Naruto: Cautious Ninja

Chapter 72: Chapter 072

He remembered seeing what Naruto did earlier today out on the firing range with Iruka. He saw and heard what the boy was capable of performing when his hand came in contact with something. This was a jutsu he had seen and wanted to stay well out of reach from. So, upon spotting the boy's counter coming in low, the man reacted instantly by disengaging from his jab and kicked off the ground as fast and as hard as he could. The result was the jinchuriki's swing missing him by inches and Mizuki leaping off to the side in full retreat, sweat pouring down his face.

"I'm keeping the hell away from him! With his ridiculous speed, evasive tendencies and that jutsu; it's dangerous to try and go toe to toe with him," Mizuki thought, landing a safe distance away and sliding to a stop. Upon watching Naruto turn to face him, he removed the Scroll of Seals from his back, propped it beside him, and began flipping through hand seals. "I'll fight this one from a distance!" He then tossed a barrage of shuriken and slapped his hands together. "Futon: Reppusho!" (Wind Release: Gale Palm)

A blast of wind emanated from around Mizuki's body and was sent careening towards his small target. While this appeared to be just an ordinary gust of wind with no real piercing power, the true value behind the technique was to speed up the shuriken he threw, which he sent towards the blonde haired boy at an even greater speed. The shower of throwing knives whipped and twisted on the powerful air currents, threatening to cut the boy down in a rain of metal.

Naruto reacted to the danger and immediately dove behind the tree behind him, the wind smashing into the trunk, resulting in the shuriken impaling nothing but wood. The increased strength and power of the knives though did chip away bigger chunks and dug in much further than they would have on their own, but they ultimately failed in hitting the boy, now concealing himself from the storm.

Mizuki grinned when he saw the boy take cover, "Ha! What's the matter, Naruto?! Where'd all those fancy moves of yours go?"

He saw the boy look around momentarily.

When Naruto ducked back behind the tree and waited for a bit, he then suddenly appeared on the other side and fired off something small from the gauntlet on his wrist, which Mizuki intercepted with a shuriken and knocked it out of the air.

The firework exploded when it was hit, detonating safely out of range of its target.

Mizuki cackled in amusement, "Your little tricks won't work on me a second time, Naruto! I've seen them before!" He began flipping through more hand seals, something the jinchuriki was able to spot when he poked his head around to take another look. "Can't fight at long range? Well that's too bad! At this distance I can hit you with anything I want. You can try and stop me if you like, but I'll just jump out of reach and hit you with my big guns."

"Big guns?" Naruto shouted. "If you had any, I wouldn't be standing here, would I?!"

"I don't plan on wasting moves against the likes of you."

"Oh that's funny, because it seemed like you were getting pretty desperate back there, Mizuki-teme!" Naruto yelled in response. "Haven't you realized yet that I'm good?"

"Ha! Good? Don't make me laugh! You're just a noisy delinquent; the class clown, the village's biggest nuisance and the worst excuse for a shinobi I've ever seen! You're a worthless teenager with no parents! Nobody cares what you do or what you say! Even your mum and dad abandoned you!" The grin he wore on his face showed just how badly he wanted to hit this kid, whether physically or verbally. He then chuckled when he got another bright idea when all he received from the blonde in turn was silence. "Since we're on the subject, do you want to know why everyone in this village hates you?!"

Naruto scrunched his face up in anger, "You know what? I really don't give a shit what you have to say to me! I'm dropping your ass right here and now!"

"Drop me? Beat me? You're a thousand years too early to even face me! Do your worst you little shit!"

"Man he's annoying," Naruto thought, glancing around and quickly taking stock of his surroundings, "Enough with this beating around the bush bullshit. Time to hit back." And hard. As much as he wanted to play around with the Chunin the jinchuriki just wanted to get this stupid battle over with before something bad happened; but how and with what? That was the question.

What did he have in his arsenal that he could throw at this guy?

He had his gauntlet and ammunition. That always came in handy. He contemplated firing pellets at his target to stun him and try to get in close, but the Chunin appeared to be on the lookout for his tricks, as seen by how he was able to shoot down his firework pellet from before, even though he didn't know what it was. Mizuki wanted to settle this thing at long range, which also explained why he moved to the distance he was now at and was holding the centerfield. This pretty much ruled out anything involving trying to get around, blindside his opponent or steadily pour on the small stuff.

Naruto concluded that he needed to get the guy with something big, but also something he wouldn't expect. Something he couldn't see.

He had his Jet Hand. But this was useless without something to touch, plus he was concealed behind a large tree, which he couldn't really use let alone move unl-

Naruto stopped when his hand felt up against the bark of the trunk he was hiding behind and looked up. From his spot, the jinchuriki saw how massive the oak was, from the width of the trunk, to its branches, to how heavy he estimated it to be based on its sheer size. After patting his hand against it several times, a devilish smirk then crossed Naruto's lips and he looked over his shoulder once more toward the Chunin positioned perfectly on the other side of it. "Oh yeah. This will do nicely."

"Take this you pest!" Mizuki exclaimed, finishing with a Tiger seal before breathing in deeply, "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!" He then exhaled, spewing a torrent of fire that quickly formed a ball and began tearing across the ground towards the tree, intent on incinerating it.

Grinning at the opportunity presented, Naruto leapt off of the side of his cover, turned to face it, and brought his right hand back. "HEY MIZUKI! CATCH!" the blonde shouted before slapping his hand against the trunk.

Almost instantly, a blast of wind rocketed off of the side of the trunk from where Naruto touched it, the winds tearing up the ground and kicking up dust while the user leapt safely away. Seconds later, the large oak was ripped right out of the ground by its roots and propelled straight into Mizuki's incoming fire ball.

Because of the sheer size of the tree, its density, the speed it was traveling at, and the fact that it also had a wind release technique propelling it, meant that when the enormous projectile collided with the even smaller fireball, it literally obliterated it before continuing straight for the Chunin who had just finished feeding chakra into his own attack.

Upon seeing his fireball get smashed by a flying tree, Mizuki's eyes bugged out of their sockets.

Dodging an ordinary throwing knife was one thing, but dodging a full-grown oak traveling at the exact same speed as a shuriken was another.

The man threw his arms up to guard and let out a girlish shriek of terror, "OH SHIIIIIIIIT!" Unable to move in time, the tree smashed into the Chunin and sent both of them straight into the woods.

The oak tore through the forest a good two-hundred meters before ending with a good portion of the woods surrounding the clearing brought down and the land ripped asunder in the wake of the terrifying cataclysm. When the dust settled, Naruto proceeded to stroll across the clearing toward the crash site, picking up the Scroll of Seals that had been knocked aside and humming a pleasant tune along the way. When he finally arrived at the scene seconds later, he saw that the oak he had thrown and several other trees had been mashed together, and that Mizuki had been knocked aside in the twisting, vortex of chaos.

Not only was he knocked out from the way he was mumbling incoherently, but his uniform was torn up, he was covered in bark, bruises and cuts, had blood dripping down his head, a busted leg, a mangled arm, and judging from the stench of urine in the air, the man had also wet himself.

Naruto laughed at the sight pitiful, "Wow. That worked better than I was hoping it I can call this fight a big win for me." A smile pulled across his lips before he looked down at the Scroll of Seals safely under his arms.

It was a really big scroll. Definitely something you would notice sitting in an office or a vault room.




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