Chapter 33: A Crowd Of Reptilian
Gathered in Kukei's room were about a dozen or two of her islanders. Being greeted by reptilian faces was far from what Wolf had expected, but as he glanced around a little more, he felt oddly comforted at the sight of their more human-looking children. Assimilation of the islanders with Aestonia had helped the reptilians prosper in many ways. Intellect was one of them, but more predominantly, their appearance had taken a dramatic change.
'I'm glad that's the case.' Having just been greeted by what was essentially a bipedal reptile, Wolf couldn't have been more glad that their species was mingling with the rest to give birth to more desirable human traits.
"I wanted to talk to Kukei," as he asked to see their dead chief's daughter, silence took over the room. Turning to look at the most feminine of women inside that room, they held her gaze while a gathering of young kids crowded her.
Sitting on top of a table, Kukei stared back at Wolf, her face bare of expressions. Shifting her attention between the prince and the two women behind him, she pondered whether to turn him away or listen to whatever it was that he had to say.
"Your speech there…" Breaking her eye contact with him, she turned to a handful of women standing in front of her. Gesturing them to take their children away, she leaned back on the desk with her legs crossed over each other. "I had no clue that you hated that rascal too."
Donning a smirk, she beckoned Wolf's party inside. Walking in on her command, Wolf looked around at the thrashed room with not just broken furniture but also a fire raging against one of the walls. Curious about where the smoke went, Wolf followed its trail and found a small hole in the wall which helped it escape in the adjacent room.
'Whoever's in the next room, they're fucked, huh?' Lowering his head back to Kukei, he now knew at least one more thing about her. 'These guys don't care about how others see them or what troubles they cause.'
Although the assessment was correct, he couldn't give it much mind as there were more important matters to discuss.
"Soo? What brings you here?" Asked the reptilian woman, a devious smirk still resting on her lips.
Not shy in the least about her attire, she turned towards Wolf with her legs carelessly spread open. A flash of her smooth blue scaled panties flashed in the eyes of Wolf's group, but ignoring it for obvious reasons, their leader decided to push the idea of an alliance forward.
"As you already know, I'm no fan of William's." The moment he mentioned that name, the men, women and even the children turned to look at Wolf with a deep wrinkle frown. It was obvious that nobody liked that man, and his name itself was a curse that even the children scorned by mere instincts unless it's been taught.
"And? Is that supposed to make us allies or something?" Catching on without the need to be explained everything, Kukei puffed her chest with pride. Staring still at the man in front, she couldn't help but smile at the smallest show of her intellect. "Do not get in my way, prince. While I won't harm you, don't assume that I won't do anything to you if you try to get in my way. That bastard should've never been born, that would've been a much better legacy for the king."
"Damn right!" Screamed one of the burly-looking lizardman.
Giving him a glance before ignoring him, Wolf faced Kukei again.
"Do what you want, I just came here to ask if you'd be interested in helping each other win the initial events?" A bit confused, Kukei squinted at Wolf's offer. "Even if you want to kill him, I don't suppose a battle would be one of the initial events. If anything, it makes sense that it would be one of the very last."
Considering what she was hearing from the prince, Kukei's mind dipped deep in thought. Dare she assault the true prince before the official battles begin, Astoria wouldn't let it slide, not while the goddess is present. Mulling over that thought, she lifted her eyes back to Wolf.
"And how would this alliance benefit me exactly?" She asked.
"Do you know when Aestonia was founded?" To her inquiry, Wolf asked her another question in response.
Confused by the sudden question, Kukei awkwardly looked around before shrugging her shoulders.
"How would I know?" Hearing her answer, Wolf knew that he had a case to sell to her.
"And you believe the queen will allow someone who doesn't know Aestonian history to sit on the throne? The competition is to weed out incompetence, and had it been a show of power, it would've been over back at the coliseum already."
Clicking her tongue in frustration, the reptilian reluctantly agreed with a nod. Despite his reasoning not being the strongest, Kukei recognized that she had little to no clue about the mainland.
"Alright…I won't stand in your way as long as you do the same." Jumping off the desk, she began walking closer to Wolf. Her seashell waistbelt jingled as she did, and the straw skirt covering her groin danced with her hips. "Help me, and I'll help you, that will be our deal."
Holding her hand forward, she stared into Wolf's eyes with a devilish smirk. A childlike innocence was masked behind her facade of power, and yet Wolf knew better than to underestimate someone like her.
"When it comes to William's murder, I can't help you, but otherwise, we have a deal," waiting for her nod, Wolf pushed his hand forward. Chuckling to herself in response, Kukei grabbed his hand and shook it herself.
"That's fine by me," and with that, the deal was made, and it was time for Wolf and the others to check on the rest of the participants.
But as they turned around and walked over to the door, Kukei halted them with a whistle and added one more condition to their deal.
"If I become queen, you'll have to be one of my husbands," she said, and more than a bit surprised everyone that she was with, stared at her wide-eyed. Watching Wolf turn around to her demand, she flashed him a devious smile. "You had the balls to show those cowards in the audience a mirror. Would be a shame if I couldn't know what else those balls of yours could do for this kingdom."
A hand by her womb, she was hinting at bearing at least one of his children. And having seen her luscious body up close already, Wolf returned a smile and, with his hands, gestured for her to turn around for him. Giving her people a sideways glance, Kukie made them look away before doing as Wolf had said. Even going so far as lifting her skirt to show off her plump ass hugged tight by her scaly underwear that dug thick cheeks.
"Oh, come on…" Renee complained while Sola chuckled at the absurdity of the situation.
"Either win or help me win, and I'll show you more than just that~" Grabbing her own ass Kukei gave it a spank before turning around to look at Wolf.
Noticing a smile on him as well, she knew that their deal had been strengthened even further. But with time running low before the next event, Renee had to grab Wolf by the arm before the two flirted their way into making a baby then and there…