Chapter 5: miss flute
By the time Tanya's taxi reached in front of her house it was 6 o'clock. Then she paid the fare to the driver and went inside the house. When Tanya reached inside the house, she saw that Sweta and Shruti were sitting on the sofa in the living room, and were talking to each other. But seeing her both of them became silent.
She also ignored them and went straight to her room.
After going to the room, she first kept the books and flute on the study table and then she went to freshen up.
After freshening up, she again sat on the study table and started reading books again. By the time she left after reading the books, it was already 9 o'clock. Then she got up and went out of the room and went straight to the dining room.
Going there, she saw that everyone was sitting in front and eating food. She also quietly sat on the chair and started eating. After eating food, she went back to her room. She neither paid attention to anyone nor talked while eating.
Coming back to the room, she started checking Tanya's phone and all the social accounts on her phone. She deleted all of them. After that she kept the phone on the side table of the bed and slept.
Somewhere in the hotel room, "Son, please tell me, who is this girl?" On the phone, Shivam's mother was asking him about the photo which Tanmay had sent her.
"Who sent you this photo, Shivam asked angrily."
"Whoever sent this, tell me who this girl is. Do you have a girlfriend? When are you bringing her home?" Shivam's mother asked.
"Hey mother, that girl is not anyone, nor is she my girlfriend. I don't even know her, I just accidentally bumped into her today." Shivam said angrily.
"What, you don't have a girlfriend? Here everyone has one and you don't even have one. I don't know. Do anything and get me a daughter-in-law. Come home only then or else don't come back home." Saying this, Shivam's mother disconnected the phone.
"Tanmay, I will not leave you," saying this Shivam angrily slammed the phone.
The next morning Tanya woke up early and then wore a tracksuit and came out to the garden for jogging. After jogging for a while, she sat on a chair and was looking at the rising sun. The light of the rising sun was slowly coming into the garden and the golden coloured light looked very beautiful. She remained sitting like this outside for some time, then later she got up, came back to her room and went to take a bath.
She picked up the phone and sent a message to Nidhi from her new number and after getting ready herself came out of the room with her phone and wallet. And she also kept all her documents with her.
After coming out, she came straight to the dining room and sat on her chair. Then she had breakfast and left the house. Coming out of the house, she stopped a taxi and asked the driver to go straight to the university.
While she was in the taxi, her phone rang and she checked and found it was Nidhi's call. She immediately picked up the phone.
"Dude, have you seen the viral video on social media, Nidhi asked in excitement."
"Then why what happened?" Tanya asked with surprise.
" The video of a girl is sitting in the park playing the flute. That tune is very lovely. Don't know which tune it is? And the girl's face is not visible in the video, everyone is calling her Miss Flute, I don't know who this girl is now? But her figure is exactly like yours, Nidhi said happily."
Tanya was a little surprised to hear this and said, "Okay, send that video to me too."
"Yes, it's okay, and what happened, why did you delete all the IDs, and why did you get this new number?" Nidhi asked in trouble.
"Nothing, just save that number, from now on that number is mine and I will tell you when I make the ID again," Tanya said.
"Okay, then tell me then, okay then bye friend, when I come back, I will talk to you about many things," said Nidhi.
"Okay then bye, saying this Tanya disconnected the phone."
Meanwhile, Nidhi also sent that video to Tanya. When Tanya played that video, she was surprised. She herself was in that video but she did not know who made this video of her.
Meanwhile, Tanya's taxi stopped ahead of the university. Tanya got down from the cab and gave the money to the driver and started looking at the university board.
Then she went inside the university and asked someone about Section B of Management final year. And she went straight to class and met the class teacher. She talked to her class teacher for a while and then applied for transfer and completed all the formalities related to transfer. After doing all this work she came out of the university.
After coming out, she stopped by her taxi and asked him to go straight towards the bank. After some time the taxi reached in front of the bank. Going inside, she applied for her new account and completed all the formalities. After some time she got the bank passbook and necessary documents.
Taking all those documents she walked out of the bank. Then she stopped the taxi and went towards the cyber cafe. After reaching there, she went inside and got herself registered. After that she went to a room. She went to the room and sat in front of the computer. She created an ID and logged in. After logging in, she started pressing some buttons on the computer, after pressing for a long time, money transfer messages started coming on her phone.
She remained sitting in front of the computer for a long time. By the time she got up from the computer it was already afternoon. Then she logged out of her ID. Later she started searching for jobs online, while searching for a long time she saw a job advertisement. She quickly applied for it and sent her resume.
Then she quickly logged out and came out of the cyber café. After coming out of the cafe, she started searching for a library nearby. After a while she saw a library there. She went inside there and took out some books and started reading. After studying for a long time, she came out of there and went straight back home.
Somewhere in a hotel room, Shivam and Tanmay were sitting together. Tanmay was saying something or the other for a long time but Shivam was still looking at him with cold eyes.
After some time Tanmay's phone started ringing and he picked it up. At first he was perfect while talking but after some time his expressions changed. Then he quickly disconnected the call and started looking at something on the phone. After some time, he said to Shivam in excitement, "This is the same girl we met yesterday. But who made this video of her? It has gone viral. Shivam, would you like to see it?"
"No, and you quickly get out of my room and book a ticket back to Mumbai tomorrow," Shivam said angrily.
"Miss Flute", what is the name?" Tanmay said laughing and quickly walked out of the room.
Actually Tanisha was on the phone. Tanisha was Tanmay's girlfriend and was also a doctor. She was searching on Shivam's illness but till date she had not got any good results. She was the one who told him about that viral video
As soon as Tanmay went out, Shivam switched on his phone and started searching for that viral video. After some time he found that video, then he played it. As the video played, he heard the same familiar tune that he had heard Tanya playing in the park yesterday. In the video, only Tanya's back figure was visible and not her face. After watching that video, he put the phone back and picked up the laptop and started working. If Tanmay had seen him watching the video now, he would have been shocked.