Naruto: Not such a simple trader

Chapter 1: 01: Im dead

It was normal days, I have a life with relative tranquility, an adorable daughter and a child on the way, a wife that I love, and financially well.

I am a hardworking man who only wants the best for his family, protecting them above all, but that is what I always want to do; we were having breakfast quite calmly, with laughter from my daughter and my wife with an ironic look, while I only enjoyed admiring their faces and commenting on things that only made my daughter laugh.

After finishing breakfast, my daughter said goodbye to both of us by giving a hug, showing her joy in studying; but I kept her longer, not knowing why I had said it, and why I told her everything my heart dictated.

" You know that I love you, and I will always love you with all my soul, you have to study well in order to live comfortably, but whatever you decide, I will support you, because what I adore the most is your smile " I said firmly, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

My daughter only laughed a little more, amused by my words " Dad, you say it as if you would never see me again "

" It is better to always tell you, from now on, no one knows destiny " I also joked, finally caressing my daughter's hair, trying not to mess it up.

And there, I saw her silhouette leaving, with the printed uniform; I did not stop watching her until she disappeared from my sight, and I felt as if someone was grabbing me by the sleeve of my arm. When I turned, I looked at my wife with curiosity; she had a worried look.

" You shouldn't say those things to your daughter, you'll only scare her more " my wife said with concern, while I only smiled with my mouth closed.

" It is not a bad thing to be prepared, we will never know if we will see each other again, because life is spontaneous " I replied to my wife calmly, seeing how she was worried although she immediately sighed to smile.

" You and your eloquence, come on, it's getting late for your work " I approached her to give her a minimal kiss, so chaste and gentle on her bermudas, and finally I gently parted in such a way that I did not feel that our kisses were no longer felt.

With a penetrating look, I admired my wife's face, but her taking initiative surprised me " You know that I love you so much, so that you never forget it, okay? "

I only took her hand, with which I caressed my cheek, so warm and full of life, and I just gently squinted my eyes " I also love you very much, and I will never forget it "

She, amused, only gave me a gentle pat on my cheek " You only have three minutes to get to work " it seemed that she enjoyed taking my time because I did not notice the delay.

I just looked at the clock and got very scared; with wide and worried eyes I saw how my wife was right, I gave her one last fleeting goodbye kiss, took my briefcase, and ran straight to my car.

When I prepared everything to leave, I saw my wife looking at me from the door of our house.

I also said goodbye calmly, albeit with a smile, arriving at work quite late.

I worked at a company where I specialized in machinery maintenance; I repaired machines that broke down for various companies such as fast food chains, televisions, cell phones, among others.

I also have my career as a biochemical engineer, but the one I enjoy doing the most is the one I am working on now; however, if someone needs me for quality control or help with formulas to create, I will have to assist.

It was a rather calm day in which I calmly watched how my coworkers worked, their smiles and their teasing because they had experience and did not have to worry about making mistakes.

I laughed and joked with them as well, enjoying another day with relative tranquility.


It was too soon to speak...

In our section, everyone was working; I was sitting, checking the paperwork and taking notes of what was truly important, although strange sounds began to be heard " What is that noise? " I said, rising a bit from my seat to look at my coworkers, who shrugged in sign of puzzlement.

I quickly looked toward the others, seeing how they were agitated, although we were surprised when someone opened the door; there I heard it.

And I also saw how, as that door was opened, someone entered covered in second and third degree burns, his face full of terror and blood " FIRE! QUICK, GET OUT! "

Agitated, I saw how everyone was filled with fear, trying to run and escape from there; just at that moment, I heard the alarms sound and, as the scene looked like something out of a horror movie, I looked with concern at the fire that was spreading quickly, and I approached the one who had entered our area in such a bad condition, holding him firmly.

" What happened!? "

Tosio, a couple of times holding onto my clothes tightly, said " s-someone did not supervise the press machine, it short-circuited and exploded, it k-killed Janis! And now the fire has spread throughout sectors A, G, and J " the man said with fear, his grimaces of pain forming.

For my part, I helped him out quickly before the fire took us; when I left him outside, I tried to run back in, but he held me, saying " d-don't go in! It's very dangerous! " said that man, trying to protect his friend.

I looked at him firmly, clenching my fists, and said " there may be many who are still alive and cannot get out because of the smoke and the fire, I have to go in and help, the firefighters and rescuers will take time, stay here and wait for them " I separated from my friend to run back in, my jaw tense and sweating, as I passed through that sector of mine that was already filling with fire, spreading quickly with many flammable things.

I passed through the sectors where I managed to see many of my coworkers who had been hit by the fire, suffering as I saw that they had faces of horror and their eyes no longer had the brightness that gave life meaning. Powerless, I continued searching for survivors, and I found them; I heard their cries for help, I ran as fast as my steps could carry me; without saying anything, I just approached them and with all my strength I tried to carry them, while they helped me by trying to walk and support themselves.

Thus, I was helping and extracting survivors; from all my comings and goings, I managed to rescue too many people that I couldn't even count, and now I am in the last sector, where there is so much death and where the fire has consumed most of their bodies, leaving only that charred skeleton; I didn't even want to pay attention, it pained me to think that it was people I knew.

But I cannot cry at that moment " Is there anyone here!? " I shouted to find someone! -cof cof- the smoke was already affecting me, I felt the burning in my lungs, but I didn't care, I have to help.

" Here! Please! Come here! "

I managed to hear the laments and the cries; hearing one person made me run in the direction where I had heard him, and upon arriving, I saw him trapped among the rubble. Worried and acting quickly, I also approached him upon recognizing him " calm down, I'll help you get out, Mike, don't worry "

" You're my friend, please help me " he spoke, trembling, with thick tears falling from his eyes.

I tried to lift with all my strength those bars and burned objects on top, but it was impossible; they were so heavy that I didn't even notice how my hands were bleeding from being burned by the heat of the metal " I... I'll get you out of here! " I said with all my willpower, not even feeling that my face tensed so much.

I pressed my lips to slowly lift those bars " q-quickly, get out of here! This is wearing me out! " I said forcefully while gasping, in need of air.

Mike slid quickly as he felt freed; his leg was very injured, but he could run enough.

Upon seeing him exit, I quickly helped him, and with that, we both began to run toward the exit; the building was huge, but the only exit I know even though it is on fire is the smallest.

This place seemed like a hellish realm; we both hurried to run, desperate for air.

But I, so deluded and inept, didn't feel or notice, as one of the machines we were approaching was a compressor; Mike managed to escape narrowly, but that same machine exploded very close to me.

Fragments of metal embedded in my body, a white and deafening sound, as if that machine was crushing my chest not my lungs but my bronchi; even so, my willpower and the shock made me open my eyes forcefully.

I saw how Mike stopped upon hearing my heart-wrenching cry and stared at me intently; I felt something hot welling up from my lips, surely my eyes were wide open.

I looked at my friend, raising my arm " ahg... help me... please... " I couldn't speak properly, due to what was lodged in me, and my legs weren't responding either from the shock.

I looked to Mike for him to help me, just as I had helped him; it took so little, but I saw his fear and expression of terror as he looked at the fire and then at me.

I felt as if his whole hand collapsed.

" I-I'm so sorry... "

I didn't even need to see him run; my eyes, lost in the shock, as if the person I had rescued was abandoning me without even thinking did not register his escape.

I saved so many people.

Why couldn't he help me? I only... have this in my bronchi, I only needed support.

I felt the loss of blood, as my back was slowly burning.

And then I looked at my surroundings, full of fire, intense fire that was consuming everything possible.

" N-no, this, n-it can't be, no! NO! G-GO AWAY FROM ME! " I shouted at the fire as I felt it beginning to devour me.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts so much.

It hurts a lot.

My screams began to be heard throughout the area, as the ash and the fire had already consumed my comrades.

Apart from having that stake, it did not prevent me from suffering and screaming; I felt my body catching fire.

It was worse than dying, as if drowning from lack of oxygen.

This was worse than being underwater.

I could perfectly feel how the fire was slowly burning layer by layer of my skin.

But despite being burned alive, I only wanted to die; I would never wish this suffering on anyone.

My screams came out, expelled with large amounts of blood, which evaporated as I felt the dancing flames.

" AHHH! " my heart-wrenching screams did not stop.

I don't know how long I've been burned alive, nor do I want to look at myself, but I'm sure that my appearance is horrendous, that the shard I have embedded in my bronchi was already melting, surely I almost have no skin left and it is already eating away at my muscles.

Finally, what I wished for apart from feeling the sadness of being abandoned and wanting to live

I never wished to die, but now, that need to just die appeared in me.

My vision was clouding and turning dark.

But slowly, as I was dying...

I heard a voice.

" You are the one destined to possess me, you have endured until the end... "

My life was fading away.

I almost wanted to ask who it was, but I couldn't even think.

" It seems that you are not the only one who resonates with me; if you so want to know my name, ask the flames that are devouring you "


Weakness was engulfing me.

I... hate the flames so much...

And so, in such a simple way, from what seemed like an eternity in my suffering.

Really, only two minutes had passed.

. . . . . . . . . .

I am in total darkness, I thought my consciousness would fade away, but it seems that did not happen.

My gaze I want to see something, but I can't manage it; my hands, I am supposed to be looking at them, but I still see the core of darkness.


I was here for so long, I don't have even a notion of this.

But finally, I managed to see something; looking down, I see what is a humanoid shape, it was so white, so pure that it made me want to approach.

But it seems that it noticed my presence; as I directed my gaze toward it, I appreciated it.


Its eyes are so green that they resemble the jewels I know.

I didn't realize when I was already in front of it; it was very tall for me, but upon seeing it I was surprised.

" Y-you are... you... " I couldn't even speak; that humanoid creature had a white mask and three deformities on its head, with horns so long and black spots that ran from its eyes down to what would be the lower part of its chin.

But what surprised me was what I saw on its chest.

It was hollow, with a black line falling slowly down.

I recognized it instantly.

" Y-you are... ul-ulquiorra... ulquiorra cifer, but, but you... you don't exist " I whispered with fear, moving away a little; upon realizing that I could walk, I was surprised; I looked down, I had my legs and my arms, I touched my face, just as it was before I was burned to death.

" You don't exist either... " hearing him speak made me clutch my throat, as I looked at the monster in horror, because it seems he is right.

It is supposed that Ulquiorra was only something I saw spontaneously in Bleach, it was just the art of a mangaka that I appreciated; after all, I stopped looking at him.

But the character who wanted to experience human emotions, apathetic, seeking to give meaning to it, was in front of him.

" W-why are you here? "

" ... I died. "

It was so cold and detached that it made him tremble; it seems he has knowledge.

" I... I did too, it was very painful "

" What is pain? "

" ... it is something that I would never want anyone to ever experience " I said firmly, although I sighed.

" I see... "

That hollow is not very talkative, but I stared fixedly at Ulquiorra, perhaps because I was dead; he gave me company with a character I had appreciated before coming back to live as a new soul, or the truth is that I don't know; if it is a final goodbye, where are my daughter and my wife?

I sat on the ground without moving " you know, you were always a character that I liked, but who made me feel pity... you were manipulated by Aizen, a man to whom you did not owe loyalty, but who showed you affection for the first time " I felt crazy expressing my feelings to someone I considered an anime character; I looked at my hands as I felt uncomfortable upon seeing that monstrosity on my side.

" him were the only one who gave me the opportunity to give meaning to my life " I heard that apathetic voice again, but when I turned, I was surprised to no longer see the vast lord; now I saw what I truly knew as Ulquiorra.

That dead, expressionless look, that mask with a protruding horn, and the tears falling remained.

I got up to see him face to face " I am so sad for you, because you were someone who never managed to know human emotions... "

I saw how Ulquiorra's face bowed " I thought I had become specks of dust in -Las noches-, being killed by Ichigo Kurosaki... but, I see that I really had an opportunity "

I didn't manage to understand what he had said; I blinked upon hearing him " What do you mean? "

Something that surprised me was the barely fleeting smile that appeared on the stoic face of the arrancar.

" You are looking at yourself now, it seems that you will fulfill my dream of understanding what it feels like to experience human emotions... "

I didn't manage to understand it, but the moment he said it, everything fragmented and was lost in nothingness; again I no longer had a body to exist in.

I couldn't move.

And I was in darkness.

It felt so dark and lonely.

So... humid?

Finally, I managed to see some light, but when I looked at this space, I noticed two very strange people.

They looked Asian: a man with long hair of a very, very dark red, yellow eyes; he seemed serious, although his gaze softened toward me.

And then there was a woman with short black hair, but her eyes were very striking emeralds.

Pale skin.

But there they were, both of them smiling at me.

The worst of all is that I couldn't understand them; they spoke something very strange, it seemed like Japanese but ancient, and in many other ways, I couldn't understand them.


Why do I still have my mind and thoughts? Didn't they need to cleanse my soul and purify me?

Because I am living a second life again.

And something I cannot understand is where I ended up.

Where am I?

Why did I look at Ulquiorra?

What am I still doing here?










[ Here we finish the presentation, I felt like writing another story; something I will leave apparent is the fact that it is not Ulquiorra reincarnated, it is an original MC. The reason why I looked at Ulquiorra and heard a strange voice will be revealed later.

Does it read interesting? I will try not to use the typical clichés of Konoha, and if I do, I will try to innovate on clichés.

It is my second story on Webnovel, so I ask for patience if there are spelling errors or similar ♡

I really don't know if there will be romance, maybe, but I am not very fond of romance in stories, and if there is, it will be very light—a secondary thread in the story that I plan to fill with action and adventure.

It is not a Bleach system or anything similar, but the protagonist only has two Bleach powers that you should already know well hehe

I hope you like it and comment a lot! I will also say that if it has support, I will give frequent updates, but for now there are no fixed updates, although I will always try to make them over 2,000 words like this one.

The MC will be very human, and as a human, mistakes are made, so it is normal that people get upset with this protagonist.

Also, please excuse my English, my native language is Spanish, so if you notice any translation errors or if I get confused about several things.

Also, regarding the implementation of Bleach powers, it's going to be very different since, as we know, shinigami powers are only used when you're dead, but the man is very much alive xD so I'll see how to implement it.

It will be something weak at the beginning.

Well, I hope for your power stones and your support along with your comments! Thank you ♡ ]

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