Chapter 23: Chapter 22 - Uchiha [1]
- To the back of the room, ladies! - shouted Prince Naruto, running to a window.
The girls, confused and obedient, moved slowly towards the main table. The prince was pulling down an iron shutter, but before he could finish, a group of guards burst into the dining room and began sealing it like a bank. All the doors were reinforced with bars and the windows with steel.
A soldier cut his way through the chattering girls, advancing towards the queen, and I knew exactly who he was long before he took off his helmet. Itachi Uchiha, the brother of the man I loved, and by choice, despite being young and without much experience, had been chosen as captain of the queen's guard. Izumi had been waiting for his return for so long that, for a moment, I felt a surge of anger towards him. As if reading my thoughts, Itachi looked directly at me with those dark eyes that only an Uchiha could have.
- They invaded the estate, Your Majesty, but we managed to hold off the advance. It would be good if you ladies could leave, but we're very close to the door...
- "Understood, Itachi," replied the queen, cutting off the military man's speech.
I didn't need more to understand. There were rebels inside the palace walls. I thought that would happen. So many guests in the palace, so many preparations. Someone had to distract security. They entered, and that was the perfect moment to protest.
Princess Karin had left her post to lower one of the forgotten shutters. The next window was open, and through it I saw something coming towards us. I ran so fast that I knocked over a chair. Pulling down the blind was the easy part, but keeping it in place with shaky hands was a challenge. Just as I almost made it, it hit the palace, making the whole room shake, and pushing me to the floor.
Naruto appeared immediately.
- Are you hurt? - he asked, his voice full of concern.
I couldn't speak. My arms were limp and I could barely feel my body. Naruto squeezed my shoulders with his hands.
- Are you hurt? - he repeated, more urgently.
He looked so worried. Princess Karin then appeared, pushing her brother aside, and helped me up.
- To the back of the room. Now! - ordered Prince Suigetsu, leading all the girls to the back. I joined them as soon as the princess set me on my feet.
Some of the girls were crying, others stared into the void in shock. Tenten was passed out, being supported by someone. The most reassuring figure was Prince Suigetsu, who stood behind the queen, listening attentively to what Captain Itachi was saying. One of his arms wrapped around the princess to protect her, and she remained upright and calm at his side.
I looked around at the girls. Among them, were there any with the true strength to be a princess? Tenten was still unconscious in someone's arms. Karui and Fuu were talking. Karui seemed at ease, but I knew she wasn't. Hinata was bursting into tears, twisting the hem of her dress and waiting for the end. Ino was crying, but not to the point of looking heartbroken. I grabbed her arm and lifted her up.
- Wipe your eyes and pull yourself together," I said softly in her ear.
- What? - she moaned, stunned.
- Trust me. Just do it.
Ino dried her face on her dress and stood up. She touched various points on her face, as if checking that her make-up was still intact. When she had finished, she turned to me, seeking approval. I nodded, silently approving. I didn't like giving orders, and it would never be my place, as a member of Caste Four, to do so. But Ino needed to look like Princess Karin. Surely, Naruto would look for that in his choice, and Ino needed to win.
- You're right, we're fine, Saky. We've got the guards and nobody's getting in.
- That's right. - I replied, hugging her. Ino approached Tenten, who had just woken up.
I stood there in a corner, away from everyone, consumed by immense despair and wanting to cry. But instead, I stared at a vase of flowers in the corner and tried to concentrate on them.
Naruto appeared to check that I was all right, as he had done with the others. He positioned himself next to me and also looked at the flowers.
- Are you all, right?
- Yes... - I whispered, still not having the courage to look at him directly.
He paused for a moment, as if trying to read something in my expression.
- You don't look well, my... Sakura.
- What will happen to the maids? And the servants...? - I asked, worry weighing on my voice.
- With the maids? - He furrowed his golden eyebrows, and I stared at him sternly, making him realize that only a small minority were safe on that iron bench, with its heavy armaments.
- They know the procedures and... are fine, I'm sure. - He pulled me by the wrist and, without resistance, I rested my body against his chest, listening to the rapid beating of his heart.
- Sakura... - His voice became soft, and I lifted my face, feeling the warmth of his closeness.
- They're fine, I promise you.
No one could doubt his promises, least of all me. Not when I could hear the steady beat of his heart and feel the warmth of his skin next to me. I pulled away, realizing that our proximity had attracted curious glances from some of those present.
- I'm your friend, I'm here to help you choose the best option. - I recited the words firmly, but he frowned, suspicious.
- What do you mean?
- See that one over there? - Pointing discreetly at Ino, who was talking to Karui and Fuu. - Ino Yamanaka, a Two. The right girl.
Not me. I'm just a Four, a simple peasant girl, uneducated, unprepared and, above all, in love with someone else.
Naruto touched my shoulder, the gentleness of the gesture surprising me.
- What happened yesterday and what's happening now?
- I'm showing you the best direction, as I promised. - I replied, keeping my composure.
- Do you want to leave?
- I'll stay here until they tell me to leave.
His gaze continued to follow me, while his hand remained on my shoulder, traveling down to my hand, where his fingers played with mine. His blue eyes, fixed on our intertwined hands, seemed to be searching for an answer that I didn't know how to give.
- I thought there was a possibility.
- A possibility of what? - My voice sounded lower, almost a whisper, and before I could understand the intention behind his words, he turned away. He walked over to Ino, who greeted him with a bright smile, as if he were the only person in the world.