Chapter 10: Daily Life
After seeing all the files, Tanya took all the necessary information from Jiya. Jiya explained to her all the work, how and what to do. Tanya first made Shivam's schedule and mailed it on Shivam's ID. After that she picked up the files and started working on them. By the time she stopped working it was 5 o'clock in the evening. She had also completed almost all the files. She got up and knocked on the door of Shivam's cabin. "Yes come in," came the voice from inside. Tanya opened the door and went inside and placed all the files on the table. "Sir, these files have been completed," Tanya said and looked at Shivam. "What…really," Shivam teased Tanya by saying this and picked up one of the files and started looking at it. As soon as he read the file, his eyes widened. Then he picked up another file and went through the entire file like this. Tanya had prepared all the files in proper detail and correctly. Shivam was shocked to see such good work. "Ok you can go," saying this Shivam started looking at the file again. Tanya also came out of Shivam's cabin, picked up her wallet and left for home. In the office, Shivam was still sitting in his cabin. He was still reading those files and doing his work. Shivam's work became very easy after Tanya completed all the files properly. After doing all the work, Shivam also left for home. After Tanya reached her own apartment, she took a shower and made lunch for herself. Today she had not eaten anything since breakfast in the morning. She had thought that she would have lunch after giving the interview but Shivam stopped her there. And while working the whole day she didn't even remember to eat. After lunch she went and lay down on the bed, she was very tired today. That's why she didn't realise when she fell asleep. Later her eyes opened to her phone ringing, she picked up the phone and saw that it was Nidhi calling. As soon as Tanya picked up the phone, Nidhi asked, "How was your interview? Did you get the job or not? Even if you don't get it, it doesn't matter and you will get a lot. You tell me, did you see Shivam Malik? What does he look like? I have heard that he is very handsome, tell me something quickly." "I will say something only if you allow me to say something, I have been talking for a long time and you are not letting me say anything." Tanya said in a lazy voice. " You are sleeping here, how can you sleep? Okay, come quickly, tell me, have you seen Shivam Malik? What does he look like? Tell me quickly, Nidhi said excitedly. "What is that Bastard? From which angle does he look good? After all, what is there in him? He considers himself as if he is the king of somewhere. He must be the CEO of a big company. So what should I do with him then, Tanya said irritably. "Why, what happened? Yes, he is definitely a bit rude towards girls. It is known that till date he does not have a girlfriend. And before you, he has fired at least 6 secretaries from their jobs, or she herself left the job." " So it's true, who would stay with such a bastard? He gave me a pile of files as if I am not a human but a machine, does anyone do this? And I don't know what his problem is with me, he says that I will definitely throw you out of the job. If it wasn't for the job, who would want to listen to his nonsense like this?" "Cool down, calm down, who knows, he shows up like this. He really shouldn't be so rude," Nidhi tried to understand Tanya. " Not rude ... he…No way. This is not possible? Okay, leave all this. Why are we talking about him at all? you tell me when you are coming back to India," Tanya said. "Not now, it will take another 6 months, then after I come. I will come straight to Mumbai to meet you. Well, tell me, does anyone in your family know where you have just gone," Nidhi said with difficulty. "No, they don't know anything. Anyway, I have changed my number and bank details, everything." "So, is that why you changed everything? Well, tell me, you have deleted your social ID, so when are you going to create another one?" "Not now, don't worry, when I make it, I will tell you first." "Okay then, let's talk later, bye." "Okay bye, saying this Tanya disconnected the phone." And Tanya went back to sleep. By the time she woke up it was 9 PM. She got up, made dinner for herself, ate it and went to take a shower. After taking a shower she came and slept on the bed, she fell asleep as soon as she slept. The next day Tanya started going to the office every day. It had been two months since she started doing this job. During these two months, Shivam kept giving more work to Tanya and kept looking for opportunities to harass her. Sometimes making her tea, sometimes coffee, sometimes sending her far away to get something where Tanya had to stand in queues for hours. Now Tanya has also become permanent from the temporary secretary. Initially, Shivam used to make her make coffee, tea or lunch just to tease her. But he himself did not realize when he had become addicted to it. Now he did not like food, coffee and tea cooked by anyone else except her. He had even hired Tanya as his cook so that she could cook food for him every day. Initially Tanya did not agree but later Shivam convinced her by luring her to double her salary. Now Tanisha and Tanmay have also become good friends. Tanisha would sometimes take her out for shopping or would come to meet her in her apartment, or even in her office. Everything was going smoothly but Shivam and Tanya still fought like children. Tanya used to call Shivam sir in front of everyone. The rest of the time they used to fight like cats and dogs. Even Tanmay and Tanisha were upset due to their fight. Even today Tanya was preparing to make lunch in the kitchen built in Shivam's cabin. Just a little while ago she had prepared and given coffee to Shivam. As soon as Shivam was about to drink coffee, a girl came into his cabin. Her name was Sneha Sharma, she was the daughter of Nishant Sharma, a shareholder of Shivam's company. And she was also his father's friend's daughter. Sneha was a very picky girl, and her family members tolerated all her tantrums. So she just felt that she would get everything, she liked Shivam. Meaning, what did she like? She just wanted to get him. And because of her family, she felt that only she would become his wife. That's why she used to behave with everyone as if she was his future wife. That's why she used to come to Shivam's office every day and misbehave with everyone in the staff. No one in the office liked her but no one could say anything. Shivam had also told her many times but she would come back again and again. Tanya had heard a lot about her from Jiya and Tanisha. Even Shivam's family members did not like her because of her behaviour. They want a girl for Shivam who can cure his illness. Till now Tanya and Sneha had not even come face to face. Tanya had seen Sneha but Sneha did not know anything about her. Shivam just called out to Tanya, " Tanya, this coffee has become cold. Make another one." "Okay," Tanya said irritably. "In a minute, sometimes he wants this and sometimes that, what am I? I am a secretary, I am not their servant. This man has troubled me." When Tanya came out muttering to herself, her eyes fell on Sneha sitting outside. Seeing Sneha, Tanya's face became more irritable. "This witch was the only thing missing? now this witch has come and sat dow n, bearing her more and more." Saying this she started picking up the cup.