Chapter 35: sorry again
Wrapping up the end of this arc, (The Yoriichi awakening arc) and starting the journey of Benimaru arc was rougher then originally expected, especially if we wanted to keep the same quality of work, So apologies for the hold on the next chapter we're doing some edits and rewrites to tie somethings together lol. A lot of this was written a few months ago and now we so room for improvements so please be patient we are on our come back and it's going to be THE BEST YET from us be excited for the upcoming arcs, We will be checking in on Yo's teammates, unveiling Yo and the shinsengume's relationship with the most showing Beni meeting the rest of his generation, and of course Beni on politics! So look forward as we re organize/ re write / edit some of these chapters
Don't worry this break won't even last a week can probably either the next chapter or a side story out this week, then normal releases again apologies this is just my favorite project I'm working on and I want the best possible story for you guys and gals to read