New And Improved Harry Potter

Chapter 167: Ministry Fallout

Harry's POV

After they made their way out of the Ministry, Harry and Sirius went back to the Shack. They made sure to get some pictures of the all the fun they had there. They just had to figure out how to get them developed, maybe that Creevey kid could do it. Sitting on one of the couches, they began to go over the fight the next day with Remus.

"Harry, do you think you're ready for you fight tomorrow?" the werewolf asked skeptically. He wasn't as confident as the teen seemed to be. From when he taught Harry, he knew the boy was mediocre at best. Sure, he was able to conjure a Patronus, and his skills in DADA were good, but he wouldn't be allowed a wand, and he had no memory of any of the spell he had been taught. Lupin only hoped that Harry was as proficient in magic as he appeared.

"No, but I should be by then," Harry answered, taking a sip of the hot cocoa Winky had left on the table.

"How are you going to do that?" Sirius asked, swiping the biscuit from Remus' hand.

"I'm going to meditate," the teen said, with a wicked grin. Which was true, when they were done with their talk he was going to go into his dreamscape and see if the Enterprises' log had any of his memories from his fights with the basilisk and that Voldy guy. They might let him know the muscle memory of his body, since he had no clue. Since he had been back, he had relied on his magic to fight his battles. He didn't want to do that with the goblin, he wanted to have some fun. A bit of sport to get his body moving.

"Meditate?" Sirius asked with a disbelieving voice. "How is meditation going to help you? That can't teach you to fight." He was getting worried that Harry's amnesia was making him more reckless that he had been previously. Remus had told him how headstrong the boy was last year in learning the Patronus, and how he had snuck into the village when there was supposed to be a mass murderer around. But the teen had been cautious then, now he just ran headfirst into confrontations that could be deadly. Sirius wasn't sure how to handle this. Little did the poor man know how wrong he was. Harry had always run into situations that could kill him.

"Yeah, I've been doing some reading on spells and it's given me ideas on what to do. There are loads of things that I would have never thought to use my magic for," Harry said without a care in the world.

"Harry," Remus said, sitting forward a bit and putting on his teacher face, "I think you need to take this a bit more serious. There are lots of ways that goblins can kill you without magic. And there are many ways you could be hurt without dying. That goblin, from what you tell me, wants your blood, and he will do everything he can to get it."

"Haven't you two been around lately, my magic will protect me from great harm. I can call the fight if he's too strong for me to take care of. Relax, guys, I got this."

"Let's practice dodging a bit, that might make me feel better," Sirius said, standing and pulling his chair to the edge of the room.

"Alright, worrywart, if it'll make you feel better, we can do that," Harry conceded with a sigh as he put down his empty cup, stood and waved his hand to move the rest of the furniture.

They spent a good two hours throwing wandless stunners at one another, to which the adults fell more than Harry. This did make them feel better. It was only after the gang showed up that they stopped. Then they spent a relaxing couple of hours laughing at the plight of the Ministry. They threw a few more ideas for the grand prank around and soon enough parted and went to bed. Where Harry spent a week with Worf, getting his arse kicked.

Amelia's POV

It was just before noon the next day and things had calmed down at the Ministry. More and more people figured out what set off the pranks and were now avoiding the areas that they could, though there still a few bawdy songs, and the gossip was rapid. Still, it had lessened some. It would take many, many years to dispel the one on the courtroom, and by then another would be placed by a 'concerned' citizen, and if they happened to be related to Harry, well that was a coincidence of course. Not that Amelia minded all the chaos, it was relaxing and sometimes downright funny to see the 'good' people of the Ministry run around trying to undo it all. At least now that she had put the fear of Merlin in them that she wasn't personally going to do anything about it.

The Head of the DMLE had quite few memos on her desk, which started showing up yesterday, on changing a few laws and adding more tolerant ones. Alastor had told her that there was an honesty spell on that level and she was glad to see that it effected a great many of the highbrows. Now, they were doing what they were paid for instead of just hanging around doing nothing and getting paid for it. She had heard that quite a few had spoken of retiring and letting younger people take their place. She'd have to see what happened from there.


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