Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Chapter 20: Ch. 20 The moment for which the stars have been aligned

"Base? Zodiac? What are you talking about?" The third hokage asks the boys who are oozing with anticipation for this new development. "Are these "Zodiac" meant to be a method of dealing with the hollows?"

"It's not what we had in mind, but it's what happened…" Kojiro says considering hollows running rampant were a newer development. However, thanks to Yo, the Shinsengumi were the most equipped to fight them.

"Well are you going to explain what they are?" Fugaku asks, it's clear he is as equally interested as the others.

"Heheheh, not what. Who. The zodiac are the stars that have been aligned to illuminate the night." Yo answers feeling profound, though that explanation told them nothing. "They-

"Enough with the long winded parables boy!" Danzo voices his frustration. "What do you know about the hollows!?! How do we confront them? And how do you know it?!"

Yo just looks at him with a sour face. "Always ruining something…that's why no one likes you… ole' shriveled up dusty racist ass…" He mumbles pouting and walking away. "I don't want to tell it now."

"What was that brat?!" Danzo yells.

"We're not here to argue with children Danzo, show some maturity" Homura cuts in before something excessive was said.

"Bah!" Danzo also turns away dismissively but still stays within earshot of the conversation. Though they don't like the guy much, both Fugaku and Kushina can relate to how frustrating Yoriichi can be. Still, it's actually kind of funny when it's not you he's making fun of. Naruto and Sasuke were barely holding back laughs.

"Kojiro what do the two of you have in mind for dealing with the hollows?" Homura continues, disregarding that childish display.

Kojiro just shakes his head with a chuckle, taking over the explanation. "The Shinsengumi. Yo and I have developed combat techniques that turned out to be particularly effective against the hollows. Since it turned out this way, I've been building the organization into an anti-hollow force to protect the entire land of fire."

"I see, that is quite the undertaking," Hiruzen says stroking his beard. "These anti- hollow techniques, will you share them with the village? It would be a great help to both the village and the land of fire if more people could use them." He asks the boy straight out.

"Will you kill the Hollows for free? My group is dedicated to the people's protection, so if you're willing to allow your ninja to work for free I don't mind. The Shinsengumi are all volunteers anyways. We serve everyone in the land of fire, not just those who can pay a fee." Kojiro replied just as seriously.

"What techniques do you even have to give, Koji-kun? You know I taught you all of that besides posture." Yoriichi chimes from the side.

"Hahaha! Are you really comparing me to these children who can only follow the leader? Only the zodiacs know your techniques, the rest of the Shinsengumi practice my second original technique. Don't hold me to the shallow standards you've placed on me, I will take the title of greatest swordsman with my own two hands!" Kojiro explained as his body started to emit buzzing noise and his spirit energy flowed out in a new manner.

"What's this?" Yoriichi asks genuinely unaware of what he was seeing.

"This is my souls frequency. Everyone has a soul, and each soul vibrates at its own tempo or rhythm. At proper frequencies the output of spiritual energy a person can produce is increased, and of course you can manipulate the excess energy that is produced. The first thing you have to do is to find your own frequency and then learn to read that of those around you."

"The way of souls communication with the natural world…" Yoriichi speculates realizing that Kojiro really has made something new, at least to this world. He is using the fundamentals of soul resonance, though it's not yet complete. It's scary to think this is his second innovation that has completely changed the status quo of invincible bloodlines in this world. 'From the bottom my heart acknowledge you, Kojiro' Yo concludes to himself.

"How'd you know?" Kojiro asks turning to Yo.

"I can probably do it too!" Yo teases.

"I don't doubt it, but not as good as I can." Kojiro teases back.

"Let's test it out," Yo challenges.

"Ahem, we were in the middle of a discussion gentlemen." The third interrupts the two of them.

"Ah, right. Well you heard the man! Help us do our work and we'll make sure you're equipped to do it." Yo surmises Kojiro's answer as bluntly as possible. "No handouts."

'Are these brats giving us an ultimatum?' Danzo thinks steaming. He starts to say something when Hiruzen answer's

"Fair enough, we'll find people who want to help and send them to you as soon as possible." The third hokage answers straightforwardly. This boy was still the daimyo's son, pushing the issue too much could cause problems. That wasn't even the greatest problem, he was as headstrong as Yoriichi and it was clear his power was on a similar level…Plus the impossible Yoriichi is his best friend. Bargaining was never really an option. "Just tell us what you need." He says with a friendly smile.

"You got it, third hokage." Kojiro smiles back shaking the old man's hand.

"So, about these Zodiacs?" Koharu asks. "If they've spent a few years in seclusion to train, surely they are a powerful force. Will we be able to meet with them as well?"

"Why? So you can try to brai-"

Kojiro cuts Yo off. "Of course you will. I will have a demonstration in the leaf village in three days so that the people can know that we are here for them. It would be great if the leaf's council would come and show their support."

"Splendid, we look forward to it. And to your report as well Yoriichi." The third says before turning to walk away. "Oh one more thing…" He says stopping. "I know you have secluded this area as your private training grounds, but don't think we will be able to leave it alone when you casually set off calamities that can level the village here." Hiruzen warns before taking his leave. Everyone sits in silence for a moment to be sure the council had gone away.

"Soooo you're a hokage kiss ass now too huh?" Yo side eyes Kojiro. "What happened to our plan to just show up with the Zodiac all badass looking!?!"

"Why waste a chance to get the village's council in our corner? If possible be in good standing with all people Yo," Kojiro says as if teaching his friend a lesson on socializing.

"What are you? Jesus?" Yo says with a stale face.


"Nevermind, long story" Yo says. "Well we better get a move on if we're calling them all to meet here in just three days. Have you even sent out a roll call?"

"I sent out messenger butterflies earlier. They'll be here. In the meantime, you should clean up this mess here." Kojiro says gesturing at the training area in ruin and the scattered bodies.

"Oh right," swept up in the unveiling of the Zodiac, Yo almost forgot about the battle he just fought. He sends clones to gather up the incapacitated children and take them all home, though he himself carried Benimaru. With a deep breath and an earth style jutsu Yo easily remolds the area's landscape, and then he refilled the lake just as simply. "Ok let's go-" He starts off before his stomach growls. "Let's go eat!"

"Yo don't you forget to give your report mission report," Kushina reminds him.

"Don't worry I won't, besides it's already five years late. A few more hours won't hurt," he says nonchalantly. "It's been so long since I've eaten, I'm starving!"

"I could eat," Sasuke seconds.

I'm hungry too. What are we having for dinner mom?" Naruto asks Kushina.

"I'll be the one to say it, teacher isn't allowed to help with the cooking. You are not making my first meal in five years…" Yo interjects with a raised hand.

"You little brat!" She says as he ducks under a nasty right hook, and runs away. Everyone else can't help but laugh.


"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" Arriving back to the Uchiha compound Yoriichi is genuinely offended to see they are now situated on the outskirts of the village. This can only mean that despite his efforts that night the Uchiha still received some of the blame for the nine-tails attack. Thinking about it made his eye start to twitch.

"Language Yo," Mikoto says to him, though they both knew he didn't really care. It wasn't hard to see that he was seething angrily already.

"Uncle, correct me if I've been misinformed. But while I was asleep you did get commended for your efforts in fighting the hollows? They officially dubbed you wicked eye Fugaku right?"

"Yes, that is true." Fugaku answers with Itachi on his back.

"And not only that, several members of the Uchiha, including Itachi, also received honorable mentions right?"

"That is also true." He says already aware what his nephew is getting at.

"On top of that, I should hope I was also commended for starting the counter attack against the hollows before fighting alongside lord fourth, RIP to a goat-" He beats his chest and chunks up the deuce "to stop the manipulated raging Kurama and obito. Then without a moment's rest, fight that bastard Masamune, only to fight a horde of hollows after they fled and then give the last of my strength to save teacher's life after having Kurama ripped from her…that all happened right? There wasn't some other crazy reason I'm forgetting about that put me in a five year coma? I'm pretty sure all that was to the village's benefit, was it not?"

"It was…" Fugaku answers again.

"Oh ok, so I'm not crazy. Now can someone please explain to me why on earth we were pushed to the outskirts of the village!?! Like some sort of freaks! Do I look like a freak to you? I'd say I'm pretty hot! This is unacceptable."

The others all know they have nothing they can say that will actually appease Yo. Even with all of their efforts the fact that the nine-tails appeared in the heart of the village being controlled by a sharingan, was reason enough for the village's leaders to feel threatened to the point of relocating the entire clan. And they had the nerve to show their faces like nothing happened… Either the will of Tobirama is too strong or they just don't respect him. Either way someone needs to be educated on how the fact that the sun is not to be taken lightly. You will burn.

"Yo…" Kushina stops him as she sees his face getting dark like it was that night. "Don't go there."

"I know, I know…" He says realizing he was about to start a villain saga right there. He just walks into the compound without a clue where to go, just muttering angrily to himself. "… Which way do you guys live, because I'm going home tonight!?!?"

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