Chapter 7: 07: ¿Naruto?
Appreciating my first jutsu is... strange, it is very tiring just to move a small jutsu, not for nothing ninjas train a lot, I glanced at my parents, my face hurt, am I smiling too much?
" Kisuke! Look at what our son Kisuke! " a drop on my temple fell to my side upon seeing how my mother was shaking my father, he just let himself smile foolishly, they both seemed enchanted by having seen me performing a jutsu, I do not blame them, I ended up like both of them.
" Uh, mother... is there nothing else, can you teach me? " I asked with that thin voice I had, my mother looked at me gently and only gave me a kind smile " For now we will leave it at that, what do you think? You are too small to try doing more complicated jutsus... everything that involves the Ketsuryūgan will be painful and difficult, that is why, this is the only thing I can teach you, Usui "
I remained silent while I looked at my mother gently, I simply sighed, I could imagine it, I nodded upon seeing how she had my father put together what we had left on the ground.
" We will go back to the village, I think that for your age, this was too much training for your little body, I worry about you, son, so, you will eat a little more and rest " my father looked at me with his yellow eyes giving me a kind smile.
Tensed at that moment seeing how my mother hit him, that was a very hard blow, the bump it left was evident, I pressed my lips tightly as I witnessed it.
" Do not think that I have lost the anger I have for what you did to your own son! To my Usui! Do you know the scare you could have given him? " hearing about that... I will not deny, I was really scared, I thought my father would have the cool blood to kill me.
Knowing the world I am in, anything is possible, my father made me fear him a little, I hope that with the passing of the days that fear will disappear.
Kisuke went back to holding the area up, in a comic way he sobbed " I am sorry Riru, I am very sorry, I just wanted, well I already explained... you do not need to hit me again... " he spoke between dramatic sobs the poor man, I inevitably emitted a soft smile, I am surprised by the fact that I think it is very easy for me to show a smile, could it be because of using that " Kekke Genkai " that my father mentioned?
I do not know.
Now, the three of us were walking back to Konoha, I did not say it before, but from the little time I have been living in Konoha, it is two faces carved on the head, I recognized them very little since in Naruto the carved faces are horrible, but here they are so detailed that the pores are shown, yes the sculptors are unique.
And looking at the time I am in... I have not seen Naruto, maybe since there are only two carved faces, was I born before Naruto was born? That is what I assumed in the end, in this place it is very calm and harmonious, I got used to Konoha being my home.
I hope that the serenity in this place lasts forever, holding my parents' hands, now we walk, we meet a ninja who is always waiting at the entrance, his name was Kenzo, his face is intimidating since he has pronounced scars, but he is a very kind person.
Upon seeing us he smiled calmly " Did you find what you needed, Mr. Kumo? "
My father clearly did not use the surname Kurama, he only kept his calm smile " That is right Kenzo-san, it was a very fruitful harvest " he looked at me sideways, why does father always have to be so obvious?
Kenzo smiled kindly, when he directed his gaze at me, I felt a bit ashamed, but my face did not show it " You helped too, right Usui-kun? "
I subtly hid behind my mother, it is the only place where I could feel safe " Yes, Kenzo-san " I whispered barely audible, he just laughed.
" Very well, I am very glad " he smiled from ear to ear, with that he only took the pass he had given us, it seems that Kenzo-san sees me as a seal of knowing that we are not enemy ninjas, no one can imitate me, no one is so expressionless.
Holding my mother, we entered the place, but seeing that we stopped in an area where people passed by, I stopped looking at my mother " Mom? Is something happening? "
" Yes something is happening my little Usui, and that is that your mom will take you to make friends, I have not stopped thinking about what you told me, how could I be a mother who does not see what her son needs? Right now we will go to those new parks that the Second Hokage-sama implemented " when I heard my mother I was even surprised.
Inside I was just nervous, I really lied, mom, do not take it personally.
" I... am hungry " I tried to evade and walk to my father, but he just stuck his tongue out at me, traitor!
" You have eaten a lot, if you continue only your stomach will hurt " hearing her I only emitted a pitiful sigh, then I have no escape from her.
My father just smiled happily in our direction " I will start making dinner! When you arrive you will surely be very hungry " my father disappeared at the first moment, I just wanted to deny, but I could not, he really has betrayed me.
Now you have gotten off from where I had you, father.
My mother Riruka holding me, guided me to the park where everything is very new, well, maybe it is not a bad idea to arrive and try to get to know a little... I suppose, I really do not know, but dealing with small children was not something that excited me, children whose dream is surely to be ninjas.
It is annoying.
When we arrived at the area, I appreciated so many children of all colors that I even got dizzy from the sensation, my mother smiled at me kindly " Here we are, come on, do not be shy, I will be waiting in the other area, what do you think? "
I pressed my lips together looking at her pleading that we leave, please! I do not want to be in a place with children, that is the only thing I ask.
Seeing that my mother refused made me sigh again, then there is no other way to refuse... it is difficult, but I will have to try to socialize, with my eyes closed meditating deeply, I opened them again to look around my area, many children that had very simple features... I will have to try to give my best.
Usui was walking slowly to the throng of children, the children who were playing in that circulating area looked at him with curiosity, it is strange, since in that park a child of his appearance had never appeared, since Usui's appearance is undoubtedly striking, dark hair like the cloak of the night, attractive orbs of a pretty color.
He seemed noble just by his profile.
When Usui reached the middle, he tried to avoid the looks of those children, staying in that space without moving, not knowing what to do, he knows what a child does, he just plays and sits without doing anything, literally nothing, and he knows that he will have children around him, but he did not want that, they are a nuisance.
The emerald-eyed child pressed his lips, sitting on the cracked earth, touching the ground, clumsily playing with it, if it were possible, he would even feel a blush on his face, however even that he cannot do well.
Maybe because he is so reclusive, none have wanted to approach him, the child only hopes that this farce ends.
Hearing some steps that were approaching his place, he finally lifted his gaze, he would only say for him to leave, since his mother had seen her busy chatting with acquaintances.
" I am sorry, I do not want to... "
He fell silent immediately upon witnessing it.
Is he hallucinating?
Just in case, his hands went directly to his eyes and his large eyebrows, he pulled them forcefully and when he turned, he looked again at that characteristic blond hair and those large blue eyes.
Is it really him?
" Do you want to play with me? I have noticed that you are alone and do not have any playmate "
The boy's speech was courteous and very kind, something I witnessed firsthand with a sweet smile.
Usui did not answer anymore, he blinked skeptically still.
" ... of course, that is fine "
He could not refuse, since the boy in front of him was the very image of Naruto, but is it supposed that Naruto was born in this time? Then why are there only two faces depicted on the mountain of Konoha?
He vaguely remembers that Naruto, when a scene passed in which he was present, there were always four rocks.
He is somewhat lost with the facts, sincerely.
So, is it Naruto?