Naruto: The Shadow Game System.

Chapter 17: CH-17:)

Lee's eyes went wide, "a-are you serious?"

I nodded, "yeah, go look it up if you don't believe me."

Lee's eyes shined, "a ninja who used only taijutsu? Amazing."

I shrugged, "yeah. And his son's the same, Mighty Gai, some say he's the greatest taijutsu user of all time. Maybe you should ask him to train you?"

"Do you think he would?" Lee asked with hope in his voice. I shrugged, "maybe, I don't know, I'm sure if you ask him he would-"


Lee bolted away into the streets of Konoha screaming, 'Gai-sensei! Teach me!' I blinked, guess he was weirdo even before Gai met him. I looked around at the now empty training field and saw all the equipment just lying around. If I'm going to exercise I can't use weights, I'm too young. But...stamina can always use a boost.

So with a dreadful sight I began to run laps around the academy training yard. I kept going until it got dark outside, I lost count of how many rounds I went, I instead kept track by counting how many stat points I earned, the total came up to 2.

You have gained +1 VIT! You have gained +1 VIT! VIT- 6 Not bad for a day's work, though I'm sure next time I do this I'll gain only one stat point and the time after that none at all.

I made it back to the orphanage that night and did what I usually would, eat while eavesdropping before going to bed and watching the orphanage gates close for the night.

I took another leaf and began my chakra control exercises once again, taking out my history book and reading it. I had much less light this time, it was a very dark night, honestly would it kill these people to get a few candles? Then again I suppose they are strapped for cash as it is.


Your skill has leveled up!

Leaf concentration exercise, Lv- 8 (5%) By keeping a leaf stuck on your forehead thanks to chakara you now only help with your chakra control exercise but also improve your concentration.

Uses: 16 CP per minute Leaves to hold up- 2 +1 INT while active +1 CC permanent bonus per level Ping!

You gained +1 CC!

CC- 15 I smiled, this was going well for me.

I spent a better part of the night reading the history book, but eventually I got bored. So I opened my inventory and tossed my book inside, and decided I might as well learn something about using a kunai, so I took out the book about ninja tools and the one kunai I had. I opened the book to the chapter about the bladed weapon and began to read it holding the weapon up to the dull moonlight seeing how ti shined in the light.

I groaned, I'm no expert, but the weapon looked at little dull. I quickly observed it;

Kunai, E class time A standard weapon for a ninja, a kunai can be used in a variety of different ways in combat.

DMG: 5 I blinked while it was too bad it wasn't all that great either. I man just 5 health points? Sure it could kill me no problem, a ninja? This thing was way too weak. Bu I suppose if I stabbed someone in the eye with it then I would land a critical hit.

I quickly reread the book and went to the part about maintenance. I took out an old shirt of mine, something I couldn't wear anymore, and used the cloth to polish the kunai. After which I began to sharpen the blade on my stone window sill. It wasn't a proper wet stone, but it was the best I had at hand.

I did my best at making sure I didn't damage the blade's edge and when I made to sharpen the other side something happened;


A skill has leveled up!

Maintenance, Lv- 4 (2%) Maintaining something is just as important as owning it.

+5% bonus to all items you maintain (clean, polish oil) for whatever their use is Bonus lasts for 35 minutes I blinked, the same skill I gained when washing dishes was applicable for maintaining weapon? Of course, it made sense, it didn't specify only dishes can be used for this too. Immediately I observed my kunai again;

Kunai, E class time

A standard weapon for a ninja, a kunai can be used in a variety of different ways in combat.

DMG: 5.25HP (+0.25 Maintenance bonus for 34:56 minutes)

Holy shit, it got stronger! That means….oh my God. If I level up my maintenance skill by washing dishes, I could fucking make a simple kunai, which does only 5 DMG, do 10 DMG! Granted it's not much, but if I had a real weapon, like a sword, then I could possibly double its attack power!

This definitely warranted further exploration!

After polishing the kunai as best I could I put it away and returned to my weapons book. I read up on how to use a kunai in battle and how to hold it. Needless to say I was itching to try it out.

The next day morning I walked up the matron and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and narrowed her eyes looking at me, "what do you want Yami? I'm very busy."

"Can I wash all the dishes?" I asked her.

Her eyes went wide, she definitely wasn't expecting this from me, "w-what? Why?"

"I feel like it," I told her as a shrug, "I want to wash all the dishes, please."

The woman blinked, "but why do you want to do that Yami?"

I shrugged, "I just feel like it. Can I?"

She looked a little taken back, "w-well I suppose-" I nodded and gave her a little bow, "-thank you." I then went into the kitchen and began to do the dishes as fast a I could, I need to be on time for school. I noticed Ksme in the edge of my vision, looking at me curiously, I guess she wants to know why I'm acting so selflessly. Heh, as if.

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