Chapter 68: Chapter:68
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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The boy turned to see Iruka jogging towards him and Naruto grinned. "Hey there Iruka-sensei! What's up?"
"Hokage-sama told me about what you found in Training Ground 13." the Chunin-sensei replied quietly, "He also told me you'd be going to Higurashi's to see if it could make the weapons you want, so I decided to come along with you to make sure no one tries to steal it from you."
"Thanks Iruka-sensei!" Naruto was grateful for this. He doubted that anyone other than the Hokage, himself and Iruka-sensei knew about the chakra metal ingot, but better safe than sorry.
As they walked along, Iruka congratulated him on doing so well against Sasuke.
"You've been practicing hard." the scarred man said with a smile.
Naruto chuckled and grinned proudly. "You know it!"
Then he frowned. "Thing is, I can only do so much just practicing kata. What should I do?"
"You could try sparring with your Iwa Bunshin." Iruka pointed out.
Facepalming, the blond boy muttered, "Why the hell didn't I think of that?"
"To be fair, it isn't something most people think of." Iruka said with a small smile, "While more robust than most Clone Jutsu, Iwa Bunshin are still very fragile compared with a flesh and blood opponent, and most Chunin-level Shinobi can easily defeat one. For Academy Students and Genin though, it ought to be good practice."
"Thanks for the tip, Iruka-sensei." Naruto said as they came upon the Higurashi Weapons Shop.
As seemed to be usual for when Naruto turned up, Tenten was sitting behind the counter polishing a weapon, this time a nodachi.
"Hey Naruto, Iruka-sensei." Tenten greeted them, "Whatcha need?"
"Did Aisaka-san come in two days ago?" Naruto asked nervously.
"Yup." the bun-haired girl nodded with a small scowl, "She told me everything about how my baby was broken. Ohhhhh, Kawashima is in for one hell of a lecture when I see her next!"
"Someone broke one of your weapons, Tenten?" Iruka asked, wincing as the steely eyes of the girl locked on him and the kunoichi nodded once, "Yeesh. I kind of feel sorry for her. And angry that she broke a masterpiece of a weapon."
The last part was added rather quickly as Tenten narrowed her eyes at her former teacher dangerously. Naruto was rather thankful he was on her good side.
"Anyway," Tenten said, abruptly reverting to her previous good mood, "As thanks for helping me out, Kaa-san and Oyaji said they're giving you a small discount on anything inside the shop whenever you come here. It isn't much, but I hope it's alright as thanks."
"Th-thanks!" Naruto replied in shock. He'd never gotten a permanent discount at any shop before!
[Quest Completed!]
A Broken Blade can still Cut!: You have helped diffuse and resolve the matter of the destruction of the Tantō Toradora.
Quest Completion Reward: +1000 Reputation with Higurashi Tenten, 5% Discount when shopping at [Higurashi Weapons and Ninja Apparels], +750 Reputation with Higurashi Kanae, +750 Reputation with Higurashi Tatsuhiko, +1000 Reputation with [Higurashi Weapons and Ninja Apparels].
'Not bad. That puts me just 500 Reputation from moving from 'Friendly' to 'Well-Liked' with Tenten.' Naruto thought as he drew the ingot scroll out of his pocket.
"Are your parents around? I have something they might want to see." he told her.
"Another weapon?" Tenten asked curiously.
"Nope. You'll see soon though." Naruto grinned foxily.
Eyeing Naruto suspiciously, Tenten headed off to get her parents.
"I'm looking forward to how she'll react to this." Naruto whispered to Iruka.
"You are such a prankster, Naruto." Iruka said with mock-sternness, a glint in his eyes showing that he too was looking forward to the weapon-crazy girl's reaction to this.
"Meh. If you've got it…" Naruto shrugged.
"Ah, Uzumaki-san." Tatsuhiko called as he led the way back into the room, "What is it that you need me to see?"
Naruto gulped as Tatsuhiko loomed over him. Man, he was big!
Behind him, Kanae rolled her eyes at her husband's antics and smacked the back of his head sharply with one hand. "Anata, he's here to show us something, not ask for our daughter's hand in marriage, so stop your shenanigans."
"Kaa-san!" Tenten whined in embarrassment, a light dusting of pink appearing on her cheeks.
"Was there really a need to smack me over the head?" the man of the house grumbled, "Domestic abuse, this is!"
"A big strong man like you, bullied by a small and delicate thing like me? Surely not!" Kanae teased, making Naruto and Iruka snicker at the larger man's discomfort.
"Women! Well, you two clowns can laugh it up all you want, but you'll be on this side of the fence one day!" the Weaponsmith grumbled, "Then you'll regret not showing sympathy to me, mark my words! Anyway, what is it you would like to show my wife and me, Uzumaki-san?"
"this." Naruto said as he unrolled the storage scroll and unsealed the ingot of chakra metal, anticipating the reactions of the family of smiths.
He wasn't disappointed.
Tenten took one look at the metal and almost fainted. Her parents were more restrained, but their eyes bulging out and slightly agape expressions were priceless.
"Ch-chakra metal…" Kanae croaked out, "How…where…?"
"I killed a huge chakra mutated mole and found this in its burrow." Naruto shrugged.
"This…it has to be highly purified." Tatsuhiko murmured, touching the ingot with a trembling finger.
"There's a stamp on the back that says it's 990.90 pure…is that good?" Naruto asked.
"That's…just about as pure as you can get with chakra metal." the smith gulped, "I take it you wish me to forge a weapon for you?"
"First, can you forge a kodachi and a pair of tantō from that ingot?" Naruto enquired.
"With this much chakra metal, I could make three full-sized katana, so yes." Tatsuhiko replied.
"What will you do with the leftover metal?" Kanae asked.
"Well…I doubt that having you make the blades will be cheap, right?" Naruto asked.
"It will cost thousands of Ryo." the smith confirmed, "It will still be cheaper than it would otherwise be because you are supplying a large amount of the materials."
"Then you can have the rest of the metal as payment." Naruto said with a shrug.
There was a gasp from Tenten at that. "Naruto, that's…!"
"Are you certain?" Tatsuhiko asked, "Selling the remaining metal to a merchant would more than pay for your weapons and leave you a comfortable nest egg for emergencies."
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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