Naruto shinigami deal

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Graduation

Naruto Age 15 

The blonde hanyou got out of bed, stretching his sore body as he went to take a bath. He remembered since he took up kenjutsu under Yugao. Kakashi took over other parts of his training, even advising Naruto to take up different weapons. Kakashi also took over other aspects, getting Naruto to open up, become more adept, add versatility, and discover more about the bloodline that the shinigami gave him even though he knew his abilities there were other abilities the Shinigami didn't tell him. At the same time, he also needed to learn about the abilities Shinigami told him.

As he started to take a shower, he remembered something. The downside of having Yugao as his second girlfriend was that most civilians already knew about his and Anko's relationship, mostly because the boisterous snake mistress had publicly announced it. He had to keep Yugao and his relationship a secret from the common populace. The blonde frowned at that. He didn't like hiding Yugao-chan like that, even though the purple-haired beauty told him it was okay and had told him about the CRA, or Clan Restoration Act. 

Originally, Naruto had no interest in even looking into it. He was happy with Anko as she was a kindred spirit and knew his pain. However, Kakashi's insistence and Yugao's marriage arrangement changed things. But right now, he needed proof. Hard, concrete proof that no one could deny, namely the council, about his heritage and clan status as a sole survivor of the Uzumaki clan.

After getting out of the shower, shaking his thoughts, and changing into that orange monstrosity of a jumpsuit, he started walking on the street with businesses already open. As he remembered his time in the academy and after Kakashi explained to him that he was put in a class where most clan heirs were that way, he might have an easier time making friends. It made Naruto smile, remembering the time he spent playing with KIba Inuzuka, Choji Akamichi, and Shikamaru Nara. While he also had talked a lot to Shino Aburame about bugs, one thing that stuck out was they would collect them to research them. To his surprise, Ino had been the first one to talk to him, and even though she started becoming a fangirl, she stuck with Naruto, slowly changing and realizing something, and the rest Hinata Hyuga following soon after Naruto saved her from the bullies.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he noticed a raven-haired woman. "Hello, Mikoto-san," said Naruto as the woman turned her attention to look at him. "It's been a while since we last met." Mikoto, the Matriarch of the now almost extinct Uchiha clan, is A woman in her 40s, but since Naruto used the demonic blood of his bloodline now she looked like she was 18 as her waist which had gotten, just a bit thicker over the years and giving child twice had become very slander she was wearing a dark blue t-shirt, black pants, and shinobi sandals. She had short black hair flowing back that reached past her shoulders, and she had two bangs on her forehead, colored eyes, and smooth, flawless skin with a D-cup, almost a DD-cup.

"OHH, hi, Naruto-kun, how have you been? And yes, it has been a while since I last saw you," replied Mikoto. "I've been good; the idiot on the council haven't caused much trouble in a while." Mikoto frowned, knowing the kind of treatment Naruto received, remembering healing him whenever she could when he was younger. At times, she wanted to torture every single one of those idiots that participated in the so-called 'fox hunts' with her own hands. "So, are you on your way to the academy? If I remember correctly, you and Sasuke graduate today, right?" she said, a little melancholic about her son.

Naruto couldn't help but clench his fists ever since Itachi caused the massacre. Uchiha Sasuke had changed, and not for the better, due to the resentment he held for his brother. He focused only on training and seeking revenge against Itachi. This only increased when the civilian council did anything for him, leading to Sasuke developing a superiority complex. His mother first tried to correct him only to be called out by him 'that she was a disgrace to the clan for trying to stop his efforts to kill his bother'. This had weakened their relationship. "Yes, we graduate today," said the blonde. "But how have you been? I haven't visited you in a while with all my training and focusing on the academy and my pranks," he said, trying to eliminate the woman's depressing thoughts.

While Kakashi, Anko, and Yugao were gone on missions, they spent their free time training, relaxing, and leaving things for him to do. Kakashi had suggested he tried learning under Mikoto, who was an Ex-Anbu Captain, believing he would benefit the most as she had years of experience that could help him grow. This also allowed her to distract herself from everything happening in her life and someone Naruto could go to when he needed help.

"Everything has been quiet, although the idiots of the civilian council continue to spoil my son and try to force me into an arranged marriage so their's more 'Uchihas'. I've been thinking of returning to service after all; being the clan representative is very boring. I can barely stand it when one of the civilian council opens their mouth. Makes me want to cut them in half." She said, disgust evident in her voice, remembering some council meetings. 

"Well, if they cause you some problems, just let me know, and I'll pay them a visit, leaving a few surprises in between," the blonde said, making the Uchiha laugh. After all, he had the reputation of being a prankster of hell. 

"You better tell me when you are going to visit me again. I've been feeling a little lonely these past few days," she said, wanting to play a little with the boy, and laughed at his blush for the double meaning. 'Two can play this game, don't you think,' the blonde hanyou thought. "Oh, my, if I didn't know you any better, I'd say you were asking me on a date, Mikoto-chan," he said, walking over to the raven-haired woman until they were a few inches between them, chuckling as he saw Mikoto blush furiously.

"BB-Well t-that's not ... w-why .. i-i don't..." Mikoto cutely stuttered, making Naruto curse himself for not having a camera at the moment. That's when Naruto noticed the time, making his eyes widen. 

"Crap I'm going to be late even though I don't like leaving a cute girl alone. I have to go. Maybe I'll use one of nee-san's excuses?" he said, amused.

"Well, see you later, Mikoto-chan." he kissed her hand, Something he had picked up from Kakashi and a manners book about how to deal with women. As he started to walk off, his figure became smaller, and he did not notice how the woman placed the hand he kissed at the height of her heart. "See you later, Naruto-kun," Mikoto said to herself, a blush on her cheeks. 


Naruto felt disappointed during his time in the academy. Kakashi had let him know that since the civilians council took over, they had made various reforms lowering the requirements to graduate so more of their kids could pass. By cutting a bunch of classes and building down certain aspects, like they stopped teaching fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu, they focused more on written exams. He shook his head of the thoughts and entered the classroom. Seeing that most of his classmates were civilians, he focused on the few people who came from Konoha clans. 

"Seriously, the last day and the last chance for you to leave," the blonde said coldly with his back to a group of 6 bullies who were behind him when he was in the gates of the academy. "We agreed on something: today is the last chance to give you our 'thanks' for all the other times," said the apparent leader, a boy with fine clothes and a smug face.

"Doesn't he get tired of annoying me, huh?" Naruto replied disdainfully, "I thought that after 4 years of receiving one-sided beatings, I could fix your brains, but it doesn't seem to have worked. Well, they say that in the last attempt, something can change." said the Uzumaki with an amused look on his face. "The other times, you were just lucky because we trusted each other! But today we're all going for real," said the leader, extending his hands towards the rest of the group. "Let's finish it, guys," shouted the subject, receiving a nod from the rest of the group, who headed towards the blonde. 

At that moment, the other five boys ran towards Naruto with clear intentions. The first one to arrive threw a punch towards Naruto's face, which he dodged. At that moment, another boy tried to send a punch with his left hand to the place where Naruto was after dodging the punch.

Only for Naruto to deflect it as the first boy's fist hit the boy in the face, causing him to go against the wall and be left innocent. Before the second boy reacted, Naruto sent a hook to his stomach, knocking all the air out of him and causing him to bend over in pain.

Three kids, seeing they were losing, bent down as they grabbed rocks, throwing them as Naruto dodged them by slowly leaning from side to side. Catching one of the rocks in his hand as he threw it, he deflected two of the rocks that were thrown as they ricocheted to another, finally hitting one in the hand where he was about to throw another rock, leaving them shocked. Someone tried to punch him with a surprise attack only, but Naruto caught it and kicked him in the stomach as he threw it to other kids. Naruto quickly moved and hit the last kid on the neck, knocking him out. Looking them he sighed knowing the council would do a shit show but he intended to become a shinobi so they had no right over him. 

In the trees, a figure was hidden, watching the whole thing as flashbacks appeared only to disappear. As Naruto entered the classroom, he noticed Shikamaru Nara was in the middle row, lying in his place, sleeping, but Naruto noticed his guard was up. Choji Akimichi was next to him, devouring a bag of chips from the leftovers. Naruto could tell it was his fifth or sixth bag. In front of them was Shino Aburame. He was silent and was only listening to the conversation of his partner, Kiba Inuzuka, and above his head was a dog, Akamaru. 

He then looked to the first row, where the venerated loyal Uchiha to Konoha and Mikoto's son Sasuke Uchiha, who had an emo face, was ignoring the girl on his left, Sakura Haruno. Sakura looked depressed, probably because the Uchiha had rejected another of her attempts to ask him on a date.

Naruto then turned back to see Ino Yamanaka talking to Hinata Hyuga about some things. As Naruto walked towards them. "So what's your excuse for being late this time, hmmm?" asked Ino with a stern face. "Umm, I got lost on the road of life," Naruto said this caused Ino and Hinata to face fault, expecting him to make up a rather convincing lie. "You are hanging too much with Kakashi-nee has started to rub off on you," said Hinata. "Yeah, the last thing I want is for you to read his books in public," said Ino, an amused smile on their lips. They remember when Naruto discovered that both Ino and Hinata were spying on him while he trained after hanging out with them.

He did invite them to start training. Even though Ino refused to work out, she stayed with them. While Naruto and Kakashi worked with Hinata on her insecurities, little by little, Hinata started to become more confident. But while they spent time together she started to fall for him and, after learning his past. That admiration only grew as they got closer. She told him, and to her shock, he told her the situation he was in and that if they continued their relationship, it would be kept a secret, which he didn't want. But Hinata agreed with it. On the other hand, Ino had begun to feel jealous of Hinata and Naruto's relationship, but not knowing what it meant, she asked her father. When her father revealed she might like Naruto, she denied it, but something in her told her he was right. After that, she started to change. 

"You know, I just hope we don't get a fangirl on our team that is going to complain about not being with their Sasuke-kun," said a voice they recognized as Kiba walked to them. "While it's improbable, the chances are there," said the monotone voice of Shino. " Oh man, maybe I can show them why I'm better than him and get one to like me," Kiba said excitedly. "That's highly unlikely with your manners," said Shino in a monotone voice, but Naruto noticed the slight amusement in his voice. "SHUT UP, SHINO!" yelled Kiba. 

"Alright, class, settle down now!" Iruka's voice yelled out above the noisy room. As he quickly went through the roll call. Once everyone was present, the two instructors began passing out the written portion of the exams. Naruto noticed Mizuki staring at him as he smelled of snakes. "Something wrong Mizuki-sensei?" he asked, breaking Mizuki out of his thoughts. "Huh, it's nothing important," said Mizuki. He handed Naruto his paper and moved on to others. 'This is just insulting genjutsu' thought Naruto to himself as he continued but decided to let Kakashi know and wait for his answer. 

After an hour had passed, Iruka instructed the class to put down their pencils as Mizuki went around to collect the tests. He scowled as soon as he got to Naruto, seeing the gengutsu he had placed on the paper had been dispelled. Taking the paper, the silver-haired instructor rejoined Iruka and handed him the stack of sheets to grade while the class was dismissed for their first break.

After a short break, the exams resumed with the next part of the tests. The "Academy Three", as it was so endearingly nicknamed. Each student was required to successfully perform a Substitution jutsu, a Transformation jutsu, and Clone jutsu. One by one, each student was called into the next room to demonstrate their ninjutsu techniques.

Soon It was Naruto's turn after hearing his name and receiving a 'Good luck" from Hinata and Ino, The Jinchuriki started walking when he stopped receiving his memories from his clone and having warned Anko and Yugao the previous not happy and told him that she waited long enough and they will do it when he returned making the blonde blush as a little trial of blood ran down his nose But he quickly wiped it and moved forward. 

Entering the room, the blonde stood in front of the two instructors, he could sense Mizukis's anger that his plan didn't work. "Okay, Naruto, do the substitution jutsu!" said Iruka as Naruto replaced himself with a chair in the living room. "Perfect, now perform the transformation jutsu," said Iruka as Mizuki smiled slightly, thinking the boy would fail. That was until Naruto transformed into the third, but with such detail that he thought for a moment that his leader was here. 

"Very well, Naruto. Now perform the clone jutsu." As Iruka said this, Mizuki ever so slightly sent chakra to Naruto, making it hard to control. Naruto's eyes narrowed as he smirked, pushing the dispel sign followed by a cross. Five solid clones appeared, to the shock of both Iruka and Mizuki.

"Na-naruto, that's the shadow clone jutsu. How did you manage to master that jutsu? It's a b-rank jutsu?" asked a stunned Iruka. "Well, it's because of my chakra problem. I just have too much chakra, and even with good control, I wouldn't be able to make a clone, so Anko-chan taught me this jutsu." 

Iruka nodded, accepting the explanation, not knowing that Kakashi had taught it to him after a measure of chakra and hours of chakra control. "Congratulations, Naruto, you passed," said the scarred instructor with a smile, handing the boy his forehead protector. "Thank you, Iruka-Sensei, mizuki-sensei." Naruto bowed as he left.

After finishing the test, Iruka informed the students that those who passed would meet at the academy in 5 days for the team assignments and to present some documents with a photo of them to the Hokage office before the fifth day. Naruto then said goodbye to Hinata and Ino before walking the streets. He had secretly made a dark clone to follow Kakashi's orders. He was walking down the street, heading to his favorite restaurant. As he entered the restaurant, Teuchi came out to greet him.

" Ah, Naruto, it's been a while since you last visited. I was getting worried you found a new place," said Teuchi, making Naruto smile. "How could you think I'll do that to my favorite place, Teuchi-Ojisan?" said the blonde demon with fake pain in his voice. "Besides, I was only absent for a couple of days. After all, I wanted to earn this," he said, pointing to the forehead protector that was in his forehead. Surprising the man who just smiled."

"Congratulations, Naruto. I know you'll make a great ninja," said Teuchi. "Thank you very much, old man," replied Naruto, a bit embarrassed but returning the smile. "By the way, where's Ayame-chan?" asked the Jinchuriki. "She went to drop off some deliveries a while ago, she should be here-" he couldn't finish, as the blonde was on the floor, his daughter on top of him. "Naruto-kun, why haven't you visited us?" said Ayame as she was strangling the blonde in a hug.

"Any second now," said Teuchi with anime-style sweatdrops. "I-I'm glad to see you too, Ayame-chan," said Naruto, his face turning blue. "Ayame, I don't want to interrupt your reunion or anything, but I think it would be better if you didn't kill our best client," Said Teuchi, a little amused as he watched his daughter embarrassed when she noticed their position and almost killed Naruto.

"So when are you going to start having your missions?" Said Ayame, a little sad thinking she wouldn't see him as often. "Kakashi alluded to having to pass a second test then missions," said Naruto, less excited. After which they talked for a while until it started to turn dark. Ayame watched as the boy gradually disappeared from her vision. "You should start being a little bolder with him or else he'll be taken away from you," Teuchi said and laughed at how his daughter's face blushed bright red. He already knew of his daughter's feelings for the redhead. "I-i don't know. What if he rejects me? What if he already has someone else?" asked Ayame, sadness clear in her voice. 

"Ayame, do you think he would do something to hurt you?" That made the girl look at him. "Even if he did have another girl, I'm sure he'll find a way to reciprocate your feelings." This confused the girl. "But if he doesn't, I'll take care of him," he said while he had a fairly large Kitchen knife, making an anime-style sweatdrop out of Ayame.

While he was walking, he met with Yugao, who had just returned from a mission and wanted to spend some time with him before Anko finished work. "So, how does it feel to finally graduate, Naruto-kun?" Yugao asked as she snuggled herself deeper into his hold. Her back resting against his chest as they looked out over the village from the tree branch they were in. 

"Anti-climatic." The blonde hanyou replied with a grin. "I was a little underwhelmed with how easy the final exams were. No testing of taijutsu or genjutsu or accuracy. Just do a written test and perform three easy ninjutsu's and done."

"Blame the civilian council." Yugao snorted, clearly not happy with the current academy curriculum. " After Kurama's attack and the Uchiha Massacre, they started getting more power. One was the shinobi academy. They pushed to make it easier for their kids to pass alongside the shinobi clans." 

The purple-haired Anbu smiled happily, a bright smile on her face since it was the time when she could relax and truly let her guard down, something that made her happy. Not having to battle for her life or avoid Hayate and his advances. 

Feeling his mate's happiness, Naruto tightened his hug and placed a kiss on the base of her neck. Just where his mark was located on her, which caused the purple-haired beauty to shudder. As the two enjoyed each other's company, a movement off to the right caught their eye, causing the blonde hanyou to quirk his eyebrow.

"Well, that isn't something you see every day." He commented as both of them stood up, watching an orange figure with a large scroll on his back jump through the trees. 

"Naruto-kun, you didn't tell me you were stealing the Scroll of Seals." The purple hair ANBU jested."I wanted to surprise myself." He replied with a grin. "Anyways, we should probably stop me. You go inform the Hokage." 

Yugao quickly nodded as she disappeared in a swirl of purple leafs while Naruto heard the voice of the Shinigami wanting his soul and for him to make it a dark soldier.

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