Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Chapter 4: Invasion

 Later that night Yoriichi sits with his Uncle's family at the table eating dinner.

 "What did you go talk to Lord Fourth about?" Fugaku asks with his signature unexpressive demeanor.

 "Making sure he proteced my master," Yoriichi answers without even looking up.

 "Is it your place to teach the Hokage how to do his job?" Fugaku questions as a brow rises up.

 "Nope, but as her disciple It's my place to make sure he doesn't forget his first job as a husband. Hokage or not." Yoriichi says looking up at him with a smirk. This was definitely a jab at Fugaku who only acted as a clan head and nothing else.

 "Hmph, and what if your actions place the Uchiha clan in in a bad situation?!" Fugaku says, raising his voice. He heard Yo loud and clear, but the boy must understand that as a leader his responsibility is not just to his household.

 "I am not the clan's patriarch, nor his son. It's not my job to think for Uchiha, isn't that why they all listen to you?!" Yoriichi says now raising his voice too.

 "Are you saying that you don't care about what happens to the clan?!?" He questions standing up as his voice continues to get louder. Mikoto and Itachi look at Yo, worried that he might say something too far. Benimaru is curious about how this will play out.

 "Yo-" Mikoto starts to intervene before Fugaku puts a hand up to stop her.

 "Let the boy answer for himself," He says never breaking eye contact with his nephew. "Speak Yoriichi."

 "All I'm saying Uncle is that it's not my job to think for Uchiha, not that I don't care. If you want me to think for the whole clan, make me the patriarch!" Yoriichi yells not backing down on his prior statement.

 "You're too weak to shoulder the entire clan." Fugaku says with a sneer and smirk of his own, sitting back in his seat.

 "Yeah… for now." Yoriichi says sitting down himself.

 As a feeling of calm finally started to settle back over the room several heavy impacts rock the entire area. BOOOOM! BOOOOM! BOOOOM! "Ahhhhh helppp!!!!" Continuous explosions are accompanied by screaming and panic outside.

 The dining family rush outside to see an incredibly tall monster with a body like a long black cloak and an ugly white mask as its face wandering about in the compound. A quick look around shows more aimlessly stomping about all over the village. The village itself is in a state of ruin already, buildings being toppled everywhere, disassembled bodies all over, blood dripping from crevices, flames rage all about. A scene that Yo would describe as only belonging in Dante's inferno.

 "What's happening?" Asked Mikoto

 "We're under attack! Mikoto go get Sasuke and Benimaru, Itachi you'll go with them to the shelter. Be sure to protect and guide any civilians you come across."

 "Yes, Father." Itachi they waste no time taking the infants in the opposite direction,

"Yoriichi go rally the clansmen who can fight. I'll hold this thing here!" His three tomoe sharingan stares the beast down. "Go Yo-"

 "I haven't seen a hollow a day in my life! Why now and why so many?!" Yoriichi calms himself down with a deep breath. "Alright let's get to work."

"Hollow?" Fugaku turned in time to see Yoriichi take off with extreme speed straight towards the odd creature's face.

Seeing him coming straight at it, the creature opened it's mouth and red energy gathered. "Cero huh," Yo sped up to the point the he just appeared above it's head, sword drawn. With a twisting motion the night sky was illuminated by the blazing ring of fire that separated the hollow's face from it's body, "Clear blue sky!" Yoriichi landed on a rooftop gracefully posing as the mass of spirit energy the hollow gathered exploded and the creature faded away.

Baby Benimaru, the other civilians, and the group of genin tasked with guarding them could see the brilliant technique all the way across the compound, just before the doors closed. 'Yoriichi…he's is truly the genuine article. Being his younger brother may not be so bad.' He thinks.

 "Did you see that? He defeated the monster with one stroke of his sword!"

 "Was that Yoriichi? He's incredible!"

 "This means those things can be defeated!"

 Down below the Uchiha were in awe of the impressive display of power Yo just put on. Not only did the clan gain new level of respect for the young genius, they're all fired up to join in the offensive seeing the hollows could be defeated. The Uchiha were all ready to show the might of the leaf's strongest clan.

 "Yoriichi! What was that thing…you called it a hollow?" Fugaku joins him on the rooftop.

 "Yes." he answers deathly serious. "Corrupted spirits that become soul devouring monsters. They all have a hole through their body and some kind of white mask. These are fairly strong ones at that, gillian. We have to deal with them as quickly as possible, destroying their masks are the most efficient way to kill them and watch for the cero blasts!" He was already dashing off to the next one before his sentence was finished. They saw an arc of fire appears and decapitate another hollow in the distance.

 Fugaku uses that information to start giving orders. "Form up into squads of four and surround them. These things may be large and high destructive power but they are sluggish and don't appear very intelligent. We'll get them off guard and aim for their heads with all our power! Let's show them the strength of the Uchiha!"

"SIR!" With that they disperse.


Yami who was out for a stroll minding his own business (beating a group of teens dumb enough to think a few years was an advantage against him) when he saw the monsters show up. They spilled out of a random hole that opened up in the air like a black soup of masks. As the sludge spread the monstrous creatures stood and began to terrorize all of their surroundings. Carnage ensued in seconds as they snatched people up and devoured them left and right, and devastating blasts of red energy that leveled buildings. It was an attack like he'd never seen before. "What the hell are those things? Well whatever they are they can't be good…You idiots come with me! We're going to kill that thing."

 'He wants to go into that?'

'Is he insane?'

'We're going to die…' None of Yami's new henchmen were keen on the idea of going but with a sharp glare they all got moving full speed.

"Go get civilians to safety, I'll handle that thing!" Yami orders them while continuing at the first gillian in sight without breaking stride. He leaps high overhead with his sword held even higher. The gillian sees him swinging down and retaliates with a cero, erasing Yami on the spot.


"He died…just like that."

"If he got killed by the thing so easily, what hope do we have?" His new lackeys lament Yami's deminse, and prepare for the end.

"Hey you cowardly shits! Aren't you ninja of the hidden leaf? Don't go writing me off, I just bought time for this!" Having let a clone take the lead the real Yami was behind the hollow with his sword raised high. "Dark breathing x darkness release: Nightfall." With a downward slash a massive line of darkness fell like a great blade, splitting the monster clean in two. "Heh, that was pretty easy, well a genius like me should be capable of this much." Yami says picking his nose. "Alright boys lets keep it up!" He yell going to assist a group of ninja fighting another.


 Elsewhere in the village, in the large strudy basement of the Beifong family estate used to store their company's wares, many civilians who were injured or stranded had been brought there for shelter. They use their wares to provide medical attention and rations to their guests. The ninja in the area focused on the search and rescue effort. After Toph and a team of ninja she was working with brings the last of the civilians they could find Toph slips passed them "Babysit for me will ya! Thanks!" She says closing the door behind her.

"What? Hey wai-" before anyone can come out she stomps the ground and a slab of earth rises up and blocks the door. ?

 "Now where to start?" With a step she can feel all of the vibrations in the earth allowing her and 'see' everything going on around her with astonishing accuracy. Coupled with her well trained chakra sense and hearing, Toph can instantly detect every hollow in the area as well as the people struggling to fight them. Sizing the nearest one up she realizes that the hollow is huge and it has dense rieshi, but that's it. It isn't anything special beyond that, with a smug laugh she begins to weave signs. "Since there aren't any civilian's around I don't have to hold back! Stone breathing x earth release: Stone spider lance" after a deep breath she did hand signs and slammed her hands into the ground and begins to mold the earth before her into eight massive spear-like spires. They rise at extreme speed skewering the hollow with little resitance. With the creature almost dead and immobilized Toph figured her part was done. "Finish it off." Toph says rudely to the higher ranked shinobi around her and begins to head to another Hollow before she feels the energy being charged.

 'Damn I got arrogant!' Toph thought as the beam of the Cero closes in. At the last possible moment, Toph slid her foot forward, spreading her chakra through the earth and the ground rose up at an angle causing the trajectory of the blast to be pushed upword, exploding midair. Spectators were astonished she could move the earth so with no hand sighns. Toph approached the dying beast while unfurling a storage seal. Poof! Her sword made by Yoriichi appears. "I should have listened and used my sword earlier, but you failed to capitalize so you lose!" Toph exclaims before flashing past the beast, beheading it with one powerful slash. "I bet they're going to be so shocked I killed one by myself…but I should get a few more just in case." Toph dashes off realizing that if she could fight the creature alone, Yo and Yami probably could too.

 Starting with those three, a solid counterattack began to take shape for the hidden leaf.

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