Naruto: Chosen

Chapter 21: Chapter 20 - Betting [1]

- "Your Highness, your terms are harsh, but I accept them," I said with a restrained smile.

- Obito? - The prince asked, turning to the guard he had been talking to earlier.

The soldier stepped forward.

- Wrap up the strawberry tarts and send them to Miss Sakura's family. Ask someone to wait to see if her sister-in-law is actually crying. I'm curious to see.

Obito just shook his head and left without saying another word.

- You should write a note saying you're fine to go with the package. In fact, you should all write to your families. I'll make sure all the letters are delivered today.

After breakfast, we went to write the letters. Rin brought me some office supplies and I got ready to start writing.

"Dear Dad, Mom, Pain, Konan and Moegi,

I miss you all so much (even Pain's snoring)! The prince asked us to write home and tell you that we're fine... I'm fine, I've never eaten so much. The dresses are a dream, every one of them, but I still hate the high-heeled shoes. I have a jewelry box all to myself and my bedroom is as big as our house. I'm tempted to ask the prince so that we can all live in my room - I'm sure there would be plenty of room!

I've met the royal family and they're even more impressive in person. I talked to Prince Naruto and I have to say he's surprisingly... generous.

I'm missing you all to death. I love you all so much. I'll write again as soon as I can.

P.S. Konan, don't those strawberry tarts make you want to cry because they're so good?


Sakura Haruno, the princess of the world."

That was it. That was the best I could do. But it didn't seem to be good enough. That afternoon, Private Obito knocked on my door.

- "She didn't cry, miss," said Obito with a gentle smile, clearly excited by my reaction. - In the meantime," he held out the white box he was carrying, along with an envelope containing my family's letters." the prince will come for you tomorrow at around five in the afternoon. Be prepared.

I read my father's letter first. He insisted that I looked beautiful on TV and that he was very proud of me. My mother's letter began with a comment about how much she had hated the little joke about smelling like dessert in the interview, but praised my new hair. Pain commented on how my selection had brought new customers for our vegetables and asked me to continue with the jokes, as everyone seemed to love them. Moegi sent me a drawing of her and me. I was wearing a yellow crown and she was wearing a pink one. Underneath, an arrow pointed to her and it said in childish letters: "Princess Moegi Haruno."

But it was Konan's letter that made me stop. Sasuke had left, she didn't know where or why. Mrs. Mikoto was devastated and didn't want to talk about it. He was gone.

- Bad news, miss? - Shizune asked when she saw my expression.

- No, nothing like that, I was just thinking too much," I smiled, trying to cover it up.

- Are you going to open the prince's present now? - Rin asked with sparkling eyes, only to be interrupted by a nudge from Samui.

- I think so," I replied.

I gave a forced smile and began to undo the red bow on the box. Inside, I found a pair of beautiful light brown leather riding boots with black details. When I put them on, they looked custom-made. In the corner of the box was a card with the Fire Country coat of arms.

"You ask for things so simple that I am unable to deny them. Wear them to our meeting tomorrow, but I don't think they'll go well with the Palace dresses.

From your friend,



The next day, Kakashi showed up in a perfect set of riding clothes, and I began to get an idea of the kind of outing the prince had planned. The girls put my hair up in a high ponytail and gave me a light makeover. My outfit was perfect: black pants, a brown vest (the same color as my boots) and a white shirt underneath. In addition, a pair of brown boots disguised my calluses.

At five in the afternoon, someone knocked on the door and I rushed to open it.

Naruto was dressed in a black riding outfit that fit him perfectly. He was holding a collar with an orange dog on it.

- I hope you don't mind us having company!

I crouched down so that I was level with the dog and petted its ears. His fur was soft, like a warm blanket, and he licked my hand with his rough tongue.

- Kyubi, the royal dog - I recited what I knew.

- "Without the titles, please," Naruto joked, and I stood up, a little surprised by his relaxed tone. - For the sake of appearances, could you hold my arm? - He held out his arm, and I took it, feeling the firm muscles beneath the fabric. - I read in your file that you love to ride.

- My passion. I work with Mr. Yamanaka's horses. He's a famous turf racer, or at least he used to be. Now my friend Deidara is the big name in the family.

The castle stables were full of horses, steeds that looked agile and fast. My eyes lit up when the stableman presented me with a beautiful black mare with a white mark on her forehead.

- This is Dancer, your companion for today, miss," said the stableman, handing me the reins. Naruto's mare was a light brown called Felicia. Naruto thought he was going to help me mount, but when he put his hands on my waist, I gave him an uncomfortable look.

- By the looks of it," he said with a mischievous grin, discreetly pointing at a hidden camera. I smiled and allowed him to help me.

The castle grounds were vast, with winding roads surrounded by trees growing on all sides. We rode under a corridor of apple trees while Kyubi chased a passing bird.

- I'm sorry she didn't cry," said the prince, pulling me out of my concentration.

- No, don't be," I replied without hesitation. Actually, I wasn't upset about losing. I'd won my boots; I was riding and Naruto's company wasn't the worst.

- I'd never won a bet before. It was nice to win," he commented with a slight laugh.

- Luck of the gods, I bet," he replied, and I laughed along.

- What's your family like? - he asked, interested.

- Ah... normal, I guess," I said, shrugging.

- What's "normal" for Sakura Haruno? Your family must be very different from mine.

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