Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Chapter 9: Ch. 9 Cleaning-up

As the hollows close in on Yoriichi he doesn't move, he is paralyzed with a look of abject horror on his face. Minato worries for him and gets closer only to hear him murmuring. "…I-I lost, that creature outwitted me? How!? My calculations were perfect, I even accounted for Obito having help this time, so HOW! HOW DID I FAIL?!??"

Yoriichi roars in frustration to the heavens, completely disassociated with his current predicament. While this is happening a mass amount of spiritual energy and chakra starts moving towards his eyes, causing a unique change belonging only to the Uchiha. The Sharingan activated! It was Yoriichi's first time opening it, but three tomoe spin into existence. His eyes glow a brilliant red in all their Uchiha glory. Minato notices this, but there is no time for congratulations as the beasts are now within mere feet of Yo. They are grotesque creatures with diverse visages and immense spiritual pressure emanating from them as they reach for the boy like ravening wolves.

"YO! WAKE UP NOW! KUSHINA STILL NEEDS YOU!" Minato yells to the kid as the hollows were almost upon him. Yo, hearing of his teacher snaps him from his egotistical stupor. He rises to his feet eerily calm, lowering his sword where the point is facing downward and away from him.

"Water Breathing eleventh form: Dead calm," a wave of water forms a domain of water blades all around him, every hollow that is within a twenty feet radius of him is diced to slivers. He doesn't stop there as he lifts the sword into a high arc with the blade pointed upward towards the sky, before rushing at one of the giant hollows as his blade bursts into flames.

"Flame breathing fifth form: flame tiger!" With several swings of Yo's sword a tiger of flame devours the monster as he flies passed. The Sharingan in his eyes scans around locating at least a couple dozen lurking around him, many more scattered in all directions. Yo readies his next move but he is really starting to feel that pain in his arm again. He can't seem to catch his breath, but since when has any of that nonsense ever been a reason to stop fighting?

"Thunder breathing first form X water breathing third form: Constant flashing." Yoriichi launches forward like a bolt of lighting, the sound of thunder can be heard roaring around him. He darted around like lightning, drifting into fluid changes of direction for the next cut. Each swing water charged with an electrical current flowed after. He cut through many hollows ending them with swift sword strikes at unreadable angles.

He gave his all and it became evident Yo was exhausted. He had used all his chakra on the flying thunder god considering he didn't have a high space affinity, so it tired him more than it should. Not to mention his little elemental display, especially the sun style against Masamune. Then he used all his spirit energy overcharging all of his spirit based techniques. Now his body was starting to catch up with his depleted energy. He was on his last leg, but his will to fight has not died down one bit.

"YOU THERE! BOY! TAKE SOME OF MY CHAKRA! THESE ABOMINATIONS CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO LIVE." This voice shocked Yo as he knows it came from, the one and only nine tailed fox. Kurama. Minato was even more shocked by the nine tails giving chakra willingly? How unheard of!

"Are you sure? We were just fighting to the death you know?" Yo warns the nine-tails while still struggling to catch his breath. "And I'll still have to help seal you when this is over."

"SHUT UP AND TAKE IT BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND. THE SAGE HATED THESE CREATURES, HOW THEY BROKE THE BARRIER HE MADE EVEN I DON'T KNOW!" Kurama bellows angrily. He knows he would probably be sealed again, but that fight was for after this one! These things were his father's enemies he met roaming dimensions during his travels. He hated them just like he hated the Otsutsuki! They had no purpose other than destruction.

"Thanks Kurama." Yo says the beast's name, which shocks him to say the least as Yo extends his fist for a bump. Kurama didn't expect anyone in this era to even know his name, this made Kurama believe that this kid may possible be 'that person's' reincarnation. That Chakra is just too familiar. If not he was still someone very special. So he extends his own fist to meet Yo's tiny fist. Yoriichi's arm starts to heal rapidly, his spirit energy recharges like a battery, and his chakra soars to levels he's never felt. With this it was second nature getting his breathing back under control.

"Before we start…if you hate hollows, why didn't you help fight Masamune?" Yo asks.


"Not a bad plan, but I doubt it would of worked." A newly recharged Yoriichi says with his nose up.

"YOU WERE JUST AT DEATH'S DOOR BRAT." Kurama says unaware of how this night would have ended without Yoriichi and Masamune's intervention.

Yo ignores the fox's statement and gets ready for the oncoming battle. "Let's go Kurama, you take the big ones, they're really strong. Probably around the level of the stronger toads and snakes, and they attack your spirit so don't be cocky! I'll cover the rest!"

Kurama wonders how he knows of the sage animals as well, but he ignores it for now. "SHUT UP BRAT! MY FATHER TAUGHT ME HOW TO DEAL WITH THESE CREATURES LONG AGO! YOU FOCUS ON STAYING ALIVE WEAKLING HAHA!" Kurama smugly retorts with his nose up.

"Minato-Senpai, get Naruto ready for the re-sealing process! Kurama if you trust me any, trust that this brat is the child of prophecy your father spoke of!" Yoriichi says. His Sharingan now has taken on a weird form with slit eyes from the surplus of nine tails chakra.


"I'm just saying everything will work out if you trust me," Yo says readying his sword for the oncoming foes. The nine tails didn't respond, it merely snorted.

'He managed to fight together with the nine-tails?' "I'll go get Kushina and Naruto and come back as fast as possible! Yo! Be careful! The nine-tales may betray you, I will prepare Naruto for the sealing! I'll be back in a flash!" Minato says via hand signs before vanishing.

"I'LL HELP YOU DEAL WITH THE HOLLOWS, BUT IF YOU WANT TO SEAL ME AGAIN BE PREPARED TO DIE!" Kurama yells for all nearby to hear, it happens to know those hand signs since it can see through the seal in Kushina.

"I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there…" Yo says getting ready to jump back into battle. The two of them charge and meet the hollow rushing at them head on. Claw and sword swinging wildly they tear through their enemies. One aduchas fires a cero at Yoriichi and with his newfound strength, he cleaves right through the hollow and it's attack. With a flowing series of strikes he cleaves through two more. "How do you like that Kurama!? I bet I'm a better hollow slayer than the old man!" Yo brags to the fox.

Just as he turned around a small tailed beast bomb destroyed a group of them with one blast of chakra. "BETTER THAN THE OLD MAN? YOU'RE HARDLY COMPETITION FOR ME!" Kurama shields Yo from several cero with its tails before a flying kunai slipped through a gap, stabbing a hollow square in the mask.

"Flame dance!" Yo appears in front of the hollow slashing down and then again in a horizontal sweep with his blazing sword. Yo summersaults backwards off of the dying hollow in time for Kurama's claw to slash through a much bigger hollow coming at them. Landing on the fox's arm he used his new vantage point to unleash his next attack. "Sun breathing x fire style: solar fireball jutsu!" Giant white hot fireballs rained down on more hollows doing widespread damage, some dodged while others were incinerated on the spot.

From up above them, several more aduchas tried to sneak attack Kurama but Yo met them, slicing the first in two with a swift strike. Three others fought him in tandem, holding him back, so he couldn't assist Kurama. "Sun style: Solar flare!" A bright light emanates around Yoriichi blinging his foes just before their heads go flying.

Several large and strong hollows grab Kurama's tails and arm, holding it so that Kurama can't dodge several oncoming cero. "ROOOOOOAAAAAAR!" Amid the smoke of the blasts Kurama stands strong slamming one hollow to the ground and stomping it before slashing the one holding his tails to pieces with its sharp claws. Biting another, and throwing the hollow at it's allies, they're all destroyed by another blast of chakra that followed after. Yo settles on Kurama's shoulder as they face off against the group of remaining hollows aiming to destroy them. Their numbers had dropped but the last group is far from weak.

"There sure are a lot of them…" Yoriichi says wondering how Masamune expected him to get of this had Kurama not decided to help.

"ARE YOU SCARED BOY? I CAN FINISH THIS MYSELF." Kurama says in a boastful voice.

"Don't be stupid, you overgrown furball! I can definitely keep going!"

"HEH, ARROGANT SNOT." Kurama growls. "GET READY, THEY'RE COMING!" Seeing several of them preparing to launch cero blasts at them.

"Try to keep up!" Yoriichi says leaping back into the fray.

Insulted by the nerve of the boy, Kurama also abandons any semblance of a plan and dives into battle headfirst. "H-HEY! DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON ME!" The two of them compete ferociously to claim the lives of the most hollows.

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