Naruto: The Boogie Woogie Shinobi

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Training Sensor Ability

The lessons had begun to pile up. Between his samurai training, etiquette lessons, and private studies, Kenta's schedule was already packed. But now, with his newly awakened sensory abilities, another addition had been made—sensory training with a Konoha Yamanaka jonin named Inoru.

Inoru was a tall, lean man with a calm, almost ethereal presence. His blond hair, a signature of the Yamanaka clan, was tied neatly at the back of his neck, and his sharp blue eyes seemed to pierce straight through people. He spoke in a measured tone, as if every word had been carefully considered before leaving his lips. Well considering he was speaking to the Damiyo's Grandson, his boss boss's grandson, he was right to do so.

When Kenta first met him, Inoru had studied him for a long moment before smiling faintly. "So, you're the young master with the potential of a natural sensor. It's an honor to train you."

Kenta grinned, folding his arms. "Let's skip the formalities, Sensei. I just want to learn how to control this thing so my brain doesn't explode."

Inoru chuckled. "Straightforward. I like that. Very well, let's begin."

The first lesson was purely theoretical. Inoru led Kenta to a quiet courtyard on the estate, where they sat cross-legged on the grass.

"Let's start with the basics," Inoru said. "Every shinobi, in theory, has the potential to become a sensor. With enough chakra control and practice, they can learn to sense the chakra signatures of others. However, there's a key difference between natural sensors like us and those who develop the skill artificially."

Kenta tilted his head, intrigued. "What's the difference?"

"For non-natural sensors," Inoru explained, "sensing requires deliberate effort. They must perform specific hand signs to activate their sensory abilities and close their eyes to enhance their focus. It's a conscious, chakra-intensive process that takes time to master. They also have a small range and they have to train to increase that range."

"Sounds tedious," Kenta said, smirking.

Inoru nodded. "It is. But for natural sensors, the ability comes instinctively. We don't need hand signs or any conscious activation—it's simply there, like a sixth sense. Our bodies are attuned to chakra in a way that allows us to sense it without effort."

"So we're basically the naturals, and they're the try-hards," Kenta said, earning a small laugh from Inoru.

"That's one way to put it," Inoru said, smiling. "However, natural sensors aren't invincible. While we don't need hand signs, our abilities can be overwhelming, as you've already experienced. And while we can sense chakra instinctively, fine-tuning that ability takes just as much training and discipline as it does for non-natural sensors to learn the basics."

Inoru gestured for Kenta to stand and led him to the center of the courtyard. "Now, let's talk about the 'bubble' you've been using to manage your sensory abilities. What you're actually creating is a chakra field—a space around you where your sensory perception is most focused."

Kenta furrowed his brow. "Wait, so this bubble is basically me extending my chakra?"

"Not quite," Inoru said. "For non-natural sensors, creating a chakra field would require them to actively extend their chakra and maintain control over it. That's why it's so chakra-intensive for them. But for us natural sensors, the field exists automatically. It's not something we consciously create—it's just part of who we are."

"So I'm not wasting chakra by keeping it up?" Kenta asked.

"Exactly," Inoru said. "Your chakra field is a passive ability. However, the range of that field depends on your sensory capabilities and how much you've trained to handle the input."

Kenta nodded, starting to piece it together. "So the reason I reduced my field to one meter was to avoid sensory overload, right? If I expand it too quickly, my brain gets overwhelmed."

"Correct," Inoru said. "Think of your current sensory range as a muscle. Hypothetically, Right now, your maximum range is around one kilometer, but you've reduced it to one meter to avoid overexerting that muscle. To strengthen it, you need to gradually increase the range of your field and adapt to the additional input."

Inoru raised a hand, motioning for Kenta to close his eyes. "Let's begin with a simple exercise. Right now, your field is limited to one meter. I want you to expand it to two meters. Focus on the area around you and gradually push the edges of your awareness outward."

Kenta closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He concentrated on the faint sensations within his bubble—the gentle rustle of leaves, the warmth of the sun on his skin, and the faint presence of Inoru standing nearby.

Slowly, he imagined the bubble growing, stretching outward to encompass the courtyard. The process was subtle but taxing, like stretching a muscle he hadn't used in years.

"Good," Inoru said, his voice steady. "Now hold it there. Don't try to go further just yet—let your mind adjust to the new range."

Kenta furrowed his brow, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he maintained the expanded field. The influx of new information was disorienting at first, but as he focused on each sensation one at a time, the chaos began to settle.

After a few minutes, Inoru placed a hand on Kenta's shoulder. "That's enough for now. Shrink your field back to one meter and rest."

Kenta exhaled, letting the bubble contract until it was back to its original size. He opened his eyes, blinking against the sunlight. "Man, that was harder than I thought."

"Of course," Inoru said. "You're training your mind to handle more sensory input than it's used to. It's not something that happens overnight. But with practice, you'll be able to expand your field to two meters, then three, and so on. Eventually, your full range will become second nature, and you'll no longer need to restrict yourself to avoid overload."

As Kenta listened, a grin spread across his face. The possibilities of his sensory abilities were starting to click in his mind.

'This is huge,' he thought. 'Most sensors have to rely on hand signs and intense concentration just to sense what's nearby. But me? I can do it without even trying. And if I can train my range, I'll be able to sense people and objects from miles away.'

The implications for his Boogie Woogie technique were staggering.

Inoru watched Kenta's reaction with a faint smile. "I see you're starting to understand the value of what you've been given. But remember, Kenta, power without control is meaningless. If you want to master your sensory abilities, you'll need patience and discipline."

Kenta nodded, his grin softening into a determined expression. "Don't worry, Sensei. I'll put in the work."

Inoru chuckled. "Good. Because once you've mastered this, no one will be able to hide from you—not even the best of shinobi."

-----Author Notes---------

Thankyou Teched Dragon 935 for supporting me!

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