My Perfect World

Chapter 3: Black Fire

As my excitement reaches its boiling point, I become far too excited to even think! I'm more than ready for an adventure! To test the limits of my freedom I have to constantly continue fighting for it!

Thinking logically, I might not be able to teleport outside of the woods, but that's a good thing. I can teleport inside of the woods. It seems like this forest alters my sense of teleportation, so im unable to truly go back to Kyle & Shelby. But that's also a good thing. They were holding me back a bit. Now that they're gone, I can stretch my legs for the time being. I'll find a way to meet up with them later. I do hope Kyle's ok, though. It makes me worried. 'C'mon, J! You can do this!' I shout in my head, hyping myself up! As I start to move, I begin teleporting all over the woods. Suddenly, I hear another rustle in the trees. Instantly, my animal instinct automatically warn me of sonething behind the trees. I didn't want to alarm Kyle or Shelby, but I could tell it was following us. All of a sudden, the giant beast rushes into me, ready to rip apart my flesh, but before it does, my power of teleportation sends me flying away. As I feel my body in the timestream of teleportation, I get a good look at a what i'm fighting. A giant monster with razor-sharp claws and teeth that can rip anything to shreds! The beast rips through the trees, shreding them like craypaper, and as I continue to teleport away, my adrenaline surging to unforseen heights, the smile on my face starts growing wider and wider! I'm reminded of my time in my childhood when I was living such a boring, wasteful life. But now? With these powers? I can risk death at any moment! The excitement and adrenaline can never wear off! I won't allow it to die out! The sensation of teleporting surrou ds me again, ripping through my entire body, shredding it, atom by atom, molecule by molecule! As the beast rushes to kill me, it gives noises of monsterous malice! The bloodlust scares even a battle-crazed freak like me! "Excellent! Give me more!" I shout to the skies, screaming for more terror! More excitement!! As the blood rushes to my head, I can't think of a better way to die! This is the statement from a true Celestial Angel like me! Any moment is death, and to risk death, means to risk life! In a no-holds-bar fight or flight situation, I excel! Nobody can stop me when i'm like this! Unfortunately, this is the part of me I didn't want Kyle to see! A crazy psycho unafraid of risking his own life! In my time, I've fought Demons, monsters, superhumans, and even the world itself. This is no difference. As the beast grows even larger, its dark features becoming even more unrecognizeable, I see the face of it. No! Faces?

From head to toe, I see the mangled faces of many different people. From men, to women. Even to children. The beast is a giant conglomerate of human skin & faces. The gross skin flaps and squelches, making a horrific sound i've never heard before.

This is truly when I realize! This thing is intelligent! It keeps its victims face skin and ties it on its own body! It's keeping trophies!

As I continue teleporting away, I notice its immense power, able to crush trees with a single hand. The thing is singlehandedly 20 feet tall, and it looks completely groteque. Its power is immense. The beast shreds through the entire forest as I continiously teleport away. The sting of teleportation feels so good.

As it seems, the human body reacts to adrenaline & dopamine in interesting ways. These effects are very similar in nature, and Adrenaline has a very similar effect as dopamine. That's why some people can become addicted to adrenaline, much like being addicted to dopamine. This is what causes certain people to go out of their ways to risk their life. It excites them, makes them feel alive. At this point, I've tried it all



Bungee jumping.

Rock climbing.

None of them have an effect on me anymore. They're all pointless activities that only simulate your feeling of an adrenaline rush. They don't actually work when you've done them thousands of times

"You know what im thinking, you stupid beast! None of those things matter anymore! The only thing that truly matters is bordering the line between life-and-death! This is the only time that i'm filled with fighting! Before my name as the Freedom Junkie, I tried it all! This is excellent!"


People like us have no place in society! We risk our lives as much as possible, just to feel a rush! Some of those mindless fools we call humans think of us as being fools, but a fool is unaware of the consequences of their actions. A true fool like me, understands that death exists! But does it even matter!? Why live life if you won't put it on the line!!"

The giant creature grows even larger, shredding through the forest! As I rip the thing to shreds, slowly wearing it down through teleportation & punches, I use my greatest attack!

I teleport inside of the creature! I remember the very first time I recieved this power.

Years ago, on a certain day

"Woah, teleportation? It really works! I can't believe I finally did it!" On that day, I shouted with excitement, happiness in my eyes, finally realizing my true potential. I thought for a second. "How does it work? What if I were to teleport into an object, maybe like a tree?" I thought for a second. "Would I be ripped to shreds if I made contact with a physical object? I really hoped it wouldn't work like that.

Of course, now, I know exactly what happens. 2 objects can't be at the same spot, of course! So, at the end of the day, that only means one thing. One of those objects will be destroyed at the moment of contact. Any trace of contact will be completely eliminated. So, for the earlier example, if I were to teleport into a tree, the part of the tree that I touched in the process of teleportation would be completely destroyed! Of course, the rest of the tree would be ok, but the part of the tree I teleported into would be completely, and utterly annihilated.

As the creature, its many shredded & contorted faces shambled across the night grass, I instantly teleport inside of the creatures, its internal organs not just being destroyed from making contact with me, but being completely and utterly shredded apart. In a matter of seconds, the things organs had completely vanished from this world, never to be seen again.

As I teleport away, covered in the creatures flesh and blood, its black blood seeps from the treetops, as it starts to float. "WHAT!?" I shout, in disbelief, as the monster grows to an insurmountable size, as big as a mountain! "WHAT THE FUCK!" I scream, but its far too late. The monster explodes in a fiery explosion of flesh and blood! As I try to teleport away, my teleportation is stopped! "It's able to stop my teleportation!?" How!? How is this even possible? The giant explosion nearly shreds my entire body out, but not before I see something in my periphereal vision. What!? A small black fire in the distance. At that moment, I jump back, barely able to escape the giant explosion. Looking at the point of impact, my vision is redirected to what used to be the monster. "What? A girl?" I watch as I see the monster, now turned into a woman, laying in the giant crater she herself caused. "What's going on? Is Kyle safe?" I look up, once again seeing that black flame growing darker and brighter. But how can I even see it? It's pure darkness, but somehow, it shrouds even the dark forest, which was insanely dark, in even more unexplainable darkness. It's like a black hole in the form of a giant flame. "This doesn't look good." It doesn't add up. The old man, then the monster, its transformation into a girl, and even the black flame. As I look across, I instantly get a pit in my stomach. "KYLE!"

(Author's Note: Read the next part of the chapter in third person)

Meanwhile, where Kyle, and Shelby were, another crazy development was forming.

"Shelby, do you know where he went?" He asked, with a rush of fear dashing his hopes. "We need to find J! That's our only hope of survival!" He said, with fear in his eyes. "Fuck that! He obviously just dumped up to escape, let's go!" Shelby said with a judgemental face. "No! He'd never do that! You don't know the kind of person he is! He's a good person!"

At that moment, Kyle thought back to the first day he met J. It was a beautiful night sky as they were walking through the skylight. J told him "You okay?" Kyle had responded without saying much at the time, but eventually spotted a hungry cat. J stopped him in that moment. "We have to feed it." At that point that happened just a couple days ago, Kyle didn't understand why. "It'll be fine, though. It probably has owners." To that, J responded. "Yeah, it probably does, but let's feed it anyway, just to be sure." J teleported away for a few seconds and came right back with some fish. "You'd probably had enough of that cat food, haven't you. You should try some fish." He said to the cat, smiling. The cat scratched & bit at him, but regardless, J continued to hand-feed fish to the cat anyway. To J, it likely wasn't a big deal, but to Kyle, this moment solidified his complete trust in J. In a snap moment, Kyle came back to reality as the memory faded away.

"Haaa..." Shelby sighed with an unsettling expression. "I'm not saying he's a bad person! I'm saying that we can't just rely on him to fix all of our problems! The guy's a Chaotic Demon! He can handle himself! Us, on the other hand, we can't! We're just normal people!"

Kyle looked at her incredulously. "You say that, but I know you're ready to abandon him at the first sign of trouble! Listen to me! I'm not going to do that, no matter what happens!"

Shelby retorted once again. "You do you, but you're just mad that he decided to add me into the group, and not you, aren't you? You thought you were his only friend, and im a threat to you guys' friendship, right? Well, get over it! He's a grown man, he doesn't need you like you need him!"

At once, Kyle screamed at her. "Don't say that! If you say that again, i'll... i'll... I'll punch you!"

In response, Shelby immediately attacked Kyle. "You will? Then fight back! Or can you, with your need for his acceptance! Admit it, you hate me!"

"You know what! Yes, I do!" Kyle shouted, hitting Shelby across the face! In response to this, they both got into a heavy fight.

Meanwhile, a group of mysterious people sat back, looking at the chaos unfold. "That kid, they said his name was Kyle, right? Look at his necklace! Look at what he's wearing!" One of the mysterious figures whispered. "He's right! He is wearing it! Should we attack & kill them to steal it?"

One of the people, seemingly the ring-leader of the group, walked passed, to give orders. "No. They might be Chaotic Demons, like that other guy. Who would've guessed the Freedom Junkie was here? Shocking, if you ask me. If that guy's the Freedom Junkie, these 2 could be anyone. Let's wait for them to fight it out, so we can see if they have powers or not."

"Wait! Who's that, one of the mysterious figures asked. "Oh, no! There's more of them, and they're coming for those 2."

The figures watch as a group of 3 or 4 individuals run up to Kyle & Shelby. "This isn't good. If that's who I think it is, we won't be able to stop them easily. I have a plan! Light a fire here, let's hope it alerts the Freedom Junkie, and he comes and fights them off!"

Another mysterious figure responds with a shy tone. "But Leanan, isn't that counterproductive? That means there could be as many as 4 Chaotic Demons! We can't beat all of them!" Of course, Leanan knew that, but to get them to be defeated, Leanan had decided to let their enemies wear each other out instead, only deciding to swoop in & kill them after the battle was up. "Die." Leanan said to the other mysterious figure.

Suddenly, in an explosion of flames & death, the guy that questioned him melted like plastic. The pure black fire ripped him to shreds, absolutely destroying every single section of him that wasn't ash already. In the ashes of the fire, left nothing. The mysterious figure had died instantly. "That's what you get for questioning my judgement, boy! Someone like you, who's merely only lived for 60 years has no authority over someone like me."

"Well, boys, now we wait for the Freedom Junkie!"

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