I crane my neck upwards, trying to locate my name on the dashboard amongst the group of people in front of it.
And there I see it. Lyra Reyes on the top list. 4.3 CGPA in Medicine.
A low chuckle escapes my lip as I pull back and head towards the entrance door of the building stopping myself from tap dancing.
Dad was right after all.
The years I have been with Zade, I have had terrible grades and it was only by the grace of the moon goddess that I got admitted as a medical student.
It was a lot worse after our breakup. I lost 30 pounds which meant I was probably like a Popsicle then. I cried every day, and it always got a lot worse when everyone kept blaming me for cheating on him.
Of course, everyone would believe what he'd say, he's Alpha Kymon's brother.
" Lee!" Bryn calls out, sticking her head out of her shining Pontiac GTO with her sunglasses on and her smile on check. " We are going to the club tonight and I'm not taking no for an answer."
" Why would she say no? It must be another opportunity for her to find another Omega to bang." Tray Robinson says, sticking out his tongue like an idiot as he passes with his usual trio that looks like hippies from the human territory.
Didn't he wear that same plaid shirt yesterday and on Saturday?
" Tell us, Lee Lee, are you dating another guy, and you are looking for someone to bang? I'm really good in bed, we could work out." One of the hippies says and they all start laughing even though nothing is funny.
" Actually, I do agree that you are pretty good in bed," Bryn says, stepping out of the car with a smile on her face.
Okay, she isn't going to say something good, but who am I to stop her?
" All of you actually." She smirks looking at every one of them.
They both smirk at each other which is really shocking because everyone in this college knows, nothing good comes out of Bryn's mouth when she's upset or when someone tries to talk down on anyone she loves… well, except Keeper, her elder brother who is one of Alpha Kymon's closest friends and the Beta of the pack.
" Oh yeah? How about we find out in my place tonight? Just the five of us. You can handle four guys at the same time, right?" Tray says, and the hippies nudge his shoulders as they laugh.
Bryn folds her arms around her chest. " That's not necessary." She pushes her head forward with her eyes glowing with evil intentions. "Guess what I spent my time doing last summer, while you four spent your summer in a cheap motel in the human territory?"
Their eyes take the shape of the moon and mine too. They gape at each other with their shoulders taut with apprehension.
" How the hell do you know that?" Tray asks, his voice low as he looks about, as if afraid someone would hear.
Bryn shrugs, flashing her million-dollar smile. " I decided to go on a trip with you guys. And didn't the Alpha make a rule that no wolf is permitted to court with a human unless they are your mate, which, of course, is downright impossible?"
Tray grits his teeth and points at her. " You sly piece of shit. Don't tell me you recorded us."
" Fine, I won't tell you." She shrugs again and looks at me while flexing her brows. " There's no use talking with these pussies, let's go."
I and Bryn head towards her car with the hippies shouting her name with fear-tinged voices, and Bryn just ignores them while I bite down a laugh.
As she kicks the engine and pulls the car into the street, I look at her. " Tell me that was a joke?"
" Fortunately it isn't. If you don't believe me, I can show you proof but don't blame me for making you watch porn for the first time." She glanced at them and smirked. " Still can't believe you are still a virgin."
My smile slid off my face of its own accord and I am gazing at the trees as they disappear behind.
" Can we not talk about this?"
She laughs and I can feel her shaking her head. " You know, I don't mean this to hurt you but— this is the only way I actually feel bad for that asshole. Come on Lee, Zade had been your boyfriend for over a year and you hadn't even—"
" If you don't shut up, I swear to the moon Goddess, I'll jump out of this car." I glare at her and I can feel my eyes switch colors. " Sometimes I think you are doing this to hurt me on purpose."
" Lee I didn't —"
" Why do you have to bring this up now? You know the reason why we broke up and yet you still say this!" I think I'm shouting. Maybe. I don't know.
Maybe I'm exaggerating. Why? Why am I still letting this hurt me? Why can't the thought of him get out of my head?! I am sick and tired of worrying over a guy that promised to marry and went on to fuck another girl because I don't let him touch me.
I have told him how much it hurts. Whenever we reach the point when he's about to thrust into me, there's always this excruciating pain that hits my head. Afterwards, I see it all.
The past I cannot remember. The vague memories. Pain. Pain. It all comes with pain.
" Lee!"
A low gasp escaped my lips, and I don't know how it's possible, but I am standing under the blanket of stars in front of the club, illuminating all the colors of lights I haven't seen before.
Bryn touches my shoulder and smiles. " What are you thinking about? Come on, let's go in."
I fake a smile not understanding if everything that had happened was just my imagination.
Her smile drops as she lowers her voice. " I'm sorry, I brought up Zade. Don't tell me you are still mad at me?"
" I'm not." I hear myself say and she smirks before grabbing my hand and dragging me in.
In a second, my confusion is whipped away by euphoria as we enter the club. I drink to the sound of hip hop music and my body moves on its own accord.
Everyone would look at me and think I am not the party type but between me and Bryn, I am worse when it comes to going to clubs. Ever since I and Zade broke up, clubbing kind of became my addiction alongside grinding and kissing guys I would probably never know.
Ten minutes in the club, and I can barely stand on my feet because of the amount of alcohol I've consumed, but it doesn't stop me from dancing to whatever guy I'm dancing on.
He released a moan, and I could feel his lips next to my ear. " There's an empty bedroom upstairs, comfortable for two."
" No thanks, I'm comfortable here," I say, grinding my hips against his body, and in the spur of the moment, when all I can hear is the sound of silence, I see someone standing by the last staircase leading upstairs. Tall. Dressed in all black. Their face and entire body are covered in black. Familiar almond eyes staring at me.
" Well, I want you so bad and I'm not taking no for an answer." The male says and I pull away from him when his grip on me tightens.
I turn in his direction and glare at him. " Touch me and I'll twist your balls and feed it to your wolf."
I see the slightest wilt in his eyes and I roll my eyes and walk away.
Always words and never any action. Asshole.