Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Chapter 2: The New World

Arriving at a clearing in a forest where you can see targets posted in the distance, and a lake fed by a waterfall with a small pier as well. A private training grounds Yoriichi set up for his lessons, the boys lay their eyes on Yoriichi's teacher. She was a beautiful red-haired woman, with a little baby bump. Her usually warm smile is currently replaced with huffing and scowling. She had definitely been kept waiting too long. Her tapping foot had him extra nervous, she might greet him with a fist.

'Looks like she sent Toph and Yami away, she's really pissed! I guess it's time look cute' Yoriichi prepares himself to face his teacher's wrath.

'Hmm she is indeed one of those red haired clan members, the Uzumaki Yoriichi called them.' Benimaru surmises.

"Teacher you look lovely today, how are you on this fine afternoon?" Says Yoriichi doing his best to look like a sweet and innocent little child.

"We've already seen each other today Yorichii, and you said my hair was messy!!!" His teacher roars ready to hit him again.

"Teacher, I was overcome with worry for my adorable baby brother." Says Yoriichi showing her Benimaru. "I couldn't bear to be apart from him for so long! You can't blame me for being worried about him."

"Your Brother is not a reason to be rud—wait you brought him with you? Let me see!" She starts to lecture then gets distracted when she sees the baby. All of her earlier aggressiveness melts away as she coddles Benimaru.

'So he must have said something rude and got beaten up. Now he's using me as an excuse!' Benimaru thinks embarrassed by his brother's shameless antics, he was a real piece of work. But he did have more confirmation on his brother's earlier words. A red-haired master with a lot of energy. 'She does seem to be like one of them, and I can feel the chakra from here,' the baby thinks to himself.

"Awwww he's so cute!!" Says Kushina as she takes him from Yo's arms. Yoriichi and Benimaru have to endure a few minutes of baby talk before she remembers she's an adult again. "How old is he? Why are your parents allowing him to be out with just you? Where are they for that matter?" Kushina barrages him with questions.

'Yes, I am positive. Hyperactive walking balls of chakra. She is definitely one of them. My brother wasn't speaking nonsense.' The spiritual hypersensitivity Benimaru developed in his last life works even still as a newborn. It was innate to him now, not like a kekkei genkai or secret technique but like something branded on his very soul. This ability gave him an abundance of spiritual energy, he was almost overflowing with it. It also allows him to use it to sense his surroundings, and the technique could go unnoticed by even the best of sensors!

"He's my baby brother, he'll be fine for a little while. He can learn my breathing if I hold him more. Also, Dad's drunk, possibly going crazy right now, Mom she didn't..." He stops talking and looks at her.

"No…how could that have happened? I don't understand, were there complications? She was perfectly healthy when I last saw her." Kushina inquires, with the current level of the village's medical science deaths from childbirth shouldn't be all that common. Besides she had seemed to be in good health during her pregnancy.

'What is wrong with this woman? A woman died in labor? Is it unusual now?' Benimaru wonders.

"She was fine physically but together, sadly he and I were to much on her mentally. She had collapsed a couple of times prior to his birth because of lack of harmony in spirit and body. From what I understand it was because me and little Beni here were extra taxing births."

"Oh I'm sorry little Yo." His teacher comforts him as best she could. She's heard of this situation before, women with too little spiritual energy giving birth to babies with excessive spiritual energy. The child's added energy overwhelms the mother and becomes toxic to her body. It is called spirit deterioration. Usually it can be prevented, but Yo's spirit energy is at a horrifying level, so she doubts this younger brother of his was much different.

'Ahh so she died of excessive yin energy? So why did no one use the Yin-yang Balance technique? Wait do they not know it?' Benimaru ponders on what was all lost to the ages. At first it was conjecture then thinking of what he's heard, and knowing the drunk scary man would do anything for his wife. It seems he did not know to balance the Yin with Yang!'

"It's okay I'll go to the pure land one day when I'm strong enough." Yoriichi says in an calm tone.

'Oh Yo, don't go down this path' Kushina thinks to herself.

'Does he really believe he can travel to the afterlife?' Benimaru notes the outlandish statement his brother just issued.

"Don't look at me like that teacher, I'm not talking about dying or anything like that. That's insane! I can go visit and come back, when I'm strong enough. This sword will allow me to travel to her! I haven't done it yet but, I can just tell that I'll be able to." Yoriichi says with an smile, but not his usual one this one brimming with unbridled confidence. No one missed the smile not even Beni. "Oops doing it again!" He says covering his mouth.

'So the brat hides immense arrogance in that little body! He must truly be capable of something extraordinary to be so proud of his abilities.' Benimaru notes.

"Yo, you know I've told you how dangerous it can be to overestimate yourself. I admire your confidence, but it can very well backfire on you." Kushina says while smiling at how embarrassed he is. Now he looks like a pure little kid, the always smiling boy who she can't read is a little creepy.

"Time for your lessons Yoriichi." She says seriously. She pulls out a scroll and says "release." Then with a poof from the scroll a table and calligraphy set appear.

"Yes teacher" he responds, quickly regaining his composure. He makes a shadow clone to study fuinjustu, while his main body takes the yawning Benimaru home.


Later after arriving in the Uchiha clan compound, Yo takes little Benimaru to his uncle's house to talk while Benimaru rests in a crib set up for Sasuke's arrival. After a short chat with Fugaku, the Uchiha clan patriarch's generally stoic look is replaced with anger.

"Alright Uncle I'm going to practice," Yo announces after making sure his brother was comfortable. "See ya later little Benimaru."

Benimaru takes time to consider all that he's learned about his new life. 'Okay what do I know so far;' One, I am an Uchiha, which are my own families descendants who posses the sharingan. Two, this leaf village seems to be inclusive like the ninja sect with a few benefits tossed to family clans. Three, my father may want to kill me. Four, my elder brother in this life may also have lived another life as well with knowledge of our world's past and present…there may be more to this rebirth than I thought.'

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