Chapter 12: 11- REPULSIVE CHEAT


" Gamma Zade. " A male, dressed in a grey and purple uniform like the other workers, moving helter-skelter around the porch of the mansion, calls before Zade can utter another word from his mouth.

Zade looks at him with furrowed brows while he bows in respect despite the plenty of grey hair on his chin and head.

" Yes," Zade responds, his voice consumed with authority.

" Omega Simon instructed me to inform you about the Vampires—"

He stretches his hands stopping the older man from continuing. He looks at me for a second too long, then fixes his gaze back at the older man.

" Tell Simon that I'll see him soon," Zade instructs and the man bows again before leaving.

There are too many things I am worrying about to have to worry about the Vampires. Everyone thought they had been extinct for years till a few months ago when a six-years-old body was found nailed on a shop door at the market. She had a bite on her neck, a fractured spine, and a message carved on her body saying, 'We are back.'

Everyone thought it was the humans till the sorcerers confirmed it was a Vampire attack. Several attacks have happened since then. I don't get why Kymon had to blame Cas for Bryn's death when he could have simply blamed it on the Vampires.

" Open the gate," A guard shouts as he walks towards me and Zade's direction.

" Pardon?" The lean gatekeeper, standing next to the gate says, looking at the male as if he had said the most ridiculous thing.

" I said open the gate, Leon." He stops next to Zade who is narrowing his brows at him. He bows and says, " Alpha Kymon permitted me to let her in. He said you should bring her to the lounge."

The gates are open and Zade is looking at me. He stretches out his hands as if expecting me to hold him while walking inside.

I say thank you to the guard and proceed to the entrance uncaring if Zade is following me. I know more than twenty wolves are hiding somewhere, holding guns around the building, but I don't care. Nothing is more important right now than saving Cas.

Footsteps rushes towards me.

" What is wrong with you?" Zade sounds angry now and I can only care less. " You heard what the guard said."

I don't stop walking quickly. " Oh does it hurt your pride that I didn't hold your hand? From what I heard, Kymon asked you to escort me in, not for us to hold hands."

I only hear Zade's angry breathing now as we enter the massive living room divided into three semi-massive spaces. One is the actual living room, another is where the meetings are done, the other is the kitchen and the fourth is still unknown to me as much as almost every part of the humongous mansion.

" Didn't time without me teach you how to control that damn mouth of yours?" He whispers angrily, receiving greetings from a few workers who pass by.

" I had other procreative things to do," I reply, stepping onto the large snake-like designed staircase.

He scoffs. " You'd rot in hell for lying if you say you didn't miss me."

I stop for a second and glare at him, so hoping my hands don't listen to my heart and just push him off these darn stairs. " My mansion is already built in Heaven."

I keep on walking, praying he just shuts his mouth, but the moon goddess is just against me. " You must know exactly why I did what I did Lyra." He snaps, and my breath catches. " You are too prideful for your own good. You treat your body like it's an unaffordable item. You never admit to what your heart tells you—

" Can you just escort me to the lounge and not say anything," My cracked voice betrays me and I clench my fists very tightly, trying to stop the pain building up in my heart.

" Besides, how is Caspian? I heard the news. That must be the reason you are here, you can't just control yourself when he's the main topic in any situation." He says, chuckling. " Well, I did know you two were fucking each other behind my back —"

" Don't you dare," I hiss, scowling at him but I don't stop walking. The sooner I get away from this madman, the better. " No one is here, you can cut the pretense."

" It's not pretense Lyra." His voice raises slightly now when we are the only ones in the hallway. " Say that you didn't keep on stopping me from touching you because you were busy sleeping with your so-called best friend behind my back. Freaking tell me that shit about you— oh oh, allergic to my touch isn't just a made-up story to keep cheating on me."

I stop walking when we reach the front door of the lounge. I look up at his angry hurt eyes. All I can see is red and I'm pretty sure my face is heating up now.

" You know what?" I say craning my neck. " Maybe I did fuck my best friend and forgive me for being so disgusted by you to let you touch me."

His nose flares, and I don't wait to get any more reaction from him when I enter the lounge and slam the metal door shut.

I hold the knob, bending my head, trying to gather my emotions and trying to breathe. The memory of Zade making love with that girl resurfaces in my mind, and I want to drag it out. I want to stop it from hurting so much.

I'm getting distracted. I exhale and raise my head. Cas is in trouble, there is no time to grieve.

I make a 180° turn just to see Kymon sitting on a large mahogany-colored sofa carved into the shape of a wolf, playing with the ring on his finger as he stares at me with a look I cannot decipher.

" So you agree you are a repulsive cheat?" He says, his voice resounding at every corner of my head. I realize the door is translucent, and he'd probably heard part of Zade's and I's conversation.

I just stand there, staring at him. Adrenaline gets the best of me, my mind tells me to get away from here. To run while I still have the chance to, but I can't leave here without Cas, no matter how scared out of my bones I am right now.

" So it seems."

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