Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Clap and Boom
The celebration continued in full force inside the grand halls of the Fire Daimyō's estate. The nobles prattled on about trade, taxation, and who had the most luxurious silk robes, while Kenta—birthday boy and certified future shinobi—was bored out of his mind.
He had endured hours of mind-numbing noble conversations, listened to insincere praises, and even had to force a smile when some overperfumed noblewoman pinched his cheek and called him "such a cute little lord." That last one nearly made him commit a crime.
And so, deciding he had suffered enough, Kenta slipped away from the banquet hall, moving past servants and guards unnoticed. Well, unnoticed by anyone who mattered. If some guard saw him, they probably just assumed he needed fresh air or was off to do something dignified, like contemplating politics under the moonlight.
Nope. He just wanted to be anywhere but here.
The garden was a masterpiece of beauty and serenity. Cherry blossom trees swayed gently in the night breeze, lanterns lined the stone pathways, and the soft trickle of a koi pond filled the air. It was to be expected as the Garden belonged to the strongest politician in all of elemental nations.
Kenta walked leisurely, hands behind his head, smirking as he mocked the nobles in his mind.
'Lord Hoshida says Konoha should be taxed more for using our land. Yeah, great idea, genius. Let's rob our own military of resources, I'm sure that won't backfire at all. I am pretty sure that he would be the first one to complain about bandits raiding roads near his city and Konoha not doing their work properly.'
'Lady Kimiko spent half an hour talking about how her son's calligraphy is a work of art. Pretty sure I saw a scribble more artistic than that on a bathroom wall.'
'And don't even get me started on Lord Takada. The man has more rings on his fingers than he has brain cells. The idiot wants to start trade with Suna who have been raiding our borders recently. Well, Just a few years before Suna officially declares war on Konoha. Not that it matters since the second shinobi war had already started.'
Kenta sighed dramatically. "You know, Naruto was so lucky, he did n't have to deal with these people and still became the Hokage."
"Tch, lucky bastard," Kenta muttered as he kicked a pebble along the pathway.
His thoughts were interrupted as he suddenly felt it.
A presence entered his sensory range, moving fast towards him. Too fast for someone simply taking a polite stroll in the garden or someone wanting to talk to him.
Now a normal seven year old kid would be scared of the situation or clueless about what was going to happen. But Kenta was a seasoned martial artist who had fought multiple times for his life in the underground fighting ring in his previous life.
Kenta's instincts sharpened instantly. His body tensed, and his feet adjusted into a defensive stance without conscious thought.
Then, he saw the figure.
Dressed in all black, moving with deadly precision, and gripping a kunai.
'An assassin.'
Coming straight for him.
Kenta didn't even hesitate.
The assassin lunged at him, kunai aimed for his throat, but Kenta was faster and was an expert in disarming opponents with weapons.
With a swift step to the side, he dodged effortlessly, grabbing the assassin's wrist mid-motion. A quick twist, a sharp pull—and the kunai was wrenched out of the attacker's grip.
Before the assassin could react, Kenta flipped the weapon in his own hand and drove his elbow hard into the attacker's stomach. Even though he was just a seven year old, he had trained his body physically for more than a year now and well, a punch to the gut hurts everyone.
A muffled grunt escaped from the masked figure as he staggered backward, eyes wide in shock.
Kenta twirled the kunai between his fingers lazily, looking at his stunned opponent with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, well, well," Kenta drawled. "Grandpa really needs to improve his security. I mean, if some nobody can just waltz in and attack his grandson, someone's getting fired and maybe even executed."
'Seriously though, It would be an insult to the Daimyô if an assassin just attacked his grandson in his own estate. And judging from the way this guy moved, he is a shinobi. Hiruzen is going to get an earful from gramps too for his shinobi not doing their job properly.'
The assassin said nothing, merely regaining his footing and eyeing Kenta warily.
Kenta tapped his chin, pretending to be deep in thought.
"Serious question—did you at least sneak in dramatically? You know, crawling through a vent, flipping past guards? Or did you just bribe a drunk servant?"
"Not a talker, huh? Okay, new question—what's your goal? Are you here to kill me? Kidnap me? Or did my brother send you because I stole his dessert last week?"
Still nothing.
Kenta sighed. "Man, I hate it when assassins are all broody and silent. Like, at least give me a villain monologue!"
The assassin suddenly moved.
But not towards Kenta.
He was retreating or rather running away.
Kenta narrowed his eyes as he saw something glint in the hands on the assassin.
"So that's your plan?" he muttered under his breath.
As the assassin reached the edge of the garden, he suddenly spun around and threw several kunai.
Kenta's sharp eyes instantly caught the glint of explosion tags attached to them.
A deafening explosion lit up the night, fire and smoke engulfing the garden.
But when the flames cleared—it wasn't Kenta who had been caught in the blast.
It was the assassin.
Or rather, the assassin had unknowingly switched places with Kenta just before the explosion.
The killer was blown to bits before he even realized what had happened.
Kenta stood completely unharmed at the edge of the garden on top of the estate's wall.
"Ahh, classic rookie mistake," he mused, shaking his head. "Never attack someone *
smarter than you."
He looks towards the banquet hall, stretching his arms as if he had just gone for a casual walk rather than survive an assassination attempt.
"Well, that was fun. Guess I should head back before Grandpa gets suspicious."
With a final glance at the burning remains of the attacker, Kenta looked below the 30m wall "Now would be a good time for someone to come and rescue me?"
----------Author Notes---------
Thankyou AfroSamuraii for supporting me!
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