Naruto: The Life Changer

Chapter 59: Chapter:59 shuriken

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Naruto deployed his Kaiten Shuriken and was pleased to see that the level up that the skill had undergone had increased the range from four meters to five. Yay. Less chance of being attacked while using the jutsu!

It was close, but his clones just and no more succeeded in killing the three moles before the time limit expired, with 00:01 left on the clock.

You have successfully defeated the minions of [Mogera Wogura] within the time limit! It returns to the field exactly as it was when it left!

The rumbling ground told Naruto that the oversized Chakra Mutant was going to make his grand entrance soon. He pulled his Clones back so they wouldn't be crushed by the Boss when he popped out of his hole.

When that happened, the towering tunneller was met by a hail of kunai, shuriken and stone spears that set it yowling in pain. In response, it sent another boulder at Naruto and his clones.

It took another two gruelling hors to kill the mole, but when it did, Naruto felt exultation. That was not a particularly hard fight, but it was a test of his stamina, which immediately made him grateful for the quirk that gave him a sufficiently high amount of STA.

[Grinding Grand Mole] X3 Defeated! You Gain 750 EXP!

Field Boss [Mogera Wogura, the Massive Mole] Defeated! You Gain 1200 EXP!

Your level has gone up by one. 6 - 7.

You have five Attribute Points to spend.

[Secondary Doton Affinity] has levelled up! 2 - 3!

[Natural Fūton Affinity] has levelled up! 1 - 2!

[Doton: Gansetsukon no Jutsu] has levelled up! 2 - 3!

"Whew…that is a lot of levelling up today." Naruto whistled slightly, impressed by the amount of skills that had levelled up, "Gotta get more Fūton jutsu though…on to the best part! Loot!"

He delegated his clones to sorting through and gathering the loot from the three [Grinding Grand Moles] while he dealt with the Boss Loot Drop personally, the corpses having dissolved to nothing while he read the notification window.

Trotting over to the pile that was just at the edge of the molehill, Naruto grinned at the cash that was sitting there. He grabbed it and put it in his inventory's money section.

You have gained 10000 Ryo!

"That'll help pay the rent!" the blond orphan muttered before turning his attention to the scrolls, of which there were three. He grabbed one.

[You have acquired the 'Doton: Dangan no Jutsu' Scroll]

Would you like to learn this?


"Huh…'Earth Style: Rock Bullet Jutsu' is it?" Naruto mused, "Why not? It'll be nice to have a heavy hitting Jutsu up my sleeve."

Hitting the 'Y' button, he watched in fascination as the paper and ink scroll dissolved into blue light before being absorbed into his chest. No matter how many times he saw that, he never got tired of seeing it.

[Doton: Dangan no Jutsu] (Active) [LV1, 00.00 EXP]

By slamming their hand or foot on the ground after completing the handsigns, the user can send a large boulder or menhir at the opponent. As this jutsu only requires two handsigns, it can be performed quickly. The drawback is its short range and slow speed, although these are somewhat improved upon at higher levels.

- Actively sends a menhir/boulder at the opponent up to 3 metres away, causing 50 points of damage plus an additional 10 points for every level of [Secondary Doton Affinity] you possess (MAX 10 levels).

- The difference between a menhir and a boulder is purely cosmetic and is entirely up to the user during the handsign sequence.

Handsigns: Horse - Monkey.

Costs 50 CP/per use.

"Huh…needs to be levelled up before it'll be of use in combat…but it's cool." Naruto judged.

For making an accurate judgement, you receive +1 WIS!

"I swear I am going to hurt whoever sends these messages!" he growled with a tick mark on his head, "Yeah, I'm not all that smart, but I'm not stupid, damn it!"

Shaking his head and muttering invectives under his breath, he grabbed the second scroll, which turned out to be a Crafting Recipe for a [Moleskin Jacket]. Not exactly useful, but it would be cool to make. Finally, he turned his attention to the last scroll.

[You have acquired the 'Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu' Scroll]

Would you like to learn this?


"'Hiding Like a Mole Jutsu'?" Naruto quoted doubtfully before hitting the 'Y' button, "Well…why not? At least it can't hurt to see what it can do."

[Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu] (Active) [LV1, 00.00]

Rumoured to have been created in -and is used extensively in- Iwagakure no Sato, the Hiding Like a Mole Technique allows one to change earth to sand by channelling chakra into it, thus allowing the user to dig through it in a similar manner to a mole. The chakra field covers the entire body and no more. The sand can be made to revert to earth after the user travels far enough away from it, leaving no sign that the user has passed by. The user can still tell where they are through the use of magnetic fields.

- The user can actively sink into and travel through earth and soil at walking speed.

- The user can actively track their position via magnetic fields, triangulating their position relative to anything attached to the earth, within a maximum range of ten meters.

Handsigns: Dog - Monkey - Boar.

Costs 40 CP/per minute.

"Cool. I can think of more than a few ways to kick ass with this jutsu, even though I can't exactly attack with it." Naruto cackled as his mind explored all the possibilities, "Now, what else is there…?"

Aside from a truckload of [Cured Moleskins], there was only one other thing left behind, a note.

"To the Shinobi who defeated [Mogera Wogura],

If you are reading this note, then you have defeated the second Field Boss, a commendable achievement.

Do not get cocky, however. The boss in the next field is stronger than the [Berserk Fox Squirrel] and [Mogera Wogura] put together. I would recommend acquiring a weapon other than kunai and shuriken before you confront him.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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