Naruto: Winds and Changes

Chapter 219: Chapter 219

Naruto continued running down the streets of Konoha, keeping out of sight for the most part. The only time he ever revealed himself were when he had to either save one of the villagers, whom his clones and the other genin had not found, or kill an enemy shinobi. Quite often those two came hand in hand.

He continued to use the back alleys and side streets to get to the spot where some of his clones had started dispelling. As he turned a corner he heard a voice cry out, "Tsubaki No Mai (Dance of The Camelia)!"

Naruto swore as he was forced to dodge what looked very similar to a spinal cord. The odd looking weapon continued striking at the blond as he continued to weave through the attacks. He winced a bit as one of the strikes managed to graze his shoulder, however Kyuubi and his own healing factor took care of the wound in a matter of seconds. Thankfully he managed to jump back after the man stopped his attacks.

"Your ability to dodge my attacks is most impressive. I can see now why Orochimaru-sama wishes to have you."

Naruto blinked at the teenager who looked a few years older than him. He was pale white with white hair, and two red dots on his forehead. He was wearing a white kimono with an open chest and a purple rope tying it together.

"Yeah well you can tell Orochimaru that he's not my type," The blond responded as glibly as possible, not liking how wrong the pale teen's words sounded. "Personally I have no desire to get fucked in the rectal by some pedophiliac snake, or anyone else really."

Kimimaro seemed to ignore the crass comment as he prepared another assault, "I will be dragging you back with me to Orochimaru-sama, whether you wish it or not."

"It seems we're at a crossroads then, because there is no way in all nine levels of hell that I'm getting dragged to that sick fuck," Naruto shot back.

Damn! Naruto thought as he unsealed a Katana. Judging from the way this guy holds that…blade, he is definitely talented with it, maybe even a master swordsman. I doubt I could even beat Tenten right now with how tired I am, and I doubt Tenten could beat him.

He could use his staff of course. However he also knew that using his staff would not work as well against this one. The key to successfully using the bo staff while in single combat, was in the ability to keep an opponent out of range while you bombarded them with fast yet fluid attacks.

Despite having been caught off guard Naruto had seen the way the bone sword had dislocated themselves and given the white haired teen a longer reach. Meaning keeping his distance would with this guy would not matter as his sword could just extend to attack him

"You know it's normally tradition for two warriors to give their names before their epic clash," Naruto slid into a batoujutsu stance. "The name's Uzumaki Naruto, I suggest you remember it since I'm the one who's gonna kick your ass."

Kimimaro took up his own stance as he looked at the blond, "My name is Kaguya Kimimaro." With that he attacked.

Naruto cursed as Kimimaro appeared right next to him and sent several powerful swings and jabs at him. Thankfully while the teen was fast, Naruto was nearly just as fast and had lightning fast reflexes that allowed him to keep up. As Kimimaro came in with a slash, the blond shinobi drew his blade from its sheath faster than the eye could blink.

Naruto locked his blade with Kimimaro's and twisted it so that both blades were on the ground. Using the two grounded swords as leverage, Naruto snapped a kick at Kimimaro that smashed into the white haired teen's head.

Kimimaro stumbled back a bit, but not by much and regained his balance in time to dodge several thrusts and slashes from Naruto. It became very obvious that Kimimaro was faster, his attacks were more precise, while Naruto's style was more fluid, moving in from attack to block to parry, every move was designed to set the blond up for another, flowing much like water.

Kimimaro came in with several powerful and precise thrusts, but Naruto backpedaled and used his blade to divert the attacks from himself. When the man had finished his attacks, Naruto launched his own. He came in with a right diagonal swing, one which Kimimaro managed to block. However, Naruto pushed off against Kimimaro's blade and used the force of the swing to spin around in another slashing attack. When that was also blocked the blond pushed Kimimaro back, while the blond decided to disengage and jumped back.

Not wanting to let up with his assault just yet, Naruto charged forward, sliding under an incoming swing from Kimimaro's bone sword. At the same time he slashed at the white haired teen's legs, hoping to take them out. But it was not to be, as Kimimaro jumped over his attack and came down with a powerful blow. Naruto was able to roll out of the way and push himself up just in time to block the next sword stroke that came his way.

Jumping back to gain a bit of space, the blond shinobi began to channel wind chakra into his blade. He rushed back in and made a thrust, hoping to impale Kimimaro in the chest. However, those hopes were dashed when his opponent used his own blade to knock the thrust off course, sidestepping at the same time, before spinning around in and spinning his bone sword in a swing that would likely take his head off. Naruto only just managed to duck under the swing, grimacing when he felt some of his hair get cut off to let him know just how close he had come to losing his head.

He came back up and with an upward swing, one that Kimimaro dodged by jumping back. Naruto followed however, staying on the white haired teen's tail as he continued making several slashes and jabs at Kimimaro. In response Kimimaro slid into a stance and began to dance around the blade, letting his own sword take the brunt of the damage.

Seeing that he was going nowhere Naruto jumped back and frowned. He looked at the bone blade, then at his glowing green sword in consternation. He had been channeling his wind chakra through his blade, so that should have been able to shear through that bone sword like it was paper. He knew he had to find whatever the reason was for his wind chakra not affecting that sword like it should, otherwise he would be at a serious disadvantage. With that mindset, Naruto began attacking again.




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