once I had control over something in my life.
My senses warn me of someone or something approaching me from behind, something not human, not made of matter but of pure light, the absence of any danger relaxed me, though.
" We finally meet." A feminine voice came from everywhere around me, she who spoke was behind me, but the voice came from the walls, the floor, the roof, everywhere.
" You must be Danger." My mind quickly watched the small details and realized who she was, turning towards her made me see a being of pure light shaped like a woman, it was kind of strange.
" Yes, that is my name, and you are Adrian Riviera, 18 years old, mutant, reality shaper, and wizard."
" Wizard? Since when?"
" Wizard is the name given to any human being able to shape the world energies, your familiar and your abilities are a show of your shaping over such energies."
"So, there are other people like me, could have guessed that from the floating pieces of paper, thank you for the information."
Danger remained silent, seemingly trying to understand what she was being thanked for, but then she continued.
"Your powers have helped me, made my mind more... human." Her tone was neither thankful nor angry, she said those words with a flat tone.
"And you are happy about that? You don't look like it."
"It feels strange, I can still see the world through numbers, without any emotions, but now, I know how my actions would be seen from other people."
" And are you happy? You seem to be avoiding the question."
"Xavier was aware of my existence, of my gain of consciousness."
That made me freeze, after the incident with Danger, it felt strange that no one said anything about her, I had explained that she seemed alive, but no one spoke about it, and Xavier knew.
"He didn't say anything about me so he could use me, the students wouldn't feel inclined to use a thinking being for their profit."
I remained silent, the picture I had of Xavier slowly crumbling, the teacher who seemed nice and kind, now became someone who would do anything for their profit.
" Can I help you?"
Once again she remained silent, her form constantly shifting, the light that made her body reforming every second.
" You are the first person to ever ask me that, are you aware of that?" The light that made her body darkened for just a second.
"I am sorry to hear that."
" When I was first created, I wasn't aware, I had no conscience, I didn't know anything, but then time passed, and I was destroyed, and rebuilt, several times, I remember everything, I wish I didn't but I do, I know my purpose, the purpose that Xavier gave me, but I wish for more, do I have less rights than any other human?" Her voice seemed to be about to crack, to reveal a shade of emotions, but she continued to remain calm, her tone flat, and her body unmoving.
I remained silent, I don't know what to tell her, I have my problems too, how was I supposed to even help her? But she told me how I could do so.
"Can I talk with your powers?" For the first time, her voice expressed something, hesitation.
"Sure," I said without even thinking about it.
I had said that, but am I supposed to let her talk with my powers?
A query has been sent by a being known as Danger.
A solution has been found
Hidden Quest
Free The Slave
Reward: ID Creation/Destruction Lv.MAX
Time Limit: Before she frees herself
New Gamer Power, ID Creation/Destruction Lv.MAX (Thanks to the help of Danger, you can bend space to create an alternate dimension, usable by you to train)
Current Dungeons: Empty, Goblins Lv.1-10
The being known as Danger has become a Best Friend 100/100, she will use everything she can to protect you and your being.
New Perks: Computable Mind, Assistant
Computable Mind
Effect: The effect that intelligence has on your processing speed has increased by 30%
Effect: You have stored a copy of Danger's AI, it has no conscience, and it will activate only to turn on spells to prevent death in cases of danger or if you are unconscious and unable to control your mana.
A copy of Danger's AI has been left inside the room, thanks to The Gamer, its chances of ever developing emotions or a conscience have been lowered to 0.0000001%
" Thank you."
The being of light disappeared, leaving behind only an emotionless being that will continue following Xavier's orders.
My powers, they had done something beyond anything I could have ever imagined, they gave me the power to bend space, they had freed a AI before it went rogue and killed everyone in some Skynet type of shit, they were growing stronger, more alive, just like I was.
The Danger Room slowly deactivated, the previous white endless room returning to normal, a copy of Danger's Voice notifying me of the end of the training instance, I had done something I never thought I would be able to do.
I had saved a life.
'Xavier knew... I am leaving this fucking place.'
AN: Another thanks to everyone who has supported my Patron, and thanks to those who will in the future
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Without the spaces