My daughters went back in time to find me.

Chapter 92: Chapter 92: Sisters Are The Closest Friends! (1)

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Naru waved at the girl who was her friend–no, now sister, in front of the classroom. Cecily soon spotted Naru and waved back, her eyes wide.


The two girls hugged each other intimately and bounced together.

Those who saw the two while passing watched with pleased smiles, or reminisced about their own younger days. Of course, that didn't matter to either of the girls.

"Last night Naru dreamed of going to the beach with Cecily! Just a dream? Or a memory? What does Cecily think?"

At Naru's question, Cecily pondered quietly. Has she ever gone to the beach with Naru–.

"I don't know!"

"Oh, holy shh…! Cecily doesn't know either! But you'll find out soon! Because Cecily and Naru are friends and sisters!

Hug—Naru pulled Cecily into another embrace. Cecily was filled with warm feelings.

Sisters. Family. These words filled the chamber of Cecily's heart like treasures.

In this world where she was left like an orphan to search for her mom and dad, having a family like Naru gave Cecily courage. She also found her mom and dad. Indeed she found them, but Cecily couldn't yet believe that those people were her mom and dad.

'Not a single thing about them was dignified…!'

Maybe it's a lie. But Naru was without a doubt her sister. That meant Naru's father, Judas, was also Cecily's father. Despite him not being a noble nor having a commendable level of intelligence.

"So when is Cecily's birthday? Naru's is in the summer!"

Naru asked her. Cecily thought about it for a moment but couldn't recall.

"When… was my birthday?"

Naru explained why this was.

"That's okay! Naru also forgot this and that! Naru, too, only knew that she had to go to Ordor Kingdom to find Dad. Huu, Ordor…"

Naru and Cecily. Both had unexpectedly landed in the Duchy of Freesia's downtown area. Each had to go her own way with their respective 'mission' to accomplish.

Of course, Naru's father, Bandit Judas, had been in the Kingdom of Ordor at the time. Naru had traveled by herself long and far for approximately 3 months to reach his rented room.

"The road to Ordor Kingdom… It was extremely hard! I met big tigers on the way, and even rode in a carriage full of older sisters!"

For Naru who was barely in first grade, the 3-month-long expedition had been very dangerous and taxing. But the desire to find her dad had helped Naru persevere through it all until she reached the Kingdom of Ordor. Although she hadn't even remembered his face, the moment the door had opened at her knocking, many memories came rushing back, as if illuminated by the light from the room.

"Cecily, too, will remember this and that!"

"Naru, I remember that you headed for Ordor and I stayed here. However. I feel that it hadn't just been us two…"

Cecily's memories were still fuzzy. According to Naru, it seemed to be a side effect of the space-time magic spell. Soon, Naru also exclaimed, "Ahh…!" loudly.

"I think there was Naru and Cecily, and someone else…!"

"… Cecily thinks so as well."

Cecily and Naru. With the two sisters together, many pieces of lost memories were starting to come back.

Each person's memories were puzzle pieces forming a single image. More pictures should be coming together as time goes on.Tap—At that moment, someone hit Cecily and Naru's shoulders.

"Hey. Don't be blocking my way this early in the morning and move. I can't enter because of you guys."

It was a girl who looked annoyed.

Her name was Tywin Cladeco. Seeing who it was, Naru shouted in glee.

"Tywin! Hi! Did you know? Naru and Cecily are actually sisters! We're really good friends and also sisters. Isn't that cool?! So does Tywin want to become Naru's sister, too?"

"…Excuse me?"

Tywin scowled. Usually, she would have replied with words sharp like a bee sting, but this time she couldn't respond. Because Naru kept blabbering on without giving her a chance to speak.

"But then, if we're all sisters then who's the older and who's the younger? I need to know Cecily and Tywin's birthdays to get the right order. Order… how did we decide the order…"

As if imitating a contemplative adult, Naru grasped her forehead. But not wanting to be caught up in Naru's pace, Tywin snorted hmph-.

"Of course, you guys are below me. And why would I be your sister? When did I ever have younger siblings like you? Most of all, I–."

Without finishing, Tywin closed her mouth.


Ding— Dong— Deng— Dong— Dong— Dang— Deng— Dong—Soon, the bell tolled loudly in the hall. It was time for the morning call.


* * *

"Then, since we will soon have a field trip, please have your parents sign the permission form. Also, Elizabeth, you can wake up your sleeping friend, Naru."

Swoosh— Swis—.As Elizabeth poked Naru in her side, Naru who was sleeping on the desk snapped her head up.

"Class, is over already? To Naru, it feels like we just had our morning call…!"

Hearing what Naru said, all the kids heartily laughed. At that, Teacher Salome scowled.

"That's because you slept after the morning call, woke up only to eat lunch, then went back to sleep until now."


Naru slept for most of the lessons. Waking her seemed like it would just disturb the class so she was left alone. All the other teachers did the same. Naru was untouchable because her dad was the fearsome Judas.

'Although Naru isn't a bad kid. She wasn't gifted in this capacity to study at this level in the first place. Had I also been that kind of child…?'

Salome reminisced about her childhood.

Her younger self had enjoyed learning all sorts of things and had been highly competitive, reading all the books stolen by the thieves.

In comparison, Naru was laid back. She was definitely born to be a skilled thief, but from her recent observations of Naru, Salome was rethinking her initial speculation.

'… No matter how I look at it, Naru can't be my daughter. Cecily seems to be that Cariote or whatever hunter's child. Then where's my daughter? Could it be… did I never give birth to one? Is there something wrong with me?'

Salome was a healthy woman. There shouldn't be any problem with childbearing. Then the fact that her child never came from the future meant one thing.

'I didn't get married to Judas…!?'

Of course, that couldn't be the case. Seeing as even that Demon Hunter, an indifferent woman, had a daughter, not having one of her own would be most shameful.

'She's out there somewhere. It's only that I have yet to find her. That space-time magic thing causes memory loss, apparently? They just don't know that I'm their mother.'

Perhaps the child was nearby, and she just didn't recognize her. She might even be in this class.

Swoosh—Salome finished the closing call and slowly watched as the children packed their bags. There were a few candidates that she could call her 'daughter'. Firstly, there was the top student in the class, the genius child Tywin Cladeco.

'Although she's supposedly the daughter of Headmaster Cladeco. The Headmaster's negligence in her daughter's care makes it doubtful that they're a blood-related family. Most of Tywin's information is private, to begin with.'

Salome had done her own research on Tywin and Elle Cladeco.

And Tywin and Elle were a very mysterious mother and daughter. The existence of a 'father' and husband was also shrouded in mystery.

'Perhaps, this field trip will start to reveal things. Since we're visiting the Freesian Research Institute and Museum managed by Elle Cladeco.'

The grade 1 field trip. One day left until they go to the Museum of Freesia-.

* * *



"Water bottle."

"Uuung…. Got it!"


"Huunnng…. Right here!"


"Molumolu, present!"


Naru was receiving a bag inspection from Brigitte for the first time in a while.

She was capable now of packing her things without Brigitte's inspection, but there was a reason for today's checkup. Tomorrow morning. Naru will be going on a 「Field Trip」. In other words, on a picnic.

"Naru is going on a picnic for the first time with school friends!

Naru bounced around in anticipation of tomorrow.

Where were they going again? Some museum or research facility.

The location sounded boring and unentertaining as is. But Naru was excited regardless.

"I wish it was tomorrow already!"

Wadadada—. Naru quickly ran up the stairs. Watching her, Brigitte crossed her arms, saying, "Is it really that exciting?"

She was probably thinking about her younger days. I said to Brigitte.

"Shouldn't we caution her to not run around in the house? Or, well, tell her not to fight with her friends at the picnic?"

Brigitte's attitude towards Naru was… how do you say… a little lenient. When I suggested this, Brigitte shook her head.

"Kids grow best when you let them be kids."

"I see."

I think I knew why Naru's Princess level was D- when we first met. Brigitte unexpectedly put emphasis on having a free environment when raising children.

She must be a Western-style parent.

There was that, but also, Brigitte's spending such a restrictive childhood was probably causing her to act the opposite and allow Naru to run free like a sheepdog in pastures.

If Naru was truly Brigitte's daughter, that is. It was 90% certain/true based on how this was going.

Wadadada—Just then, Naru came back into the reception/living room from her room upstairs. And she tugged on my arm.

"Naru needs to buy cookies…! Cookies to share with Naru's friends in the carriage! Naru wants to share this time because Elizabeth buys me bread all the time!"

Cookies, huh? Cookies are necessary snacks on the school bus ride to a picnic.

Even if you don't eat your packed lunch, you must eat the cookies. In my childhood also, I remember getting scolded heavily because I got caught dumping my lunch in order to fill the lunch box with more snacks. If Naru also has that kind of experience, it should help with her Princess level.

Activate, Princess Level Scouter!Beep— Beep—

From what I see, Naru's current level is C+. If the museum field trip goes well, she might achieve a B-.


I held Naru's hand and headed towards a baked goods shop downtown near 5th Street. It was a store that sold cookies in a white bag. There were lots of children who came holding their dad's or mom's hand.

"This Ayla grabbed that cookie bag first! Hands off!" "You take your hands off! Go buy the one full of nitrogen over there!"

Perhaps because of the field trip tomorrow, this place was practically a warzone A battlefield where red-faced children scrambled to get what they wanted. A cookie shop before a field trip was that kind of place. Sifnoi who followed us here exclaimed loudly.

"This is what it is…! There is more nitrogen than cookies…! Nitrogen… a very nymphobic gas…!"

I see. It seems cookie bags having too much nitrogen and fewer cookies was a problem in the principality of Freesia too. Anyway, I was thinking I should also treat myself to some snacks when I saw a rather calm child.

The girl with Princess level A. The ashen-haired girl, Tywin.

Did Tywin also come to buy cookies for tomorrow? By herself?

Compared to the rest of the children who turned into hyenas in the wild at this store, she's very dignified, I thought. Until I saw Tywin pick up a small pack of chocolates.

Oh, chocolate. Ferrari-Roche.


As I was thinking that it was a very princess-like choice, Tywin peered around briefly and then put the chocolate inside her pocket! She stole it!

"Hey, Tywin. What are you doing?"

I addressed Tywin. When I did, the kid shivered in surprise like a mouse caught by a cat.

"… Don't act like you know me! You thief!"

Oi, who's the thief here. I just saw you put the chocolate in your pocket without paying.

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