My emporium in another world

Chapter 4: Ch 4: The war that won’t happen.

Lady Cottonwood and I decided to stop at the bakery of this town and buy something for this person that could help me. That way, he might be a bit more approachable.

I bought a few cookies for myself and shared them with Cottonwood because the pastries in her hands were for the person we were seeing.

A few minutes after walking to the east of the town, we came across a small lake and a small home with a port next to it, and last but not least, a senior man in his chair cooking a few fishes in his own homemade bonfire.

'Rubeus!' Cottonwood called out towards the man who perked up and turned to see her. 'Good afternoon, Rub!' We approached a bit more slower towards him and she showed him the pastries. 'We brought this out of a goodwill and for a favor.'

The man took the pastries, gave them a sniff, and nodded accepting our company. 'Sit down wherever you like.' He said pointing to the small wood trunks that were around the bonfire. 'What is it that you came around your workdays and with extreme urgency?' He asked.

As Lady Cottomwood told him about my situation, I looked at him up and down while sitting in a wood trunk that was in front of them patiently. Despite his groggy shirt and small pants plus his worn out coat, he talked with such elegance that made me think that he was either fired for a mistake or for something he didn't do, or maybe he's just retired and likes to keep a low profile for the rest of his life.

'Hmm. . .' The man named Rubeus went to a deep thought for a few seconds. 'Do you have any idea of what could be in that inheritance of your father?' He turned to me and asked me. 'Since he told you that he wanted to at least keep the household, it can only mean that there was more in it.' He deduced.

I thought about it for a few seconds before he responded. 'Probably an fair amount of money. Meadowood admitted that my mother asked not to touch my share because my father especifically made sure that all his assets were divided 50/50 between my mother and I.' I explained.

'If what you said it's true, then it means there must be more than a copy.' Rubeus answered. 'Before settling an official inheritance, there must be very specific people besides your father as to write and witness the document signed. Your father must be principal one, but since he's dead, then we must look for the others.' Rubeus explained.

'How many of them should have been in the room to witness the final inheritance firm?' I asked.

'The second would be your mom, not only because she was to receive a part of it, but also in your absence since you still were a kid when this happened, therefore she must have firmed her and your documents in your behalf.' Rubeus answered. 'The third person is the one that made the documents legal: the judge. Find the judge, alive most preferably, and you will most definitely win the case.' He assured me.

I smiled, but then got worried. 'But, what if he's. . . No longer alive?' I asked.

'That's when the other two witnesses of the firm come forward.' Rubeus answered. 'One is a noble, the other is a commoner. The noble doesn't necessarily mean of royal blood, but also a Lord, a Baron or even a Mayor that is in charge of the town your father was when the document was created must be present. The commoner is usually a friend of the almost deceased person, you might have to look for your ol' man's connections to find the right one.' He explained as he took the fish out of the bonfire and started to eat it.

'Wow.' I answered amazed. 'So many people must have witnessed that.' I noted.

'Yes, while it is complicated, it's also necessary in order to prevent any schams or let other type commit inheritance robbery.' Rubeus took another bite of his fish. 'Since your father was a good friend of almost everybody in this town, it would be difficult to find the right commoner witness, so I suggest you settle for searching for the noble and the judge.' He suggested while eating.

I nodded. 'So, where do you suggest we start looking?' I asked.

'In your attic.' Rubeus answered.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

'Think about it, whether it's an attic or basement, your mother while moving on from your father and marrying her new husband, she probably either put your father's things in that certain place and actually forgot that the documents were still there and still are.' Rubeus explained. 'Your best bet is to find those before your mother or stepfather does and try to change them or even destroy them.' He bowed towards me. 'Paper is very fragile with water and fire you know.'

I gulped with the idea of my freedom being so easily cut short.

'If you are capable of finding them, whether it's the basement or anywhere else in your household, you must take it to the judge, the noble, commoner or the 3 of them, this is to check it hasn't been changed and it's the real legal document that you were searching for.' Rubeus added.

Cottonwood and I turned to see each other and smiled wildly.

'If the document is real and legal, then you have 100% chance of getting everything from your part.' Rubeus ended explaining finishing eating his fish and starting to eat his other fish. 'Any questions?'

'Eh? Ah, yes. Where it's most likely to connect with the judge and noble?' I asked him.

'In the Saphire household.' Rubeus pointed with his face as he kept eating. 'That's where the nobles and judge of the town go to have meetings and business with each other. If I heard correctly, winter this year will be terrifying , therefore, they'll have a meeting the day after tomorrow at noon to discuss what emergency preparations they need to do.' He confided in us. 'That means also your mother must be there, along with their children.' He added.

'Really? Why?' I asked.

'Because, after a meeting, it's tradition and custom of having a small tea party or dinner depending on the time.' Rubeus answered while chewing on his food. 'When they leave to the meeting, your best bet might be to let them go, search all the house up and down, find every document possible about your father and arrive at the sapphire household to search for both the noble and judges to demand your inheritance.' He told me with seriousness in his eyes.

'Thank you so much!' I got close to him and hugged him. 'I'll make you pancakes when I get my inheritance, I promise!'

Rubeus took a look at me curiously. 'What are pancakes?' He asked.

'Cakes that don't need oven.' I explained easily.

Lady Cottonwood and Rubeus raised their eyebrows in surprise. 'You better even give me the recipe then.' He said interested.

'I will!' I sat up and turned to see Lady Cottonwood. 'One more thing, what kind of relationship do you two have?' I asked with curiosity.

Both seniors went stiff. They looked at me, then at each other, then back at me, then right back at each other.

I quickly figured they weren't ready to tell me yet. 'Fine, don't answer. I was just curious.' I told them raising my hands up.

Both of them signed in relief.

'Well, it's best if we go back. The shop might already be full of cranky customers outside and it's bad for business.' Lady Cottonwood sat up and shook her skirt a bit. 'Enjoy your . . . Meal.' She told Rubeus.

'Thanks. And for the pastries too.' Rubeus thanked her looking away from and looked at me. 'Good luck kid.' He told with sincerety in his voice and face.

I smiled. 'Thank you.' I thanked him and waved goodbye as I followed Cottonwood back to the boutique, all while planning my next move.




At the end of the next day. . .

'Thank you so much for this meeting girls.' I told the three maids I befriended gratefully.

'No worries.' One of the newest maids assured me. 'We have seen what you've endured and what you have done to help us accomplish our tasks accordingly.' She touched my shoulder. 'It's our way to repay you.' This specific maid was Lady Mary Bowstone, a widow with two children with a soft spot for young ones. She took the chores of taking care of Theodore as to helping in the kitchen when Theodore went to school.

'Although I want to ask, what are your plans after moving out?' Another maid asked curiously. 'You probably won't have anyone to rely after leaving your mother, therefore you must plan ahead of things. Especially, if things don't go according to your plan.' The maid that warned me is Nyla Jones, a red hair young lady of 18 years old. She's tempered but nice when you get to know her.

'I already planned everything, the only I want is my father's inheritance. It's not much about the money, it's not about the property, but it's about respecting my father's wish and getting what's rightfully mine.' I explained. 'I know right now, my father must be rolling in his grave seeing how bad I'm treated because of Meadowood and my mother.' I added frowning just thinking about it.

The three maids nodded in agreement with me, it wasn't much about the money, it was about the principle and the respect for my father's last wish.

'Then, what can we help you with?' The third maid, a girl of 16 years old called Marrianne Robinson who is working in order to get the money for her future's husband payment for her hand in marriage.

'You see, all the Meadowood family is gonna go to a meeting and a banquet at the sapphire household.' I told them. 'And I need you to help me search for the documents while they are over there.'

'Sure, we can do that. But there are a few problems.' Nyla admitted. 'You see, as far as I've seen, Meadowood has a key for his most precious documents, we must have the key in order to get into those documents if necessary.' She noted.

'Very well, we'll see what we can do in the moment, but before that, anything else?' I asked.

'Nothing from me.' Nyla shook her head. 'And the rest from you?'

Marianne raised her hand. 'We are not allowed to enter the basement unless we are on cleaning duty in that area. Unless we take the shift from the maid that's on cleaning duty, are not allowed to go.' She said a bit concerned.

'I will ask for it, I often take the cleaning duty of the basement because no other young lady wants to do it.' Lady Mary chuckled a bit at the end of the sentence. 'It won't bring any suspicion from my part.'

I nodded to her. 'Anything else?'

Nyla raised her hand. 'Where will you be in the mean time?' She asked raising an eyebrow.

'In the boutique.' I answered. 'Meadowood won't suspect that I'll be searching for the documents if I spend "all day" in the boutique since early in the morning.' I smirked confidently.

'Ohhhh.' Nyla nodded understanding.

'But here's the second part of the plan, Madam Charcoal is also taking the day off since the Meadowood family won't be around from the afternoon up to late at night, therefore, once she's gone, one of you goes to the boutique to get me, and we'll return together to keep searching.' I told them my plan.

The 3 of them smiled knowingly.

'I asked indirectly to Madam at what time she and the Meadowood family would return and she told me that she would return the day after tomorrow while the Meadowood family would return late at night.' I confided in them. 'That way, we'll have plenty of time in searching for the documents for me to have the inheritance even if it's not tomorrow evening.' I explained.

They all nodded understanding.

'Any questions?' I asked just to be sure.

Marianne raised her hand. 'What will we receive in exchange?' She asked "innocently."

'Marianne!!' The other two scolded her.

I just laughed. 'Don't worry, it will depend on how much money my father left but I'll be willing to share some of It.' I promised. 'But don't go around saying it to the whole workforce in the household.' I warned her. 'If that happens, that means less for money for each of you.'

'Yes mam!' Marianne sat up straight.

'Okay, if there are no more questions let's go back our pijamada!' I exclaimed raising a pillow searching for a victim.

'Not it! I have to go home for my children! Bye!' Lady Mary speed through the door to escape the fate.

The other two on the other hand, they were already armed by when Lady Mary disappeared at full speed to the door.

'You'll all lose!' Marianne declared closing the door while mainting her guard up.

'In your dreams.' Nyla told her while keeping an eye on me who was most close by.

'Prepare dear friends, by when we finish, I'll be the one who is still standing up.' I declared.

'Not if I defeat you first!' Marianne throwed herself at me with her pillow.

'Jajajajajajajaja!!!' The three of us laughed as e had the pillow fight.

Inside me, I could feel Amelia's feelings of joy and relief.

Hopefully, it all shall end by the end of this week tops.




At my room. . .

"We weren't able to sell any eggs today because I had to search for extra help and Lady Cottonwood believes Amelia's father left her more than one would think.

Hopefully that's true."




The next day. . .

I was working in putting up the last winter outfit (which Lady Cottonwood was right, it was more beautiful than the one I bought) for the window display, when Nyla waved at me from outside and gave me a thumbs up.

I smiled and nodded knowing it was time.

'Lady Cottonwood!' I called for my boss. 'Can I have my break with my friend please?!' I asked.

'Sure! But be back soon!' Lady Cottonwood said through her workplace.

I speed out of the store and ran back to the household with Nyla who was laughing maniacally.

'I'm getting scared, what did you guys found?!' I asked troubled.

'The question is what did we NOT found?!' Nyla exclaimed sarcastically as we made back to the household.

*PAM!* Nyla opened the front door with her foot. 'Come on! Even the other maids of other areas offered to help because of the gossip!' Nyla pulled me by my wrist and made me come inside. 'And you will NOT believe what we found!!' She assured me closing the door behind her and then pulling me win her upstairs.

'What did you find?!' I asked nervous as we raced upstairs.

Nyla stopped in her tracks and smiled at me. 'You will be able to receive so much more money than you believe.' She assured me and gestured me to keep follpwing her with a quick pace.

I myself was confused. what the hell did my dad left for me?!




2 minutes laters. . .

'50,000 gold coins?!' I exclaimed out loud seeing the documents.

'And basically half of all the state along with the furniture and farm animals, look.' Marianne pointed at the list with all the maids watching.

"I, Felix Richard Baker, leave to my only daughter an inheritance worth of:

1. 50, 000 gold coins.

2. All the 24 chickens and the 4 roosters.

3. 2 Horses.

4. 3 goats.

5. 12 sheep.

6. Half of the kitchen and bakery tools.

7. 4 pigs.

8. MyGrandmother's jewelry.

I hope my daughter can use this inheritance wisely, and hope you don't have to rely on your mother or anyone for that matter. Remember, dad always loved you, my dear daughter.

Sincerely, Your father."

I felt hot tears streaming down my eyes. I sniffed and cleaned my tears with my dress sleeves.

Nyla and Marianne hugged me, knowing full well that Amelia suffered and her suffering will end.

'There's one small problem.' Mary said.

'W-What is it?' I asked sniffing the mocus inside my nose.

'We haven't found any jewelry box.' Mary said giving me a small letter. 'Here it was us how it looks and what it should contain, but we haven't found anything about it yet.' She hugged herself.

I saw the content of the letter.

"Lady Aceline Baker's jewelry box. A keepsake box of the size of 44 x 17 x 6.4 inches. Red wood with golden threads outside and red velvet leather inside.


1. 3 necklaces. A small leather pendant with a crystal flower with a small pearl in it. A sapphire moon pendant with clover chain. & Ruby heart neckclace with gold chain.

2. 8 rings. 2 sapphire rings, 2 emerald rings, 1 amethyst ring, 1 jasper ring, 1 pearl ring, 1 ruby ring, & 1 diamond ring.

3. 10 pairs of earrings. 1 of simple metal circular earrings, 2 pairs of copper flower earrings, 1 pair of amethyst earrings, 1 pair of emerald earrings (one in silver and other in gold), 2 pairs of pearl earrings (one in gold, one in silver), 1 pair of sapphire earrings, 1 pair of ruby earrings, & 1 pair of diamond earrings (in gold).

4. 6 brooches. 1 simple platinum brooch of a leaf shape; 1 sapphire blue bird brooch; 1 Red rose ruby brooch, 1 Pink Tourmaline Dahlia brooch, 1 Gold pearl seashell brooch, 2 gold heart diamond brooch.

5. 20 hair pins & clips. 10 small metal pins & 10 decorative hair clips which these last ten include: 3 hair pins imported from Conglong, a flower crystal hair pin, a pearl silver hair pin, a gold ruby hair pin; 2 normal metal hairpins, 1 wood with cherry tree markings hair pin, 1 crystal flower comb, 1 silver pearl comb, 1 gold and diamond hair comb, 1 unicorn diamond comb.

6. 2 brushes and 1 hair comb. 1 wood hair brush & 1 silver hair brush, 1 unicorn hair comb.

7. 2 small mirrors. 1 bronce small mirror & 1 silver hand mirror.

Warning: the key for the jewelry box is in the judge's hands and he has put his firm promising to only give it to the next rightful owner."

My eyes widened. 'I was totally rich, and my mother never bothered to tell me that I had an inheritance.' I murmured angrily.

The ladies in group shook their heads disapprovingly.

'But the box is still missing.' Lady Mary said. 'For all we know, the lord's may have even sold everything piece by piece, including the jewerly box.'

I thought about, but then concluded no. 'I don't think so.' I shook my head. 'Remember how much my mom likes jewels? My mother probably asked Meadowood to keep the hints hidden until they could find a way to get the key from the judge.' I said with calmness. 'That or in the best of cases, they don't have the box under their possesion.' I remarked.

Some maids nodded in agreement, the letter especifically said that the judge knew exactly who the rightful owner was, and would not give it to anyone but the rightful person. Amelia.

'Anything else that you found?' I asked.

'Yes.' Marianne took a piece of paper from the table. 'Letter from an. . . Affair.' She gave it to me.

I read it which surprisingly came from Amelia's father to her and it could be summarized to this:

1. Amelia's mother and Meadowood had an affair.

2. Amelia's father knew about it and let them be only after Amelia's mother gave him an heir.

3. Amelia's father got horribly sick and is suspected (but not confirmed) that it was a conspiracy of the affair couple in order to be together without father in it.

4. He made sure to put the name of the judge, the noble, and commoner who were witnesses to the testament and inheritance ownership.

5. Despite the infidelity, Felix Richard Baker loved both his wife and daughter equally.

6. He hopes that I get the inheritance and much more if Meadowood wants the house.

7. The last sentence says "avenge me."

'Oh father, don't worry.' I kissed the letter. 'I'll make you proud.' I smiled determined. 'Girls! Help me pack all these proof! We have to caught one—no, two criminals!' I exclaimed happily.

Everyone helped me to not only gather the evidence but also my clothes and the rest of my things in my old room, we were all thinking the same thing: I won't be allowed to go back after this.

After finishing helping me, they all went to their own chores as I went with the evidence of both my inheritance and my new life about to start. But before that. . .

'By the way. . .' I turned to see them. 'If anyone is interested, I want to open a store later on. In case any of you have to pay the broken dishes, you can search for me and I'll help you. Is that okay?'

They all clapped for me and cheered me on.

'Go have a better life than us!' Marianne exclaimed to me.

'Get out of here!' Nyla screamed cheering for me.

'Don't trust anyone from now on!' Mary warned me.

I waved while cleaning a few tears of my face and ran off to Rubeus household.




'Rubeus!' I screamed while running towards his house. 'Sir Rubeus!'

Rubeus, opened his bedroom windows and screamed. 'Who the hell is making so much goddam noise?!'

I stopped on my tracks. Wow, Lady Cottonwood was right, in colder times he does have a temper. I gulped down. 'Good afternoon sir!' I exclaimed a little lower this time.

Fortunately, despite his appearance of old age, his hearing was quite well because he looked down at where I was and raised his eyebrows in surprise. 'What are you doing here?!'

'I wanted to leave my things here for a little bit, I'll come back later on okay?!' I asked with a smile.

Rubeus frowned quite annoyed.

'I'll make you the pancakes I told you about before, remember?!' I told him.

Rubeus' frown softened. 'Hmm, very well, but they'll stay outside!' He declared.

'Thank you!' I left my clothe bags hanging in the branches of a withered tree a few foot steps the the left of the bonfire pit. 'I'll back later for them, and to make you pancakes!' I promised as I ran off.

One more trip and Amelia's life shall start from the beginning. . . .




After getting to the sapphire household and storming in. . .

'Is the judge Sapphirefield here?!' I screamed the judge's surname stomping inside the dinning room.

Everyone got quiet the moment they heard me. From what I could see, they were all standing up in various groups and and from what I could see, the dinner had already ended, they were just gossiping and talking about whatever it is they were talking about.

'Hello?! Judge Sapphirefield?! My name is Amelia Cora Baker! Daughter of Felix Richard Baker!' I exclaimed.

Everyone started to murmured.

'I. . . I came here for my inheritance.' I declared feeling a sensation of dread.

Everyone murmured even purer after that.

I started to hear stomping footsteps behind me. 'If-If the judge is not here, then, is the Baron Bridgeford here?!' I asked feeling even more powerless as the stomping footsteps got closer. 'Baron Bridgeford was a witness for the autentificación of documents?! Has anyone seen either of them here?!' I asked the people in the dinning room.

'Please! I need the inheritance or compensation because Meadowood murdered my father!!' I exclaimed.

Everyone gasped in shock.

The stomping footsteps halted too.

'I'm the next victim.' I said out loud. 'I'm willing to leave this town as long as I claim my inheritance accordingly! Nothing more and nothing less please!' I pleaded kneeling down on my knees as the footsteps came with thunder and anger along with a shadow covering me. I covered myself with my arms knowing full well what I was about to receive.

*POW!!* Someone punched someone else.

Everyone gasped.

But that someone was not me.

'Seriously Meadowood?!' A male voice reclaimed furiously. 'Hitting a young lady is something a true gentleman would do?!' The person asked.

I did not know what was happening, but I was still covering myself, just in case.

'Good job Bridgeford.' A senior male voice said making echo in the whole room. 'Make sure the Meadowood family doesn't leave until it is said otherwise.' The senior voice ordered.

Right then and there, I turned around to see and I saw two men in the older ages, one with a blue sapphire attire and a huge wig, while the other was with an emerald attire with a few gray hair stripes at the right side of his forehead.

'Yes.' The emerald attire man pulled up with force and speed Meadowood who was red of anger. 'Better not resist Meadowood, for the way the bag of the lady is almost about to burst, it looks like she as A LOT of evidence against you and your wife.' The Emerald attire men dragged out Meadowood lord and whistled to some guards still in the guard up position looking just as shocked as everyone else. 'Don't just stand there! Get the rest of the Meadowood family!' He pointed the rest of the Meadowood family.

Mother, step siblings and little brother gasped in horror.

The two guards called up other two guards and they went for the rest of Amelia's stepfamily.

The judge on the other hand, touched my shoulder and whispered something in my ear. 'You are safe now, come, let's get you to somewhere private.' He told me extending his other hand.

Me, still processing what was happening took his hand and he helped stand up and he also scorned me out of the room. 'The party is over, you may leave!' The judge declared making echo in the dinning room.

The whole dinning room fulled itself with murmures and whispered of what just happened.

Me on the other hand, just started to cry out of relief and hapiness, everything was coming to an end.

The war for Amelia's inheritance won't happen.

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